There are a variety of reasons why I do not offer music. They include all of the following.
- Not everyone likes the same kind of music. Therefore, I would have to have music of 10 or more different styles available for people to choose from. For each program.
- If I did that, I would have to have five or more different examples of each of those ten or more varieties of music, or we would be right back to one of the biggest reasons subliminals failed for a lot of people when I was just getting started (including me): you get tired of listening to the same song, over and over, and over, and...
- Imagine how much more time it would take me to build 10 to 50+ variants of each program to accommodate all those song types and varieties.
- Imagine how much more disk space it would require on the server.
- Imagine how much more bandwidth it would require to download.
- Imagine how much more money it would cost me to license those 10 to 50+ songs.
- Imagine how much more time it would take to find 10 to 50+ songs that were of sufficient quality and length.
- Imagine paying that much more for all of that, just to offer such a cumbersome solution. Server disk space is not free; backup space is not free; bandwidth is not free; managing all those files is not free; time is not free; music licenses are not free. Who's going to pay for it? Are you?
Comparatively, I use the three options I do because:
- Licensing fees are low. It cost me $15 to license the two cover tracks now in use.
- It is a manageable number of options to build and offer.
- It gives an option that is acceptable for everyone.
- It won't cause you to die of boredom with the same music over and over and over again before you get anywhere.
- It doesn't require 10 to 50 times as much time, or money, or disk space, or management time, or server space...
- It works.
- It keeps prices significantly lower.
- It is actually sane to build six/seven stage sets using three tracks per. Even that few is pushing it.