Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Listening to Subliminals While under the Influence
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Hi there

This questions just came to my mind and I was wondering if it was ok for a person to listen to subs when they were intoxicated.


I know of no research that has been done to suggest an answer, so I must base my conclusion on what I know about inebriation.

Alcohol is a depressant and a disinhibitor. It makes one progressively less capable of thinking coherently and comprehending things. In the beginning, it acts to make the subconscious more accessible, and then it makes you less and less able to understand things.

I imagine therefore that light to moderate alcohol intake would not be particularly affecting the use of subliminals, and heavy alcohol intake would only allow seduction or arousal type subs which include a Type A component to remain functional.
Appreciate the response Shannon

