Ryan's right. I've designed these so the only thing you have to do is keep using it. This is a six month program you're using, and it's got a hell of a long script. That's a lot to pack in there. It's not designed to work in a few days or weeks, and you would expect that it wouldn't be finished working it's magic in a few months, either, or else why make it a 6 month set?
You need to relax and let go of your expectations and worries. They're going to go away regardless, as the program takes effect, but it's much more pleasant to just relax and forget about it and enjoy the journey, just observing how and when things take pace instead of actively hunting for them. They are coming.
I'm reminded of when I was a kid and every year on a family holiday we'd get the ferry across the Irish sea to Ireland for a week or two. My naivety then was off course to rush to the front of the boat as we set of and see if I could see Ireland. Off course all I could see was the sea. Even if I waited there for 10 minutes (probably 10 minutes in kiddie time, and more like 30 seconds in adult time) all I could see was still sea. If I really wanted to see movement and the speed at which I was travelling I'd be better of looking behind as I travelled forward. That way I'd really know how far I'd come - I could see the land I was leaving and use it as a benchmark, where as when I was looking forward all I could judge change on was more of the same looking sea.
When I first came to using subliminals it was the same again - trying to see the difference in results day in day out. Really though the best way to approach them is to just enjoy the journey, don't try to rush it or force it. Just accept where you are and every now and then when you want to see where you currently are, look behind you and judge the change upon the distance you've travelled. Sometimes when your looking forward it can seem like your not moving, when really you are moving. And quite quickly too.
Thanks guys. Today was a little different. Still feeling weird around that girl. We had a pretty fun energetic conversation today. She started telling me a little bit of her history.
Was with a friend at a local bar. This blonde walked past and we locked eyes and she gave me a weird look, probably shy
Will be able to get some extended listening done on the weekend.
So today was interesting. I started listening to this medtation that at first seemed a bit weird. I had to pull myself out of it early so could consciously hear the last part of it and it sounded to me like it was telling me I don't have to do anything until I'm ready. But the rest of it sounded good.
I'm not a big believer in coincidence. Today I felt like smiling at every girl who I locked eyes with. I didn't but I did smile at a few, I had really great conversations with that girl at work, one went for about 30 or 40 minutes and we were just really connecting. She has a bf so nothing will happen but it's great to get that level of connection with her.
Went to the same takeaway place I go to every day for lunch (same person serves me, I'm not attracted and she's never really shown interest). I normally get a honey mustard chicken burger and she then asked if I like a certain type of food and recommended I get a different burger and she can add the sauce to it because it's better value as it has more stuff in it lol.
On the train there was this really cute girl, I looked at her a few times but she looked at me maybe once. But it was weird cos my mind was telling me she liked me even though she was not looking at me at all. And a couple of time she bent down to get something out of her bag and I was suddenly imagining that she was doing it to get my attention and I imagined her smiling at me as she stood up. It was weird because there was nothing from her to indicate she was interested haha.
There was more but I don't really remember. I just know that today was a pretty good day. Shame about the girl at work being taken

" She has a bf so nothing will happen but it's great to get that level of connection with her."
Don't doubt yourself... EVER! While she may have a bf, if things go south between her and her bf, she may have you in mind. Women are always looking to trade up when things don't work out for them. It's good that you had a connection between you and her. That's a good start. Keep it up!
Thanks man, good catch. I meant more that I wouldn't do anything to make something happen.
Got a 21st so gonna do an easy version of the code of the natural. When I did it last time my back crunched then a few days later I was in intense discomfort lol. And having a marathon listening session for the sub. 12 hours and counting
And I've got a meditation that at first I was a bit suss about it because my conscious heard it saying that I don't have to do anything, but I think the way it is designed is that it takes away the fear so I don't feel anxiety over 'having' to approach that cute girl.
I admit, I think that patch of doubt earlier was the negativity floating up and a little bit of fear that I was doing something wrong. My online dating profile has started going through the roof, at least compared to the fact that I maybe got one message every 3 to 6 months. This month I've had about 5 people contact me, one to tell me that my profile made her smile and excited her a little, one to tell me I look ridiculously cute, another one to see if I want to chat. They're not my type but it's still pretty sweet.
btw Shannon is there any way of writing the word meditation on here without having it link to your product? Cos I'm talking about something else and don't want people thinking I'm talking about your product.
So I went to the 21st. It was pretty cool, small crowd. My female friend felt that I had a bit more quiet confidence. Definitely felt more comfortable around the boys, having lots of conversations. Found out that one of the girls wants to find me a nice girl as she apparently has some single friends lol. I like the sound of that.
Didn't really feel like approaching anyone and didn't really notice any eye contact in the club but to be honest it was so packed that it would be hard to stand out in that sort of environment, and they're not really the type of girls I go for anyway.
Anyway I'm meeting some friends so will continue this later tonight.
(06-25-2010, 05:55 PM)Maggz Wrote: [ -> ]btw Shannon is there any way of writing the word meditation on here without having it link to your product? Cos I'm talking about something else and don't want people thinking I'm talking about your product.
Hmmm... apparently I'll have to adjust it.
So I headed out to meet friends. Got to my local train station and looked at this cute girl who grinned at me, but then didn't really pay me much attention after that. Caught up with my friends and had a pretty good time. Noticing that I'm much more relaxed around the guys which is cool as most of my friends have always been women so it's nice to develop this side of my personality.
There wasn't really any cute girls there although the bargirl seemed interested in me at one point. Can't really remember what made me think that.
"" She has a bf so nothing will happen but it's great to get that level of connection with her."
Don't doubt yourself... EVER! While she may have a bf, if things go south between her and her bf, she may have you in mind. Women are always looking to trade up when things don't work out for them. It's good that you had a connection between you and her. That's a good start. Keep it up! "
In my mind, if the right guy comes along a girl will cheat or atleast acknowledge the man... You know how many eye connections I've had with women while they were walking with their boyfriends? Not to mention how many have come to me with sexual body language in front of their boyfriends. Don't let women fool you, they want the perfect catch too

"I admit, I think that patch of doubt earlier was the negativity floating up and a little bit of fear that I was doing something wrong. My online dating profile has started going through the roof, at least compared to the fact that I maybe got one message every 3 to 6 months. This month I've had about 5 people contact me, one to tell me that my profile made her smile and excited her a little, one to tell me I look ridiculously cute, another one to see if I want to chat. They're not my type but it's still pretty sweet."
That's funny because I too experienced the same EXACT thing the first week of Woman Magnet. It was a random surge of messages on Facebook and dating websites.
haha yeah the conversations are pretty good with her. She tells me lots of stuff, and whenever I say something she gets talking
Then I discovered I like one of the girls I'm friends with. She's really shy though so I have no idea if she feels anything. Starting to push through the resistance and sent her a casual text today. Got a decent response and waiting to see if she replies to my second one to know if she was just being polite. Have been advised she's not much of a texter.
Maggz, I suggest you let her know you like her. I have lost a lot of opportunities with women I liked in the past simply because they didn't realize I was interested.
Also, when it comes to boyfriends... that's a double edged sword. You can try to give him the respect and consideration you would want, but that won't get you the girl. I have never yet seen it reciprocated, either. When I date exceptionally attractive women, I always have hordes thronging around my girl, even if they know she's taken.
The key there is the woman. If she wants you specifically, she'll say so with her actions. Therefore, not going after a woman, even if she is taken, seems unwise. Of course, you need to respect her decision when she tells you she is not interested; but not even putting your hat in the ring is just going to get you more of the same.
It almost makes you feel bad for these women who have a thousand "boyfriend applications" a day, until you realize that men have to act like this because that's what women force us to do!
Quote:Then I discovered I like one of the girls I'm friends with. She's really shy though so I have no idea if she feels anything. Starting to push through the resistance and sent her a casual text today. Got a decent response and waiting to see if she replies to my second one to know if she was just being polite. Have been advised she's not much of a texter.
Shy girls are my 'type' but they are definitely harder work at first. If she's interested, she probably won't let you know. And if your interested you'll probably have to do the majority of the 'work'. I find the key is non-needy persistence, tread slowly and gently. A casual test every couple of days is definitely how I would get it started.
Thanks guys. Yeah I like shy girls too, but it can be hard to figure out how they feel. I've got my eye on another girl who seems like she might like me.
Haven't noticed much in the way of eye contact. I'm about 3 weeks into the first stage and listened to around 205 hours. My aim is 300 hours per stage.
Thanks for the advice. I want to tread carefully because I'm currently friends with her, she's a friend of my ex and I want some idea she's interested.
But yeah I'm still struggling a little with the fact that I'm not getting a whole lot of interest shown towards me, but I'm only 2-3 weeks in so holding out.