I was talking to someone outside the other day and I'm curious to understand what each title pertains to. This person happens to have a pinched nerve and arthritis and I'm wondering if either title would be feasible for them. I know the new pain title isnt available yet so I'm just wondering.
The general pain reliever places no restrictions on what sort of pain it will affect.
One of my testers, for instance, has both fibromyalgia and advanced rheumatoid arthritis. She found CUPR to work very well for those pains, and was actually able to discontinue medications. Then she fell down the stairs, and was surprised when it did not help with the pain in her leg that resulted; but that pain was showing her that she was in need of healing or some attention. It was not useless.
General Pain Reliever will work on any pain, as long as the program is not resisted.
Chronic useless pain is pain that doesn't go away and cannot be helped; it's function (alerting to the need for attention) is no longer being served and it simply degrades the quality of life for the person who has it.