Help me squash bugs! Big or small post here so I can fix it asap. I'll be working round the clock.
Right now the add to cart buttons stopped working...kind of major.
little glitch: sentences in the home page are repeated (presentation)
(12-31-2012, 02:50 AM)Andrew Wrote: [ -> ]Help me squash bugs! Big or small post here so I can fix it asap. I'll be working round the clock.
Right now the add to cart buttons stopped working...kind of major.
OK figured this one out...thankfully a pretty easy fix. Odd that it happened though. Should be fixed in about 10 minutes.
Stuff going on...had to shut whole thing down...will bring back up soon as I can. Old site should still be accessible through
(12-31-2012, 02:52 AM)tristan Wrote: [ -> ]little glitch: sentences in the home page are repeated (presentation)
Fixed this, thanks!
Site is back online. Found that old bug.
I apologize for the checkout asking for WAY too much information.
I will be fixing that along with the buttons when I wake up tomorrow. Will also be linking up the login/member areas
The "Complete Order" button in the checkout page displays only the upper half. It is readable but other buttons are not like that.
The "update total" displays the same as the one described above. Using google chrome by the way. The speaker test file is not present in the free section. No Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women in the Mens Section.
When I click on THINK LIKE A MILLIONAIRE (4G – TYPE B/D HYBRID) Description I get to this page:
Overcoming Fear 1.1 and OGSF are not in the Fears and Phobias section. If you can put them in multiple locations, tag them for this category as well.
Keep'em comin, I appreciate it! I will squash these when I wake up, been going a good 24hrs now.
Thanks everyone! I don't know when I will be able to get to some of these fixes today but I will do my best.
Not sure if this is a bug or by design but there are no prices displayed when you click on a category section(specifically in the "Of Interest to Men"). One thing I liked about the old site was that you could see the prices of the product without having to click all the way into it. Also add it to cart without having to go all the way into it as well. That no longer seems available.
Also, I thought now that Woman Magnet 2.0 is available the old Woman magnet titled as (Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women - Six Stage Set) was no longer supposed to be available yet it does show up on the new site as a product that can be purchased.
Women Magnet is only available in the full set on the new site. There was an option to purchase each stage individually on the old site. That seems to be missing in the new site.
How are we supposed to create a new account exactly? There doesn't seem to be any options to do so.
1) The Addiction Download page doesn't have the categories of 3G, 4G and/or 5G like the other pages. The Titles are missing.
2) The LBGT Page only lists the titles. There are no categories of 3G, 4G, 5G. No Pictures and layout like the other pages.
3) Same as above for the Love and Romance section. Page only lists the titles. There are no categories of 3G, 4G, 5G. No Pictures and layout like the other pages.
4) The Manifestation page doesn't have any titles listed. It's Totally blank.
5) Same situation for the Of Interest to Women page as the LBGT Page. Page only lists the titles. There are no categories of 3G, 4G, 5G. No Pictures and layout like the other pages.