I'm having some resistance at the idea of dropping from 5G to 4G for my next track.
Especially now that I've read 5G is somewhere around 8x more effective than 4G. I'm realizing that I'm still gaining a ton of benefit from grinding away with the ASC as well, which makes me feel that I have time to decide before moving to the next step.
Reading that, my thinking is, 1 month 5G is worth 8 months 4G... it seems like a no brainer.
Would it be better to just stick to 5G+ programs for maximum benefits?
Also, are there diminishing returns with time? Meaning, after doing a 5G for a few months, we can get more from doing a different program, even if it's 4G?
I wanted to transition into OF 4G.. but now I'm thinking it'd be more efficient to stick with 5G programs for maximum benefits.
Any chance OF will get the 5G upgrade anytime soon?
Don't start thinking that 4G is weak: I'm on Stage 6 of AM, which is 4G, and it works well.
Believe me: you'll not be disappointed just because it's 4G. I'm coming at it from the other direction, and I'm excited to see what 5G does because 4G was so amazing.
There won't be 5G upgrades for anything/everything anytime soon. Correct me if I'm wrong, Shannon..
as far as I know I think there's a 5G US in the works but I may be dreaming.
Mufasa, the difference between 4G and 5G is substantial in power. 5G by itself is 9.2 times more data throughput, which can be translated as "power", but after adding all the additional technologies it goes much higher than that.
However, that said, if 4G wasn't cutting it, it would be replaced in toto by 5G, which is not going to happen anytime soon because:
1. It takes hell and forever to build a program in 5G, and
2. 5G programs start at $89.95 a copy and go to $1,200+ when I release Become A Multimillionaire in 5G.
3G is considered old technology and quite obsolete by what I'm doing now, but it's sill more powerful than 90% of what you can buy elsewhere in the way of subliminals.
4G is definitely worth using. Fear not; it's still very, very powerful technology. (Estimated to be about 14-28x more powerful than what else is out there).
There's not going to be a lot released in 5G, at least not soon.
Ahh I see.
Just know though; I'd very happily pay $89.95 for a copy of OF in 5G... as far as I'm concerned OF seems to be one of the most fundamental and crucial programs you've got.
As it stands though, i feel like pumping the power of 5G into my subconscious with ASC a few more months isn't such a bad idea...
Little story-- I just walked over and stood by this model level hot girl at the bar the other day (the girls behind me were starting to annoy me with the negative vibe of their conversation, I wanted to play pool when the tables opened, and of course... I like being around happy hot girls!)
Relaxed on a stool between her and the other guys playing pool.. bantering with people, teasing her on her pool shots, talking to her. Learned her basic current life story, told her she was lucky to meet me, blah blah... she commented on how confident I was and how she liked it with a smile... !@#$up saying I wanted to give her a hug, which I did in the moment (she looked so awwww cute)... but then her face went sour and she said "is that it?!", and seemed to lose interest...LOL
I wasn't too concerned about it anyways though just chillin enjoying myself.
Another big moment... I ran into somebody who apparently knew me from middle school. He said I was "quiet". I thought a moment, then responded something like, "yeah, I can be a quiet guy sometimes. I embrace it now" I feel more and more comfortable just being who I am and not focusing so much on my faults, but more on just living the process, if that makes any sense.
I may follow up ASC with BAMM instead of OF, since I'm living in a time and place where I could easily have a couple mil in a few years. That and it's always nice to have the latest tech.