Influence and persuasion is a major part of how we communicate day to day. Most people influence/manipulate each other without even knowing it. Influence and persuasion is the life blood of advertising, marketing, politics, etc. President Obama got elected to his position because he is a very persuasive and influential man.
And it's safe to say that anyone who has a strong ability to persuade others, will get the most out of their day to day interactions/social life, their business, and life.
I was reading this fascinating book on persuasion
Link removed by AYD
and I thought that it would be great if there was a subliminal that made you incredibly persuasive, and allow you to get virtually anyone to do anything you wanted. (In ethical ways of course)
That link is directly to advertising, and that breaks the rules. Please kill the link, or I'll have to have a mod do it.
Otherwise, not a bad idea, although this is an element in several of my subs already. Especially the one about charisma.
Oh sorry about that. I thought it was fine since it wasn't an affiliate link.
But yeah, imagine how far you could take your career if you had the power/ability to be able to convince other people to do whatever you wanted. If you could convince the most talented people around the world to work for you instead of other companies. If you could convince the media (CNN, Time magazine, Forbes, etc.) to promote your business/music/name for you practically free of charge. It's an ability I'm planning to become an expert at, but a sub that unconsciously allowed you to influence anyone to do whatever you wanted would be awesome.
I guess Develop Irresistible Charisma is the closest thing to this
Was the book, Win friends & influence people?
I always thought that'd be an interesting sub.
it's an interesting concept, and the book is fabulous, one of those "Must Read" books in life. Same with (just got my hands on this one) maximum achievement, by Brian Tracy if there was such a thing as a modern day bible I'd say this one is in the running.
I wonder, how much of this idea is actually "making people do what you want" and how much is simply being open and receptive to avenues of success? And that includes influential people helping you. It feels a bit assertive to me and in my understanding LOA is not assertive, but you can attract people who want to help you and circumstances which flow.
Would aligning ones self with success in any avenue one chooses, whether it's the avenue of getting free things at restaurants, or the avenue of making music which would appeal to world market and having an in with the large medi moguls make more sense as a concept? I don't know or have any answers, am just thinking out loud. I can be persuasive. The more persuasive I become, the more it seems to be about allowing other people to feel they are getting what they want through you and by helping you and afterward feeling great about it, rather than to be about simply being so amazing that magically everyone does what you want. Or maybe I'm not confident enough for that one lol
(12-04-2012, 12:10 AM)massagemaggie Wrote: [ -> ]it's an interesting concept, and the book is fabulous, one of those "Must Read" books in life. Same with (just got my hands on this one) maximum achievement, by Brian Tracy if there was such a thing as a modern day bible I'd say this one is in the running.
I wonder, how much of this idea is actually "making people do what you want" and how much is simply being open and receptive to avenues of success? And that includes influential people helping you. It feels a bit assertive to me and in my understanding LOA is not assertive, but you can attract people who want to help you and circumstances which flow.
Would aligning ones self with success in any avenue one chooses, whether it's the avenue of getting free things at restaurants, or the avenue of making music which would appeal to world market and having an in with the large medi moguls make more sense as a concept? I don't know or have any answers, am just thinking out loud. I can be persuasive. The more persuasive I become, the more it seems to be about allowing other people to feel they are getting what they want through you and by helping you and afterward feeling great about it, rather than to be about simply being so amazing that magically everyone does what you want. Or maybe I'm not confident enough for that one lol
I don't really believe too much in LOA in the sense where the I can sit on my ass and universe will grant me all my wishes just because I'm receptive to it, but I do believe it in the sense that when you tune your subconscious to exactly what you want out of life, you'll have a heightened intuition for the right opportunities and the right people.
I don't think they "come into your life"..but more like "luck is when opportunity meets preparation" where your subconscious is prepared and when you meet the right person, your subconscious will just know and take advantage of your opportunity. At that point, you'll get the desired outcome..some people will thank the universe, some people will be grateful for their subconscious. I believe more in my subconscious (something I can control) than in the universe, personally.
I'm also thinking out loud/BS'ing, just so you know lol.
And as for influence.. that's exactly what influence is. Being super empathetic and honing in on peoples' deepest needs and desires and helping them get what they want while you get what you initially wanted as well. People do things for other people who sympathize with them.
Two points, collegedropout.
1. The law of attraction does not work by you sitting on your ass and merrily making wishes and then magically getting what you want. You have to define clearly what you want, focus on it and the fact that you want it, and then do so for a period of time during which you express that desire with sufficient energy for it to get done. Energy is the capacity to accomplish change. Passive use of the LOA, such as with my Type D only programs, usually takes 2-8 months. Active use usually gets me what I want in about 2 weeks. But then again, I'm not just doing creative visualization, or affirmations, or all the "lightweight stuff" that people usually do with LOA. I really put some serious energy into my active use of the LOA. Nothing happens without suffcient energy, and the energy must be directed properly.
2. Hate to break it to you, my friend, but we have pictures of the universe, but you don't have pictures of your subconscious.
The way the LOA works is by causing probabilities to converge in the right way. It's like weaving a tapestry. If you want the red thread to converge with the blue thread, you gradually work them together as you weave the tapestry, and eventually they meet. It's got to do with things you are doing consciously and subconsciously, and things you may be causing the other person to do also.
When I used a subliminal (based on the LOA) to meet my perfect lover, who became my girlfriend and eventually my fiance, I met her not by accident but because suconsciously I was finding ways to get myself where she would be, and her where I would be. As it turned out, that consisted of taking a job where she was recently hired also, which is where we originally met. But it would be another 2 years before I used the subliminal, and when that happened, I apparently got her to make herself single and call me out of the blue. The rest, as they say, is history.
The choices you and the other person make are both being influenced, and I believe that is because the subconscious has access to the universal (or some call it planetary) awareness, which allows my subconscious mind to communicate "behind the scenes" with that of anyone else I tell it to.
So let's say I used the LOA to focus all of my energy towards attracting and dating Mila Kunis (just a random girl who pops into my mind)
And one day I meet her at a fan signing or something, and just look into her thing you know she signs her autograph and below it gives me her number and asks me to call her.
It wouldn't have anything to do with my looks, status, or anything else...just purely the fact that I focused my mind on manifesting Mila Kunis into my life?
But again, would that be the universe? Or would that just be laser targeted pin point sub-communication that we should be dating?
Also, if you don't mind me asking,
beyond your subs, how would one get this knowledge on how to make full use of the LOA? (or do your subs already do that?)
Because I've used the lightweight stuff and gotten no where.
(12-01-2012, 02:41 PM)collegedropout Wrote: [ -> ]and I thought that it would be great if there was a subliminal that made you incredibly persuasive, and allow you to get virtually anyone to do anything you wanted. (In ethical ways of course)
this would be absolutely awesome.