Just to make clear before I start: I am in no way concerned about the upgrade and subsequent increase in price, it'll be fantasic. I'm not arguing in any way :angel:, in fact I'm endorsing it. Just want to make a suggestion.
So Shannon mentioned the 5G Erectile Dysfunction sub in his journal. I just wanted to suggest, if it be in 5G, that it provides instant results. That would for sure make it absolutely worth the price jump.
The 3G one, I consider, is good enough as a preventative measure. If it ain't broken, why fix it? The sub works. If you're having problems, and you want to fix it the cheap way over a long period of time, 3G (or 4G) would be enough.
BUT - and its a very big 'but' - if you're using another sub or no sub at all, and suddenly one day you get OD - you don't want to have to wait 3 weeks until its fixed. You want it NOW. Am I right?
So my point is, Shannon, if you can make a 5G sub that produces instant results - i.e. hard evidence (pun intended) within 15 minutes, that would increase the quality of the sub at least $100 in value, and absolutely justify the price increase.
Heck, I imagine some customers would buy it on the spot. If you get out of bed and jump on the computer, you could purchase it, download it and play it straight away (15 min) and then jump back in bed and have another 15 min of listening to it during foreplay. Problem solved (in 30 min)! That would for sure be worth a 5G price. Think of the motivated customers, lol.
Actually, Shannon, if you could produce such a product, its like a bottomless jar of Cialis. I did a google search for the price of pills and according to one site, 10 pills go for $30; 90 pills go for about $150; 360 pills for $470. But your mp3 is like infinite pills. That makes it of considerable value and you should consider that in giving it a price.
I just thought of something: you could offer streaming mp3s for those subs with instant results. Maybe for $10 or so someone could listen to a subliminal once online, and once it finishes, its gone. One hour of TUW or ED5G would be good for one night. In the example given above in the first post, it'd be like buying a single pill.
However of course you'd probably get jerks with tape recorders pirating it. That'd be bogus, and defeat the whole point. You could say "If I paid for this legitimately, I now feel bla bla bla very sexy etc..." or whatever it is that you do to get past that - and then make it clear on the product blurb that thats how it is.
I like your ideas. I actually want to build it in 5G because in 5G I reasonably may be able to make the results that fast, if I use HST/SOS/OE/MaxSpeed. But there is a significant difference between a sub for overcoming erectile dysfuntion and one for instant erection that lasts as long as you play the program. The difference is, one is just inducing an erection; the other is dealing with the issue causing the problem. (Or perhaps getting you to deal with it on a subconscious level.)
They are not the same thing, and that means I can produce both.
I was thinking maybe I would produce OED in 4G and 5G for the reason of 5G only subliminal usage - but, think about this. If I can produce a subliminal version of a drug that causes immediate erections, I should be able to have it work much like TUW and CFK do: kick in within 10-15 minutes, maintain it's effect for as long as you use it, and then fade away quickly. IF I do manage to do that, then it would probably have no real impact on use with other things, even if it was 5G. Why? Because as far as I can tell, you can stop a sub, use one of the MaxSpeed subs, and when you finish, use the original sub again without significantly impacting the original sub. Of course if you try to use the MaxSpeed sub for days on end (such as the CFK sub, which for instance would require probably a day of use if you catch the cold or flu as it's forming, and then I recommend three more days of use after it's apparently gone to make sure), this will count as an interruption to the usage of the original sub and must be dealt with appropriately.
So let's say you're using Woman Magnet 2.0 in 5G, and you attract a woman for sex. You aren't sure you'll be getting it up as quickly, as well or as long as you want, so you stop WM 2.0 for a couple hours to play "Instant Erection" (or whatever name I end up giving it), get it up, keep it up until you're finished, and then stop that program and when she's gone, start WM 2.0 again.
MaxSpeed appears to be allowing things like this.
So... building OED in 4G may therefore not be necessary, because both it and our as-yet theoretical "Erectalis" sub would probably both have the same rate of success for any given man depending on his particular issues.
I'm off to see the Wizard and build these. This has me excited!
Shannon,can you make 5G with MaxSpeed for other uses except flu,
or OED or arousal?If it can be combined with other subs it might
be used to get into other states that can be very useful.
Maybe mental focus or energy for workouts or euphoria or something to fall asleep to.It could have multiple uses.
It has a lot of potential, as long as I can find a way to make it work with the script. At the moment, I am not sure I can add MaxSpeed to OED because of the grammatical conflict it seems to be invariably creating, which would cause it to affect the wrong part of the script.
But, for a digital instant erection trigger, a calmative, perhaps a sleep aid, and others, it may be very useful. I have to approach each case individually because of the exceptionally complex grammar involved in 5G scripting.
That leads me to an idea: A TUW-style sex superstar subliminal.
Features- Reliable erections
- Control of orgasm (no premature ejaculation)
- Unlinking orgasm from ejaculation
- Abbreviated refractory period
- Orgasm enhancement
- enhanced intuition for her pleasure
- disinhibition for consentual experimentation
And now that I think of it, an ERoS version that has all of this, but for both partners.
Oh and I was gonna say for your 'Digital Pill' Shannon, if someone has the permanent fix they're only going to need to use the quick fix a few times while they're waiting for it to finish, and then after that it becomes obsolete, because the permanent fix did its job. Likewise if someone has the quick fix they might still want the permanent fix, but not as desperately as before. So you may want to give a package deal, and/or a discount for one if someone has the other.
To illustrate, lets say the quick fix and the permanent fix are $100 each. Someone might buy the permanent fix, but they feel in the meantime they need results. They would probably prefer to buy a small jar of pills for $30 than spend $100 on a quick fix mp3 that they won't be needing for long. Hence the need for a package deal, and/or discount for one if someone has the other.
(03-01-2013, 09:48 AM)Roy Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon,can you make 5G with MaxSpeed for other uses except flu,
or OED or arousal?If it can be combined with other subs it might
be used to get into other states that can be very useful.
I heard there was a scary movie a few years ago that had ultrasonic sounds of pigs squealing as they're being butchered. During that scene people were throwing up they were freaking out so much. I wonder how scary it would be if it were only on mute.
That kind of mp3 would be good for guarding an empty house - just leave a few silly things around the house like bones etc to make people think its haunted, and have this pig squealing on ultrasonic - no burglaries! They'd poo their pants and leave quickly.
Or alternatively, you could make an mp3 to scare away rats and mice. I have a rat somewhere in my home at the moment, we can hear it eating our peanuts every night, we can't get it. If Shannon could make a Pied Piper ultrasonic sub that freaks the hell out of them and sends them packing (without affecting humans) that'd be cool.
(03-01-2013, 06:42 PM)brad1984mason Wrote: [ -> ]I heard there was a scary movie a few years ago that had ultrasonic sounds of pigs squealing as they're being butchered. During that scene people were throwing up they were freaking out so much. I wonder how scary it would be if it were only on mute.
Any idea what that movie was?
I did a google search with the keywords "subliminal movie squeal" and it said it was the Exorcist, which doesn't much surprise me. However when I saw that movie I didn't find it so scary in comparison to some modern ones. Maybe nowadays they use better subs, lol!
(03-01-2013, 01:09 PM)Sean Wrote: [ -> ]That leads me to an idea: A TUW-style sex superstar subliminal.
Features- Reliable erections
- Control of orgasm (no premature ejaculation)
- Unlinking orgasm from ejaculation
- Abbreviated refractory period
- Orgasm enhancement
- enhanced intuition for her pleasure
- disinhibition for consentual experimentation
And now that I think of it, an ERoS version that has all of this, but for both partners.
And while we're dreaming, I'll just invent time travel and teleportation, and for good measure, simultaneous infinite multi-locality.
The program you describe would have to be 5G with all the bells and whistles, but almost certainly would not be an instant result. At best, *IF* I could succeed in putting all that together in one, it would probably require at least a few hours of exposure to work, and most likely would have to be used as a standard program nightly. It probably wouldn't be effective as a TUW style sub.
Interesting idea, though. Do be sure to put it in the requests area.
About $150 and you can get one of those plug in gadgets that sends subliminal sounds out to force rats and mice to leave your home.
Shannon, if you do make a mp3 download that fixes men's erection problems up just in one session, 200 million guys around the world will hear about it and down load it - and you won't have to work ever again. You won't need repeat customers.
(06-17-2013, 03:37 AM)Joronda Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon, if you do make a mp3 download that fixes men's erection problems up just in one session, 200 million guys around the world will hear about it and download it
...If he can get enough publicity. Most people would never believe it unless it went on the news.
It would be in the news. And it would be word of mouth. The question is, how many of those guys would be using a legal copy? In the next 6 to 18 months, you're going to see me release some unbelievably awesome stuff. It's looking like I'll be able to start a new line of products that give nearly instant results. Andrew witnessed the pain relief sub this morning. 50% pain relief in 5 minutes, 75% in 7 minutes. Then we switched to something else, because his headache was so faint it didn't matter anymore. That was General Pain Relief Prototype 4, which is considered out of date technology at this point.
Imagine instant and sustained erectile response... I might be able to pull that off. Instant stress relief. Instant pain relief. Instant digital drugs. Instant seduction? Instant orgasm enhancer? Instant confidence? Instant... what else might I be able to do?
I don't know, but it's looking really exciting. I hope my current experiments pan out the way I think they will.