The two speakers you link to at the top are capable of playing up to 20 kHz, which is what really matters for ultrasonics. The Sennheisers you link to go to 18 kHz, which isn't high enough.
There's nothing to be confused by. The frequency response represents a rage, and the specs they give are the minimum and maximum frequencies that the product can reproduce. The HKs you link to have a frequency range of 44 Hz to 20 kHz (not standard on the low end, but that really doesn't matter for ultrasonics). The others have a range of 50 to 20k. That works too. As long as they can reproduce 12.5 kHz and up to at least 20 kHz.
I am surprised you're having such a hard time finding standard frequency response ranges.
Yeah, so am I, since they are supposed to be standard. So, those speakers are good for the subliminals? I especially like the HarmonKardon ones, myself. I'm still going to do some looking at Best Buy this weekend, but I'm on a budget, and those speakers are about as high in price as I want to go.
I think part of my confusion was in thinking that Hz was a larger value than kHz. I had no idea that most of the speakers out there were so crappy.
Ok, so now that I think I know what I'm looking for, a speaker with this FR: # 80-50,000Hz frequency response Impedance: 8 Ohms
is more than what I'm looking for, right? As the range is well beyond 20 kHz. It's at 50kHz. Am I right?
Actually, I probably can't do anything with these speakers, as I only have an mp3 player. But I think I understand what I'm looking for, now.
Now that I understand FR, I did some research last night and found that Sony headphones and earbuds are perfect (most of them, anyway) for the subliminals. They are pretty much all in the range and beyond (usually peaking at 22 kHz). I found out these headphones that I own are perfect for the subliminals:
I also found that X Mini capsule speakers are right in the range as well:
However, stay away from the X Mini Max, as there's a downgrade to the sound. It only peaks at 18 kHz.
(03-17-2010, 08:46 PM)Clamshell Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, so now that I think I know what I'm looking for, a speaker with this FR: # 80-50,000Hz frequency response Impedance: 8 Ohms
is more than what I'm looking for, right? As the range is well beyond 20 kHz. It's at 50kHz. Am I right?
Actually, I probably can't do anything with these speakers, as I only have an mp3 player. But I think I understand what I'm looking for, now.
Those speakers would probably be perfect. And if you "only have an mp3 player" and it has a speaker jack, you can use them. If they have a 1/4" jack, radio shack has a 1/4" to 1/8" jack converter for less than $10.
(03-18-2010, 08:40 AM)Clamshell Wrote: [ -> ]Now that I understand FR, I did some research last night and found that Sony headphones and earbuds are perfect (most of them, anyway) for the subliminals. They are pretty much all in the range and beyond (usually peaking at 22 kHz). I found out these headphones that I own are perfect for the subliminals:
I also found that X Mini capsule speakers are right in the range as well:
However, stay away from the X Mini Max, as there's a downgrade to the sound. It only peaks at 18 kHz.
I tend to suggest staying away from headphones and earbuds, at least for ultrasonics because you have to be exceptionally careful with the volume. If you're going to use those sort of things for ultrasonics, I suggest you calibrate with normal audio, and then reduce volume by 25 to 50%.
I tend to suggest staying away from headphones and earbuds, at least for ultrasonics because you have to be exceptionally careful with the volume. If you're going to use those sort of things for ultrasonics, I suggest you calibrate with normal audio, and then reduce volume by 25 to 50%.
I'm now using both the masked and silent subs on my new open-air speaker. I have the volume where I like it for the masked subs. Will there be a problem if I'm playing the silent subs at the same volume as the masked subs?
Can the silent subs damage your hearing if you play them with the volume too high using headphones and earbuds?
The ultrasonics are specifically engineered to have as close as possible to the same volume as the masked track, so that you can (and should) use the masked track to calibrate your ultrasonic track's volume.
Ultrasonic sound is still sound. It will have the same effect on your hearing as any other sound. If you play it too loudly, it will have a negative effect. Since it is so readily perceived by the subconscious and volume is normal, it is fine to keep the volume at whatever the audible track calibrates to on those headphones, or 50%, whichever is higher.
Hey Shannon,
I'm using an older Phillips Hi-Fi System CD player, I hook my mp3 player into AUX. I'm wondering what range I could get with the subliminal? The speakers are about 10 feet from my bed.
Here are the specs:
(04-01-2010, 08:36 AM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Shannon,
I'm using an older Phillips Hi-Fi System CD player, I hook my mp3 player into AUX. I'm wondering what range I could get with the subliminal? The speakers are about 10 feet from my bed.
Here are the specs:
Not sure I understand what you mean by range, but I'm guessing you are asking how far from the speaker the subliminals will be effective.
The answer to that question comes in two parts.
1. For masked subliminals it is as far away as you can hear the lowest volume areas of the track.
2. For ultrasonic subliminals it is as far away as you can hear the highest volume parts of the masked track, plus a few feet (a meter) or so.
Aside from that, it is volume dependent. Be careful to keep the ultrasonic track at a reasonable volume.
So you are saying that I should set the ultrasonic to the same volume level that I can hear with the masked track? BTW, did you get a chance to look at those specs above, just to make sure they would work correctly?
Thanks a lot,
(04-08-2010, 04:27 PM)Ryan Wrote: [ -> ]So you are saying that I should set the ultrasonic to the same volume level that I can hear with the masked track? BTW, did you get a chance to look at those specs above, just to make sure they would work correctly?
Thanks a lot,
The ultrasonic subliminal track is calibrated to be used at the volume you are most comfortable with when playing any audible track. The masked version of the subliminal makes a good calibration tool for that.
I looked at them, but I don't remember the specs and the page is no longer available. I can look again but I need a new link.
I decided to post this question here rather than make a new thread.
I have an LG 37 inch HDTV, and I use my blu-ray player to play the subliminals from my USB flash drive. My question is wether or not this is a good format or do I still need to invest in some more speakers?
(05-23-2010, 07:34 AM)K-Train Wrote: [ -> ]I decided to post this question here rather than make a new thread.
I have an LG 37 inch HDTV, and I use my blu-ray player to play the subliminals from my USB flash drive. My question is wether or not this is a good format or do I still need to invest in some more speakers?
Depends on the specs of the speakers attached or built in to your system