I have been using Absolute Self Confidence for approx 6-8 weeks.
I have seen good results and would like to stay with it for a little longer. However I suffer with ME and I feel that the 5G version is maybe a little too intense for my brain at the moment. So I am laying this to rest for a while but will definitely use ASC again although I will ease myself into it next time rather than going full throttle into it.
I had intended to spend some time with Stress Relief but have previously downloaded Anti Aging. Having had a good look through the script of the Anti Aging sub I feel it will help with stress and negativity, so have decided to opt for this instead, as I already have it waiting in line.
Some snippets about me.
I am 52 year old female. Currently not working. Average intelligence, looks, build.
Two women of 47 recently said they thought I was younger than them. I know I have worn quite reasonably for my age, but having ME, Fibromyalgia, and lots of other stress factored in I feel I could do with a bit of help.
So hence the Anti Aging sub. I wanted to run Success 3G with it but will run with just the one for a while as don't want to explode my brain again.
So I will post my usage...what I have listened on and how long for.
Also I will take into consideration that "subs help those who help themselves". So each day I will try to add in a new healthy habit. Either diet, exercise or skin care.
My 1st new habit is going to be using cold pressed avocado oil as a skin cleanser, as I understand this is great for mature skin.
I have had a long, hard, critical look at myself this morning, and will do this once a week to check for improvement.
I understand that initially the thought process has to be worked on so I don't expect miracles. Although miracles would be nice. I am very critical of myself so if I see an improvement it will be real and not imagined.
My main areas of concern are my neck and eye area.
So here goes. I notice no one else is running any comments on this sub so I hope this will be helpful.
I will also keep a personal, written journal so I will have plenty of info to refer back to.
OK day 1 done.
I listened to Anti Ageing masked version on my PC through inbuilt stereo speakers. I listened for 5hrs through the day. The only break was for a few minutes while I did some hoovering.
I did not expect immediate results but thinking about it there were some.
First thing I noticed was that I poured myself a large glass of water and sipped it throughout the day. That means I added in extra water to my diet without even thinking about it, this type of behaviour from me is normally only used during very hot weather....so that was a change.
I also noticed the urge to be busier during the day, finding more little jobs to do which normally I would put off. And while I was waiting for the kettle to boil a few times I started jogging on the spot. So this has to be good too, it means I was physically and mentally more active.
I know this is all minor stuff but I would say pretty impressive on my first day of use.
I used my avocado oil as a cleanser as I had planned. I can recommend this, makes your skin feel great. Think that's a keeper.
2nd good habit...I was given some simple back stretches to do by my therapist to keep my back, hips, shoulders and neck supple. So I am going to start incorporating these in regularly as from today. I will aim for twice a day but will be happy with a regular daily stretch once a day.
Weird dreams last night. Very vivid and extremely detailed. In one scene a woman was telling me off because she had pointed out a good looking young man on a tv programme. I said " I'm old enough to be his mother " and she told me off for being old and dull. Definitely the subs kicking in there I'd say. Interesting that it was referring to my outlook on life rather than my appearance.
Another thing I noticed. When I got back from my daughters parent evening, instead of having a cup of tea and a handful of Maltesers I had a small glass of water and 10 green olives. Again I didn't have to think about this it was automatic.
I have 8 lbs that I want to shift so maybe the sub will help with this too.
Anyway I think that's all for now. A good 1st day I'd say.
Day 2 completed.
Listened for 6.5hrs through the same PC speakers.
Carried out my 2 new good habits, although only remembered one set of back stretches.
Again today I automatically drank water. I included 2 glasses in today, these are 8oz glasses. Also I replaced one of my normal cups of tea with peppermint herbal tea.
I cooked rice for everyone in the evening, but cooked myself a separate portion of brown rice. I was glad I did this, I really enjoyed it, and will make sure to do this in future when rice is on the menu.
I would also have a couple of glasses of wine in the evening, but only had one and was quite happy with that.
What I like is that these subtle changes are happening easily and automatically. I didn't think I ought to have brown rice because its healthier, I just automatically made that choice.
I had a conversation during the day which was on a subject that would have normally had me ranting and raging for hours or even days. I felt briefly cross and then just let it go. A result of ASC and the relaxing and releasing messages in this sub I think.
My dreams were again extremely vivid. I didn't think they directly related to the sub, but looking back maybe they did. There was a lot about food and having to make choices about what to eat. Also there was a lot about things changing...I would look at something and see one thing and then look again and it had changed. These 2 things seemed to dominate my dreams. INTERESTING !
Well for some strange reason my journal for day 2 did not completely post. So I will finish it off here
Day 2...Part 2
I will not post again until Monday. Not sure how much listening I will be able to do over the weekend, I might try the ultrasonic through my pillow speakers, but have just got through an ME relapse and don't know if my body will respond kindly at the moment to ultrasonic.
I will keep up with my GOOD HABITS.
I read yesterday that patchouli and frankincense oils were good for wrinkles, so will make an eye cream incorporating these and use it daily. Think that will be GOOD HABIT 3.
Another thing I noticed yesterday was I felt the need to be busy again...I also found myself doing leg exercises while I was talking on the phone.
All good stuff...subtle but sustainable I feel.
Will post again on Monday.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Day 3
Listened through PC speakers for 4hrs and ear buds for 3hrs.
Very similar day to the previous 2, drank more water, substituted herbal tea for normal tea. Enjoyed being busier than normal.
Had remarkably vivid dreams on Friday night, but mostly they were quite unpleasant.
One thing I have noticed since listening to these subs, which puzzles me...my dreams contain lots of dogs ! Very odd !
Anyway had a bit of a rough weekend health wise. Woke up Saturday morning with a cracking headache, so slept in for a while and played my sub through pillow speakers for about 90minutes. I found the ocean waves quite soothing, or maybe it was the subliminal message that was soothing.
Although I felt rough I think my food choices were definitely better than they would normally be when I feel so unwell. I was surprised by my own moderation.
Saturday night I put on a silent sub to play through my iPad but forgot to loop it so only got 30minutes, but better than nothing I suppose.
Sunday the headache had improved a bit, although I still felt rough. Surprisingly when looking in the mirror to put on make up I was surprised at how glowing my skin looked, and how wide awake I looked. Normally I look a bit tired and average. So I was surprised and pleased...this was definitely a result.
I listened through my iPad on silent through the night. Didn't risk the silent with pillow speakers as the headache was still lurking and didn't think having ultrasonic so close to my ears at this time was a good idea.
My dreams were very vivid again, and I was very restless. My husband was restless too so I wonder if the subs were getting through to him. I suppose they are bound to make you a bit restless some times as your brain is processing extra thoughts, so it's a natural reaction.
So yes, I'm pleased. So far it's all good.
Good health and less suffering -- those sound like worthwhile goals, right? Studies show that religion -- or spirituality -- has a positive effect on physical health and does, in fact, help reduce suffering. Whether it's through meditation, prayer or learning to forgive, research indicates that you can learn to become happier and even more social through spirituality.
Yoga Meditation has been shown to have a positive effect on people dealing with severe levels of stress, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. Medical researchers who have investigated the connection between mind, body spirit -- particularly in the later years of life -- have found that a focus on spirituality and its power to elicit positive change is important. Link removed
(03-26-2013, 04:03 AM)mike hussey Wrote: [ -> ]Good health and less suffering -- those sound like worthwhile goals, right? Studies show that religion -- or spirituality -- has a positive effect on physical health and does, in fact, help reduce suffering. Whether it's through meditation, prayer or learning to forgive, research indicates that you can learn to become happier and even more social through spirituality.
Yoga Meditation has been shown to have a positive effect on people dealing with severe levels of stress, depression and obsessive compulsive disorder. Medical researchers who have investigated the connection between mind, body spirit -- particularly in the later years of life -- have found that a focus on spirituality and its power to elicit positive change is important.
Hi Mike
You are quite right of course. I agree wholeheartedly with you, and having a strong faith myself know that I am far more positive than I would be without it.
However sometimes we do need to reach outside and ask others for help. Hence the use of the subs. But if you read the script for the Anti Ageing sub it promotes good habits and a positive outlook, as well as helping to manifest physical change.
Good health I do my best with but unfortunately neurological problems are hard to get on top of. Physically I am we'll, everything functions as it should, except those messages from the brain to the rest of the body go a little astray from time to time.
Hope you are finding whatever you are using is of benefit to you and thanks for the links.
Day 6
Used subs for 5hrs on PC and 2 with ear buds.
Very similar day to the others.
Have decided to do a glucose tolerance test as my blood sugar seems to keep dipping, and if anything can make you feel old it's that. I will see if this is a real, physical problem or if it is the ME just sending out weird messages.
Tomorrow I will summarise the benefits I have felt/ seen in myself so far. And recap on my progress with my new habits.
I have a little extra motivation now as there are several events coming up in the near future that I want to look my best for.
I will be meeting up with some friends in June who I haven't seen for a year, so favourable comments from them would be nice.
Then we have a wedding in August and a ball to attend in October. So I will be hoping for great things by then.
Week 1 completed.
Yesterday I listened for 5 hrs through ear buds. Then after about a 7hr break I also listened to the ultrasonic sub through my iPad just on normal mono speakers, through the night.
Interestingly again my husband had another restless night and was talking in his sleep. Seems to be this always happens when I use the iPad at night.
Ok so I have pretty much kept to all my new habits, and I will be adding in a few more over the coming week.
I weighed myself this morning and there was no change there, but I feel hopeful for the coming week.
I had an age spot just by my right eye which I would say definitely looks lighter. Maybe about a 10% change in that, which I found surprising.
Also my skin is definitely looking brighter and I am pleased with that result too.
I think the progress in just 1 week is encouraging. I feel I am heading in the right direction.
To the sceptics who say it is because I am making more effort, I say I feel inspired, encouraged and motivated to make that effort. And to be honest it hasn't even felt like an effort.
The coming week is going to be tricky as husband is at home for the long Easter holiday and so is daughter. So think my listening will be night time only from Friday through Monday.
I am going to have a few more days on Anti Ageing and then I think I will add in Ultra Success 3G.
Am looking forward to the results of week 2.
OK officially I have finished week 2 of this sub. Unofficially I haven't.
Some explanation needed I feel!
I listened on Friday night to Ultrasonic through pillow speakers. Then I have had 3 days with nothing at all.
Saturday night my husband threw a jealousy fit on me, and by the time he had finished I felt wrung out. I didn't listen to the subs that night. Sunday I was still smarting and angry. And Monday I didn't have a chance to recharge my MP3 player which I tuck into my pillows with the speakers.
So 3 days and no subs. Also because I felt so down I really couldn't be bothered about what I was eating, drinking or doing in the way of personal care.
I know this all sounds a bit negative and defeatist but in truth I did handle the whole situation much better than I have done in the past...yes it's happened before!
I felt much calmer and more in control of the situation while it was happening. And I do not feel like I am to blame like I have in the past. So a triumph for ASC there I think.
Anyway am back on the Anti Ageing sub. Had some encouraging news from my 15 year old daughter yesterday...she was with some friends over the weekend, ages from 15 to mid 20s and they said they thought I had a great backside, and that if my daughter grows up to look like me she'll be MIGHTY FINE.
So this has given me determination to keep going. I have decided to throw in Ultra Success 3G as well. So my plan at present is AA at night and US through the day for as long as possible. At the weekends when I can't listen through the day I thought I might alternate both through the night on loop.
I have noticed a slight improvement in some broken veins on my right cheek. I would say they are 25% less than they were when I started. Other than that everything is much as it was...but all things considered I feel it is all positive.
Congrats on the results. Glad it seems to we working so well for you :-) Hope you get more positive feedback from others. I am curious about anti age too, even if I am a bit younger. Never too early to start, exception is that 16 year old girl who do facial exercises every day. But I am in the proper age for considering anti age.
Am having some problems and feel really down. Don't even want to listen to the subs at night at the moment, which, lets face it requires minimal effort. Am also not really sticking to my new good habits either, although I am eating much more healthily, so not all bad.
This is weird. I was on a real high and very positive.
Wonder if this is just me and the negative situation I am in at present or if I am fighting and resisting something in that sub.
I will try to listen again tonight.
Sorry to hear you're feeling blue. Hope it gets better soon. Yeah, very little effort to put it on. You at least have made a desision to play a spesific album. I am unable to deside what I want to focus on, so many Things. Perhaps it's a little bit of both. I'm sure you'll be better real soon :-)
Good for you and pls dont give up your post is an inspiration and I share the same experience of this vivid dreams that were very positive, hence I think it might be due to the the sub and I am on the ultra success.My question to Shannon to which he is yet to respond is that when will this dreams manifest on the physical? and is this a normal experience with all the subs? I will be pleased to read from anyone with the same exp most expecially with the Ultra Success