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Full Version: Panic attacks
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Hi, I'm using your 'Overcome Anxiety' product which is great and helping me so much.

How about creating one for 'panic attacks' as well, because most people (me included) that suffer from anxiety also suffer from panic attacks.

The two usually come together.....

Oh and If you have any other products that could go hand in hand with 'Overcome Anxiety' please let me know.

Thank you
You now, I have a close friend using Overcome Anxiety, and she has panic attacks, too. I have been observing how it works for her to now how to improve it. This is a great suggestion. Thanks!
I second this. Did you already manage to implement this with the Overcome Anxiety sub?
Ryan, the anxiety sub has the same script as it always did. I'm going to create one for panic attacks, but I think that for most people, the anxiety program alone should be enough.