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Awesome, Ronatello, sounds like you're reframing the belief that it is not okay to be with more than one woman as well as installing the belief of being completely unapologetic about who you are.
Last night's dream was non-erotic but just wacky... it involved pulling something with a motorcycle... umm whatever, I don't own a bike. But I'm reporting on what I'm feeling on the video version of Aura of Sexiness:
For one, it may be a combination of the video version of Aura and also more of the Become Irresistibly Attractive.. sub mixing in but it's causing me to bring out more of a naughty and sexy side of me that hasn't come out like this before. I pretty much surmise this effect will become more pronounced over a period of time. I also get exposed to ASC for a couple of hours as well per night as well.
When one gets an urge to visit a nude beach you know something's working... lol!
That effect isn't very consistent at the moment... it wavers somewhat but it should become more solid as time goes by.
Looking at womens eyes is becoming quite fun nowadays (as it should be after all!). I had some limiting beliefs in the past sneak in and try to wreak havoc on eye game but nowadays, it's becoming more natural to eye up women and make them smile HUGE smiles.
At work today, I was flirting like crazy towards this one girl (she's married but she's always eyeing me up and smiling big at me and stuff). She had this cute giggle as she smiled at me.
It will get to the point where I will be getting women begging me for sex... or making outright innuendos at me (like one poster on Cory's forum gets...).
Visualize and it will materialize... !
ASC is probably also causing me more to speak my mind.
I was at Hoots the other day and one girl comes in (we're good friends), hugs me, and we talked a bit. I was telling her about a funny commercial about padded womens panties called Booty Pops and we were laughing about that. She said she didn't need them and then I said, "well, you have a nice booty". That kinda took her aback and she giggled and said thanks. lol
I always get excited when I watch the Aura video sub... I wonder why? Smile
I'm watching more of the aura video and I'm also noticing this: there is like a mental tug-of-war going on because I'm feeling extremely sexy but nervous at the same time because I feel sexy, if that makes any sense. So, I know it's pulling up repressed feelings, installing NEW beliefs, and also pulling up and uprooting limiting beliefs at the same time. I know what's going on so I'm trying to find out creative ways of releasing that pent-up energy.
The NEW beliefs feel rather alien right now but I know that will pass with time. I will continue on with the subs!
I'm also noticing a lot of women as of very lately (like in the past week) REALLY lighting up when I'm around them (the aura, Ronatello!! DUH! LOL). Yesterday at work, I was in the Oncology dept of the hospital and the woman that works in the pharmacy was extremely smiley around me. When women are very smiley around me, I get horny quick... I can't help it! Smile. She was telling me about her daughter's soccer practice and we were talking about the scorching hot weather we are having as of late. Our conversations have been short in the past until yesterday. She is a mature woman but I think she is pretty (she's also married)... I would classify her as a Cougar (mature, pretty woman).
Another thing that I'm wanting to share is my neediness is vanishing at a quick pace every day. I used to have a habit of going to Hoots every time I'm off but lately, I've been like "I don't care if I go there today or not"... which is good since my checkbook is runnin' low! Since I'm getting more and more HOT looks from women every where I go, the "want" of going to Hoots is vanishing as well.
I had a dentist appt. today and got to check out the dentist's nurse (yeah, I'm bad... DEAL WITH IT! lol). I had my necklace that my half sis made for me and the magnetic ends grabbed hold of her tools or something. She smiled and made a comment about that. I smiled a little but having a mouth full of Novocaine makes that kind of challenging. Smile
And on the way out, I spot a cutie on the way in. We briefly lock eyes and I said "hello" as I opened the door for her. She smiled and said thank you as she walked in. The saying "hello" was completely in the moment and it just slipped out. Smile
Last nights dream had me in my workplace... or something similar and my boss was asking me to do a lot of stuff... and I was doubting myself if I could finish it all in the alloted time. I don't remember much on that dream but I credit the dream to something that the subs are uprooting stuff deep out of my mind.
that is awesome dude you and the cougar, as well as the nurse Smile the vid is very powerful and seems to be working greatly on you Ronatello.
that's awesome man! I've had that feeling dude.. where you're nervous cuz you know your so sexy to them. The past few days though I've been feeling great because I've started to actually walk the walk. Man those new front desk girls love me... one had the hugest smile and gave me the girliest wave when I left work today lol! I love it! and i have to mention she's a 9.5/10 in my book; halayluya!
Thanks, guys! I'm sure the nervousness will subside over a period of time. The next time a girl giggles at me, I'm going to call her on it (tease her a little...). Smile
I'm sure once the subliminals really settle in, I will relax and then the floodgates will open wide! I'll just go on about my business and let the subliminals do the work. And of course, telling myself women want to be with me won't hurt matters either!
I'm enjoying reading your journal Ron! It's great seeing someone get results from the video subs. I might look into buying one myself soon.
Today was quite good! I got my usual share of looks and my land-lady happened to be in the hospital visiting someone so she walks by and pats me on the shoulder... wasn't expecting that! lol
The wavering continues but I'm cool with it. Someone mentioned spiral dynamics so if that's the case, I'll just go along for the ride.
I'm also catching myself popping quick witty remarks more and more. Just before leaving for home, we were in the breakroom filling out our papers and one young girl gets a text from her bf and she starts a sentence out loud like "bring me ..." (food probably.) So, I said "a bottle of Cabernet". She gives me a quizzical look and my other coworker laughs. Of course Cabernet is red wine for those who don't know (and she's underage so that makes it even more funny!). Smile
The video is still making my sexuality "spiky"... meaning its nervous energy due to the fact that the new beliefs are battling the old ones. With it being a new feeling, it feels awkward at times but at the same time, I like it (since I know what's going on, lol).
So, what I'm feeling is like a car with a rough idle. It still runs and fast but it's rough. As my mind fully accepts and welcomes the new beliefs, things will smooth out... I know they will.
I bumped into a worker that works in the CCU monitor tech area... she's a light skinned black that I'm VERY attracted to. She always lights up when she's around me and yes, I do have a thing for light skinned blacks (another one works @ Hooters that also is very flirty with me... askin' me about layin' pipes and stuff! lol). But I got the monitor tech's name and friended her on Facebook (she accepted within an hour). I also hugged her and once I did, big time energy shot through me and I went tingly all over!
I was thinking to myself OMG she is so cute!
My crazy dreams continue as always. The erotic ones stopped for now but they will return when I least expect them to.
Which leads me to this question: Is there anyway possible to initiate and to control a dream so I can dream the stuff I want to or is it just automatic to a certain extent?
And I definitely get an hour each day on the Aura video (for some reason, it's like an aphrodisiac to me, lol).
Try having a bunch of really erotic thoughts before you fall asleep haha
Subadmin... when the new 18+ subsection for journals gets finalized, move my journal there! Smile
Yeah and the dream I had last night was part bizarre and part erotic.
I had a dream last night that had a negative belief in it... and it's probably a sign that my subconscious is finally letting go of a lot of stuff. Anyway, part of my dream has this person saying bogus stuff like women don't like you and you're wasting your time and so on... I initially had a "blank moment" and then I grew very angry at this person. How dare one say something like that to me?! So I acted very pissy for a bit and then calmed back down. I remember acting very bitchy / angry toward someone I knew during my angry spell. Then the dream went to something else like I was crawling along a steep grassy embankment (like a 65 degree angle). Bizarre stuff. LOL
But as I woke up this morning, I knew what the dream meant (stuff getting released) and then I was okay with it. I got in an even better mood once I made myself breakfast and plopped down and watched the aura vid for one hour.
I haven't felt as "sexual" as I had last week so I figure I'm on the leeward side of the wave, so to speak. It's just as well as I was needing a break from the "spiky" feeling I had recently.
I went to fake-n-bake at the apartment clubhouse and once I left, after saying goodbye to the very cute assistant mgr, I spotted another cutie on the way in to the clubhouse. She glances over and she's smiling. I ask "how are you?" and she says very softly, "I'm fine, thanks.", with a smile. She's totally shy and submissive. Smile
I'm still on the "leeward" side of the wave... not feeling sexy like I did last week so I'm thinking the affirmations are getting internalized or negative beliefs are being uprooted and dealt with. I continue to expose myself to at least one hour of the Aura vid each day. At night I have been playing about 6 hours of Become Irresistibly Attractive... and about 2 hours of the ASC sub. However starting tonight, I have reversed that to be 6 hours of the ASC sub and 2 of the other. I'm guessing that my subconscious is expecting the sub suggestions in the same order so I'm throwing it a curve-ball and changing the playlist up some. Same subs, different rates of exposure. I start the playlist with 30 minutes of the theta signal which usually puts me out within 15-20 minutes of exposure then I'm fast asleep.
I'm also in the process of selling a BUNCH of stuff that I don't need or use anymore (time to unclutter my living space, not to mention my mind, lol) and when I do sell some, I'm starting the Alpha Male program. I was thinking I was keen on the Woman Magnet sub but I since changed my mind and will go for the Alpha Male sub once I get the funds.
As I have read others journals that have used the Alpha Male sub , I'll be in for quite a ride for the first 2 weeks or so. But hey, that deeply embedded garbage has to come out, one way or another!
Hey dude.. I know I've been preachin to the alpha male and doin it before women magnet but.... I totally changed my mind to my own wants obviously. I want the women. The Alpha will come. Just let it come. If you forgive and let go everything is perfect. I wish you much luck man and go on your own path.
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