Quote:As for ESE... Any way I can get access to that program again Shannon? Or do I need to re-purchase it just because of this stupid chain of hardware failures?
Sorry to be so late to the party here. To answer this question, just send us an e-mail asking to download again.
Quote:Is the 4g Ultra Success which is a B/D compatible with LTU? I REALLY like the idea of the manifesting/attracting success. I sure do need some of that right about now.
Or if you have ANYTHING AT ALL that can help me just be faster at things. It's not really procrastination, though that does hit me too, especially when a task seems insurmountable, it's that even when I'm actively TRYING to be faster at something I just CAN'T.
LTU is a Type B. Should be compatible with US4G. Nothing to make you faster though. Maybe Laserlike Focus & Concentration would help.
OK. Thanks Shannon. I think I'll go ahead and buy US4G then, I'll wait on EIP for now.
I probably won't be posting more to this thread again until I finish up Voice, unless someone says something to me and then I'll probably respond.
LTU+US will probably have more to talk about when I start them. If I remember to talk about them. LOL. I'm really terrible at keeping up with these things...
So yeah... anyhoo. Next update will be when I conclude with Voice and post a new recording of my "final" voice at the end of the first run of the program. I don't really know yet if I'll end up running it again later. It seems most likely not though.
Haha. I don't really have problems with focus and concentration. If anything I already over do it on those things to the point of COMPLETELY tuning other things out when working on something!
You don't think it's hemisphere balance then?
(05-06-2013, 08:18 AM)AbiDrew85 Wrote: [ -> ]Somehow I just seem to be preprogrammed to do things slowly and methodically. Brain hemisphere balance problem maybe? When I try to do things more quickly, one of two things happen, and usually the second: either first, I just fail completely and remain slow and methodical, or second, I manage to do it more quickly, but I get clumsy, forgetful, and shoddy.
I've actually thought of a third outcome that thankfully only rarely crops up: I'm still slow AND I get clumsy, forgetful, and shoddy.
I dont know if you've mentioned before but have you experienced any physical slights or reactions that may have been representative of the voice sub? I have certain interests in the male version of it so I am interested in your progress.
(05-06-2013, 05:23 PM)Subeternal Wrote: [ -> ]I dont know if you've mentioned before but have you experienced any physical slights or reactions that may have been representative of the voice sub? I have certain interests in the male version of it so I am interested in your progress.
Yes. My adam's apple is becoming less prominent. The stuff up there is actually tightening, pulling it back up higher in my neck to where it's not as visible. There was a time when I was actually considering surgery to do just that. Now I think just running this program will be more than sufficient.
It MIGHT take more than one run though. But considering my starting point...
I have been finding myself becoming more and more impatient to move on as late, but a part of me also knows I'm not quite done yet with Voice. I've also been "forgetting" to put my player on loop or even start it up or...
I think this is some small bit of lingering fear-based resistance. For some reason there's a part of me that's afraid of developing the most feminine voice I possibly can.
Why would I be afraid of that? Well. It's the same part of me I think that's surprised when I hear someone call me "miss" and feels disturbed whenever it notices my developing curves... There's some small lingering doubt left somewhere in the recesses of my mind that this is really what I ought to be doing.
And that part of me seems to just generally dislike change of any sort. It would rather just cower in a corner and let the world slip by around me.
I am going to pull myself through though. I am going to complete this program before I continue on to LTU. Even if I have to drag that part of me that's resisting kicking and screaming the entire way.
I have finally finished Voice and am moving on to LTU. I don't presently have the money to purchase Ultra Success, so I'll just be using LTU for now.
A quick reminder of what my voice has been previously:
My old voice, recorded back in 2011:
My voice earlier in the use of Develop a More Feminine Voice:
And now, here's what the latest reading sounds like:
Externally, the changes weren't nearly as dramatic as I might have hoped for, but there were definitely changes made, and I'm thankful for that. But the dramatic shift has been in my voice itself and OMG WHAT A DIFFERENCE!
So yes. These programs really work. Even if you're a transsexual woman using the "women only" subs... As long as your subconscious mind truly thinks of itself in female terms and not as something between or as male or whatever... I *KNEW* I was female in my soul before using this program... If anyone who happens to be in a similar situation happens to be reading... You have to KNOW the same thing. And then presto. Miracles CAN happen!
So... Now it's on to Life Tune Up. Hopefully I can see some drastic improvements in my life from this program as well. I really do need to start getting my life on track. I can't really even say BACK on track, because I never really was.
I am beginning to grow to expect this... The first few days of any program I always seem to put up a ridiculous amount of a sort of inertial resistance, which has the effect of putting a LOT of pressure on my brain. The symptoms of this increase in pressure in my brain is an increased irritability, ear popping, and mild headaches.
OGSF had been much more severe and lasted almost the entire program. I knew the program was done mainly by the no longer having ANY resistance.
I'll probably refresh OGSF after LTU, hopefully this time without any of the resistance so I can actually get the full benefit of the program.
Those vocal changes are indeed remarkable.
LTU should be run 90 days or more. OGSF was just getting started when you felt no more resistance. Should have had at least 32 days more than it took to achieve that.
Wow... Well I guess that definitely means I gotta start it over again after LTU for sure. LTU is multi-stage with six stages and each stage says to use for about 30 days. So this will be my main program for the next half a year.
I bought and began running Ultra Success 4g alongside LTU last night. Puts it's start time a week behind LTU's. Remind me again what the suggested usage period for Ultra Success is? Or do I just keep running it alongside other programs with which it's compatible for however long I feel like? Is there a minimum suggested time at least? I didn't see anything on the program page and it didn't come with instructions in the download...
I don't know if its random, related to the subs, or related to my herbs and supplements in some way, but lately I've been having ridiculous insomnia. I get tired and "rest" but I can't SLEEP. It's getting kind of ridiculous.
Despite all this however, I did manage to do 3 complete roller sets at school today and had a client in the middle of the day interrupting me. And the third one was a "crazy thing" as per one of my instructors lol.
The first two were just fairly conventional brick lays, with two spiral curls framing the front of the face. I did both of those in the morning before my client. The third one I did as an entirely spiral set. Used almost two entire sets of large rollers. I decided to try something different, lol. I had my instructor put the mannikin I did that one on in the office to dry overnight cuz the crazy thing wouldn't fit under the hood dryer! And I want to see how it turns out.
Considering that before I started using LTU and Ultra Success it was a struggle to complete even just one roller set in any sort of reasonable time... I still need to get even quicker at those things though. I'm just not meeting good timing for making myself very employable.