I been thinking I need some help to move forwards in life.
My income is not great at the moment
I have been listening to AM 5 and just wondered if getting a life coach would interfere with this?
Im also thinking of doing WM after AM 5
It depends on the life coach. Many are uncomfortable with alpha behavior, and may discourage you from fulfilling your alpha goal. My advice would be to save your money and let AM5 and WM do the work for a year. If you're still unhappy with your progress, you can reevaluate whether to see a life coach.
If you choose to see one, make sure the person understands and will encourage the qualities that embody alpha masculinity for you. In the end, your definition of alpha masculinity is what matters, here. You are the customer, so ensure that your goals are being met, not an ulterior agenda or a bias that does not match yours.
To be honest, I sometimes think that the concept of Alpha Male is a backward looking latching-on to our less developed ancestors and a sort of modern knee jerk reaction against a necessary shift in consciousness.
Healthy man or non-neurotic man seems like a more balanced concept to me. When I think of the idea of a guy acting really beta by looking down a lot, or other behavior we often hear described with these concepts, it sounds to me more like a self esteem issue that is rooted in neurosis more than a natural tribal behavior pattern.
I think the sad truth, for anyone looking for self help, including me, is that regardless of what one does, if emotional issues that are rooted in childhood, or even adulthood, for that matter, are unresolved, it really doesn't matter what one does - the issues will snap back like a rubber band over time, sooner or later.
I don't mean to sound futile here but it's what I've seen with myself and others repeatedly. The original demons have to be faced one way or another and usually that's emotionally.
I guess what I am really saying here is that gaining a particular skill, like getting better with women or with business or with art etc. is great and valuable, but it will never be a replacement for good therapy and I get the feeling that therapy is probably what many people who seek self improvement actually need. If one can get their core issues resolved, then the other things will more easily fall into place and be more enjoyable. It's more like the icing on the cake.
Alpha Male is designed to make deep long term changes to you at a deep level. Those things from your childhood, as you mention, are being dealt with by the program. So that's not going to be a problem. You may have to use the program more than once, because you can't grow all at once in all cases. So as with all things, you may have to grow some, then rest and internalize and solidify the growth, and then grow some more. But the changes you're making with this program are serious and major. That's why it's not a walk in the park all the time, and that's why people love it so much.
Your concept of "alpha" is not what we're going for with this program. The program is aimed at making you a leader, primarily of yourself. It is aimed at making you your own man, self supporting, self validating, self confident, self sustaining, and in general healthy and capable of being who you are at your higher levels of potential. It's not about beating your chest louder than the next guy or "tribal behavior". That's why all the guys who are AM veterans have an attitude of "I don't care what other people think." - because they no longer need anyone else to tell them how they look, how attractive they are, whether or not they're doing a good job, etc. They are self sustaining and self supporting.
If you want to go get therapy, then go get therapy. Life coach does not strike me as being therapy, though. And why ask the question if you're going to reject the answer you get?