Subliminal Talk

Full Version: which subliminal would be the best for this friend?
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I'm starting off a friend on a subliminal, as a gift.
I believe that this person (like any male) is a perfect candidate for Alpha Male, but I'm not willing to make that purchase for him as I believe that is one of those kinds of decisions where a person chooses to invest in themselves.

This person is very approval seeking, and has fear of abandonment based behaviours stemming from very serious life long issues. He over compensates personality wise with puffed up chest over confident posturing and claims of having leadership qualities. It's easy to see through.

I'd like to give the gift of a subliminal. But which one? I don't believe social ones are of any use in this case unless someone has the foundations of AM or self confidence. Would ASC be best? I have not tried that one myself.

This person is currently making a great effort to improve and transform his life. I do approve (lol) of the action journey, and would like to contribute to the effectiveness of such action. Big Grin
Overcoming Fear and Extreme Self Esteem are the first things that spring to mind. I would suggest OF, since it focuses on anxiety, guilt and shame (abandonment, rejection etc.) and has confidence building in it, along with self-love, self-reliance etc. (leadership, interpersonal, being comfortable with oneself, alpha behavior etc.).

ASC wouldn't be a bad choice either. But since OF seems/is more of a miniature version of AM and has a more widespread range while handling multiple issues simultaneously; I think he will benefit the most from that one.
How about Carpe Diem, Positive Thinking, or Love and Appreciate Yourself? Or even Ultra Motivation?

Nothing builds male character like doing and/or accomplishing something, so I would suggest CD or UM above the others.
My vote goes to Love and Appreciate Yourself and/or extreme self esteem. I'm very approval seeking myself and I have abandonment issues to the point where I'll put distance between people and myself when I realize their getting too close for my own comfort or to not give them the chance to reject me.

I was basically taught by my family that I'm only as valuable as the skills I have, proficiency in school, and the job I will get. This is why I always had this mentality that since I dont have those things somehow I'm less of a person. I know your friend probably isnt like that but he probably struggles with self worth because it wasnt properly ingrained at a young age.
No, Subeternal, you're pretty close. Vicious circle kind of stuff. A lot of attention is paid to females and the damage that is done by basing our inherent worthiness on our bodies/looks but the same objectification and dehumanization is done to boys as well. I hear it all the time when clients and friends open up, men just think they're better at hiding the pain.
I can't count the number of times I've felt like a walking wallet to a woman.