My daughter and myself are interested in purchasing the AF to use (2 copies). I mistakenly assumed that it was available to purchase in 2 parts like the Alpha Male sub is but discovered my mistake when it came time to order.
I am wondering if it would be possible to purchase the AF sub in 2 parts as well in order to spread the money out a little and still begin the sub ASAP. Incidentally, my husband will also be starting the AM LOL, so things should be interesting around here for awhile to say the least. We've all discussed it at length though, and really we are all so ready for change... in a way it seems like no accident that I found Indigo and these tools.
I did send a support ticket with this same question and it was suggested that I also post my inquiry here on the forums.
Hi, Kelly,
Andrew informed me of this last night. I'll try to put that up for you shortly.
(03-21-2013, 12:06 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Hi, Kelly,
Andrew informed me of this last night. I'll try to put that up for you shortly.
Appreciate it!
Uploading now. Should be available sometime tomorrow. Er... later today.
(03-21-2013, 08:26 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Uploading now. Should be available sometime tomorrow. Er... later today.
Found it, purchased the AF and AM programs, and after a small delay my daughter and I have each gotten our copy and started last night. The AM file download remains elusive though. Tried for another attempt to download tonight and got an error about number of times downloaded. Each time the download completes but the files are not all there and what is there will not unzip.
Sent an email out to support, waiting to hear on that when they get to it.
Thanks again for splitting AF up, Shannon, it really helped
Let me know if you haven't heard back from us in the next day or so.
Hello, I'm back! My daughter and are ready to move onto the last 3 stages of AF and coincidentally saw the anniversary sale announcement. Congratulations on your continued success! We are both quite happy with our results from the program so far and are anxious to move on to stage 4 but I cannot find stages 4-6 AF in the store
I used the categories and also searched "Alpha Female" "AF" and "female" with no success. At this time, since the sale is scheduled to end tomorrow and we would like to take advantage of great prices I will purchase the full set of AF (1x) and use just use the last 3 stages. If that's not acceptable then please pm me and we can chat.
Also, I attempted to sign up for your affiliate program and was unable to create an account due to an error on a couple occasions. Is your affiliate program closed? I'll contact support eventually about it if not but I wondered.
Thanks again for the great work!
Hi, Kelly,
I am not sure what happened to the split stages, I'll have to ask Andrew if he knows anything. But it's fine to use the whole set and then continue where you left off. It's all the same files.
Congratulations to you as well, on your success with the program. We would love to hear more about your experiences here. It would be wonderful if we could get more women using it.
The affiliate program is not closed, but again, that's Andrew's area of the business, so I'll have to suggest you contact support and ask. He's been fixing a lot of things after having switched us to a new store back end recently that works much better, but such a transition is not without it's challenges.
Please do regale us with what AF has done for you so far!
Is there any good books to recommend for AF users like there is for AM?
I'm afraid I don't know of any books I would recommend for AF users. The goals of AF are very different, and it would not make sense to read AM's recommended books. The AF program is more about focusing on self improvement and strengthening oneself than becoming dominant. I really don't know that you would need to read books about it, given that there is not the massive confusion concerning alpha females that there is concerning what makes an alpha male.