Thats perfectly fine. Sennheiser is a high quality headphone so no issues there.
Nearly any decent set of headphones is more than adequate for the masked subliminals. The only time the quality of an audio device becomes a concern is with the silent/ultrasonic tracks, and those should not be played over headphones.
So, the masked subliminal doesn't need 20 - 20.000 hz ranged headphone to be able to our subconscious mind ?
(04-18-2013, 09:54 PM)xKaku Wrote: [ -> ]So, the masked subliminal doesn't need 20 - 20.000 hz ranged headphone to be able to our subconscious mind ?
That is correct. You do not need any special speakers/headphones for the masked tracks with the ocean or stream sound.
Don't try to use them with ultrasonics though. I use a pair of these:
In spite of what this page says, they're rated for from below human hearing (10 Hz, IIRC) to above human hearing (30 kHz). That's what I suggest, unless DJ style is not for you. I wear glasses, so it' gets painful sometimes, but it lets me hear everything just as it should be.