Hi Shannon,
I´m glad that you are upgrading older subs or creating new ones in 5G and I understand that they´re more efficient than the olders G, but it´s possible to have the same sub for 4G and 5G (assuming that the script in both cases are the same...) for example for the Attraction Series Subs? I mention this because the price for the newer techology is more expensive and not everyone or at least in my case can pay for 5G subs. I´m just worried that at the end of the year were going to have only 5G.
Yeah you want to keep an affordable option for each item, its true
I think that is what Shannon always intended anyway. 4G is lots of ways is going to have to be compulsory as its the introductory price (being the lowest or most affordable in terms of price). Some programs really dont need the 5G upgrade.
I'll be bold in saying that everyone that comes on here and voices what they want in 5G has an "agenda" of sorts. Even for ones that get the 5G they want built will go and campaign for the next thing they want upgraded on the list. Its a vicious cycle on here but I get it in terms of people not wanting to have to physically pay for a custom subliminal to make a 4G into a 5G.
I know some would disagree but I feel like if you had to put down 90-100 dollars on a program you would be more likely to use the single stage program to fruition instead of changing program every 20-30 days when you havent seen or observed or felt what you desired.
Ultra Success is a good example of a subliminal where the previous version hasnt been removed from the catalog (As its available in 3G and 4G) Once the next Alpha male program is built that will also be kept as dual version in 4G and 5G.
On the flip side I dont know if Shannon will keep the attraction series subs in both generations. It doesnt seem feasible and I doubt most men or women on here would have a need for more than 2-3 of the whole attraction catalog. I'd rather own 1-3 variants in 5G than 1/4 or more of the catalog in 4G. These single stage in particular take the most time to work of all subs considering your trying to manifest a perfect person of sorts.
The Optimus Engine was specifically developed to overcome the shortcomings of the 4G attraction/manifestation subliminals, and to date, I have only built one of them based on that technology. Programs based on or including the Optimus Engine will only be released as 5G.
This of course means that all the attraction programs I upgrade to include or be based on the Optimus Engine will be in 5G.
Not everything will be in 5G, however, and even if a 5G program is too expensive, there is always the option of saving up for what you want.
I am trying to keep the catalog as free from title duplication in multiple generations as possible. Ultra Success 3G is almost certainly going to be discontinued. I would very much like to keep only Alpha Male in 4G and 5G.
The majority of the programs will remain in 4G because they have to be readily available to people who are unfamiliar with my work. However, where 5G is a significantly better option, I will build in 5G because I want my programs to be the best they can be. I would actually prefer to build everything in 5G because it's so much more powerful than 4G, and so many technological advancements exist that work with 5G, but are not suitable for 4G. Actually doing that would take forever, and having everything starting at $89.95 a copy is not a really good idea for our demographic. So we will have what we can in 4G and the rest will be in 5G.
(02-24-2013, 02:01 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]The majority of the programs will remain in 4G because they have to be readily available to people who are unfamiliar with my work. However, where 5G is a significantly better option, I will build in 5G because I want my programs to be the best they can be. I would actually prefer to build everything in 5G because it's so much more powerful than 4G, and so many technological advancements exist that work with 5G, but are not suitable for 4G. Actually doing that would take forever, and having everything starting at $89.95 a copy is not a really good idea for our demographic. So we will have what we can in 4G and the rest will be in 5G.
Personally, I would prefer to have the option of choosing between 4G and 5G. I think it makes sense to build the subliminals as strong as possible (5G for the ones it makes sense) while still having the 4G versions available for those who prefer to having a more affordable option and for those who want to listen to two subliminals at the same time.
At the moment, the products are structured so that the 5G products are at the top, followed by the 4Gs and then the 3Gs. That's one option. A different idea could be to list each product only once but with 2 different purchasing links for different versions/generations (4G and 5G down the road, as 3G is being replaced).
I think many people would like to have the option of choosing which version they want to purchase. Vanjav and I can't be the only ones. It would be a pity NOT to make some subliminals into 5G that can be made into 5G and it would be a pity not to keep the 4G versions available because they're more affordable plus you can listen to more than one program.