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So 5 days in, and not getting great sleep. Not feeling as amped as the asc effects. Not even getting 8 hours...just waking up feeling like I want to sleep for a week or to but discovering the oppression of time sets on the mind and the "need" to do things. Some motivation in life results from fear, I understand that.

3 nights upon moving into sleep I've had severe's kinda's like the legs, both of them jerk, feels like energy trying to connect feet and stomach area...I guess solar plexus seat of fear/courage.
It alerts me but not to a point of anxious, just heightened conscious awareness, with considerations of "what the!?" But immediately relaxed again. 2 nights it occurred 3 times before falling asleep. It's like so very close to some crazy tension being released. I look forward to it happening...sooner the better I think.

Pessimistic attitude in day time and at work for 2 days now...getting better late today. Interesting thing is that work was full of good cheer combined with a lot of complaining around me. Pessimism all around, though I didn't complain much...which reflected first...chicken or egg.
Just seemed like others were making up stuff to complain about. Of course my brooding was more important than that stuff. Haha

I know i abruptly switched out of ASC but I really want to do this. US is not giving the rush like ASC, but the thoughts are trickling up. I found self-talk the other day switching to "no, I will succeed", "I will achieve success" quite consciously and literally. It was funny, and I realized I haven't thought like that since I can't remember. Usually I just have fluctuating determination over the years, but never direct thoughts like that. At the very least, I am determined, and I am trusting the subs are doing what they intend. Is it advisable to keep with US supporting OGSF, or no, or just see what works best?
I've encountered the suggestion many times that fear = resistance. Maybe it goes beyond that and we could qualify it as fear = 1 type of relationship.
Resistance is a type of relationship, then, and what is being related to is an fear is not an object to be removed, but a type of relating that we want to cease. In order to dissolve and destroy the thoughts which create the relating...or ARE the relating. Maybe it is the relating if we describe thought as a frequency, then it's those unfortunate frequencies that will be let go of, rejected, released, disconnected from, dissolved and utterly destroyed...within one's consciousness, not beyond that though, although that would be cool...many problems in the world at large gone. I guess the vast intelligence of the subconscious can at least sort that out more successfully. Guilt and shame, now those 2 I find more baffling when I think of them as energy which is difficult to locate, it's like it's actually easier to mistakenly think of fear as an object than those 2. Unless...they are memories, or once again, types of relating to memories. But the end feelings of them all feel very similar. Maybe I shouldn't dwell too much, it may interfere. I'm tempted to set to random play so I don't think about which sub is playing.
Well, I really am grateful for these subs because the amygdala is a stubborn thing, believing the crappiest instructions.
I don't see a reason you cannot continue using both at once. Just use them for 64+ days at a time minimum, since you're using two. I recommend 90+ days for OGSF.

I think you misunderstand the fear/resistance thing. Fear does not equal resistance. Fear triggers resistance. If I'm afraid of heights, I am going to resist climbing that ladder if I don't have to, and depending on how afraid I am, maybe even to the point that I die because I can't bring myself to. If I am afraid of ants, I am going to avoid them. If I am afraid of success, I am going to avoid it. Avoidance is one resistance strategy. And so on. But fear is not resistance itself.

Fear is usually an emotional reaction based on lack of experience or lack of positive experience. It is an irrational response which can make sense in the case that it keeps us safe, but in today's world, it more often than not holds us back (or maybe even gets us killed).

If fear is a relationship, what is being related to is not necessarily an object. It might be a situation, combination of events, a person, an experience, or an imagined happening. It makes sense to destroy fear, since fear is the reaction to, and if we destroy it, we must necessarily replace it with something. This gives us the perfect opportunity to replace it with positive things.

Thought itself as a frequency is an interesting concept, but I think that thought is not itself a frequency, but perhaps translated into physical expression through the frequency of the brain's electrical signalling.
(02-18-2013, 03:09 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I don't see a reason you cannot continue using both at once. Just use them for 64+ days at a time minimum, since you're using two. I recommend 90+ days for OGSF.

OK. I aim for 90 days.

Couple of days: couldn't sleep much, didn't want to aside from being tired...feeling of almost exhaustion. Felt really at my feet kind of feeling. Followed by one day of really bad mood, turned out there was more to repair in a friendship.

All throughout the last few days, music would crop up into my awareness...songs I haven't heard in years or decades...a lot of songs out of nowhere, some I dislike. I'm guessing it had to do with the content of lyrics that my subconscious was linked to in some way. I'm becoming more aware of the quantity of programming coming from what seems like everywhere. A lot of repeat with no rinse. Good subs are friendly and fun.

Generally feeling energy opening and moving, which is great. Sense of purpose and plan for time and money remains somewhat vague.
Good subs get the job done. Fun depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Smile