I was wondering about occasionally reading or voicing out-loud the list of statements in any given program.
It seems that a conscious reading every once in a while might "lubricate" or facilitate the process and make the subconscious mind more readily accept the suggestions.
I know that I feel a certain comfort in reading the suggestions, and I started thinking that this might be valuable in terms of aiding the subconciousness' acceptance of them. What do you think about this, Shannon?
Welcome aboard. This has been covered in many other threads.
Mods, can we make a sticky somewhere regarding affirmations?
Hi Sean,
What was the general consensus in the other threads? I don't see my specific question anywhere (in terms of reading the affirmations to oneself in order to be consciously aware of them).
The affirmations are very weak, in comparison to the subliminals, and in order for them to be of any use, they would need to be very specific in how they support the subliminals. The ROI is minimal, except where you have a conscious need to feel you are 'doing something' other than just listening.
Thanks Sean.
I'm not really talking about using them as affirmations, per se. I'm actually talking about simply being consciously familiar with them by simply reading them once in a while. I'm thinking that perhaps this would facilitate or "lubricate" the process. In physical terms I think of it as priming a water pump with a little bit of water in order to get the higher volume of water flowing.
Another similar picture in my (admittedly weird) mind is using WD40 on a rusted bolt. You spray it on and it seeps into microscopic openings. You spray on some more, and more starts to seep in. Finally, the WD40 has flowed all the way in and will even serve as a "wick" that will pull in heavier oil.
So I'm thinking of reading the affirmations every few days NOT as affirmations in the traditional sense, but rather occasional conscious exposure that might help the subconscious to more readily accept and internalize the subliminal messages. That would be the WD40 that would serve to "wick in" the messages, according to my theory.
It certainly can't hurt, Brain. By involving the conscious mind, you will do one of two things if you are accepting the suggestions consciously, and neither is harmful. So if it makes you feel more comfortable or you find it useful, by all means.