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(06-29-2010, 03:52 AM)John.E Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Wildflower, look forward to hearing about your experiences. I'm so excited right now because you are at the moment where I will be in just under 6 months. Its so hard to contain the excitement though... I've found that in order to go through this process of change I've had to cut myself off from friends and go it alone. I know that if I am serious about changing, I have to keep a distance from people who are going to keep me in the same place (even its it's not intentionally).

I've also stopped using the Wealth Builders for now (apart from Ultra Success) because to be competely honest the most important thing by far for me is not women, not becoming rich, but healing myself and getting back to the way I was before. I think its natural for people to want it all, and want it now but I trying to do everything at once is a bad idea. That's why for the next 6 months I'm gonna focus on myself. After the 6 months are up I will be in a great position to work on other areas of my life.

After I have finished the Alpha training I might take Shannons advice and use 3 of the wealth subs for a year straight or possibly the WM set, but I have a feeling that I won't even need it after I finish the Alpha. I just wish I had found this site a year ago... who knows where I could be now? But I'm greatful to find it when I did, pure awesomeness Wink

It's a great choice to stick with the Alpha program, and get as much exposure to it as you can. As for healing yourself - the women and becoming rich bit may very well come as a either a direct or an indirect result of it. 'Healing' is definitely the right word for the Alpha set, that is exactly what it does. The result of being 'healed' I've found is that you'll focus your attention to whatever it is you want to do - if that is making money for you, then the Alpha set could have a big impact in that department to. At the very least it'll prevent you from coming up with excuses for not doing x, y or z. Generally speaking nothing gets in the way of what you want, even if most of the time it is yourself that gets in the way.
I like this thread.. and the results are inspiring John. I think the first subliminals I will use will be the Alpha set and Ultra success considering those seem like they will go hand in hand together.
Cheers Shannon, I thought so too. When I say "healing" I really mean just what Wildflower mentioned on his thread - I think it was something along the lines of "I'm still me but just without all the BS"... that's exactly what I'm hoping for. I can see over the years how my mind has got cluttered up with junk and now I have a lot of limiting beliefs. I can see this so clearly because when I was a kid I used to be carefree and fearless, whereas now I'm generally very stressed and unhappy in general.

This is slowly but surely fading each day I use the Alpha set. It can be quite hard to explain exactly how I've developed certain beliefs about myself, but I'm sure everyone on this forum can relate in some way. I basically just want to clean out that mindset and replace it with new, solid and empowering beliefs.

@WildFlower - I know what you mean about not making excuses for things as this has already started manifesting for me in the last couple of days. It's funny you mention that because now I feel like I have absolutely no excuse to not do what I want with my life... although this is a new thing for me and feels quite weird and unnatural at the moment. I'm currently about a week into stage 2 so I'm sure it will start feeling more natural as I progress through the training set. And yes I agree... I have a tendancy to get in my own way. This is something that is all too familiar. I have a feeling this old trait will be gone pretty soon too.

@spiralout1988 - Glad you are inspired... that's always a good thing Smile the thing with the subs is not to get carried away with different ones... something which I am just getting to grips with myself. You should think of the changes that you want to make and use the ones that you think would work best for you. Everyone is different and has different goals. I have actually dropped the US for now (but will be using it again after I finish the Alpha set) and in its place I'm using Absolute Self Confidence. Confidence is absolutely, 100% the main area I want to improve on so I am solely focusing on that. I will try not to change subs again, as tempting as it is sometimes, because these 2 are solid. I'm glad you decided to go with the Alpha set... you literally can't go wrong with it, changes are happening to me every day I use it, some of which feel so new and unnatural, I am wondering if maybe I am imagining these changes. Deep down I know they are real though and are becoming more real each day. Start as soon as you can, you won't regret it Wink Ultra Success is great too, but just decide what you want the most and go for it.
Shannon, I have a question about Absolute Self Confidence... would I be better off just using the Alpha on its own or combined with ASC? In terms of confidence... what option would give the best results? Thanks man
Alpha hammers confidence, but does it at varying levels of intensity on different stages. If confidence is your main point, then having ASC as a "parallel runner" throughout the whole thing will equalize focus on that specific topic as well.
Thanks for the advice, I will just carry on using both then.
I think you've made the right choice. The confidence sub is bound to make more of an impact that Ultra Success will along side the Alpha sub .

Quote:although this is a new thing for me and feels quite weird and unnatural at the moment. I'm currently about a week into stage 2 so I'm sure it will start feeling more natural as I progress through the training set.

It was around the beginning of Stage 4 I had the epiphany of "hey, I'm an Alpha now!", up until that point, and carrying on afterwards there where lot's of little 'clicks' and 'ahh everything's falling into place' moments where the unnatural suddenly feel natural. Whether that be walking with swagger, approaching people, confidence to do what I want, etc, they all went from being unnatural (or totally unimaginable in some cases - "what me? Approach random women?") to feeling natural, to not even registering as something different any more. It's a very fun process to have happen to you.
(07-06-2010, 10:45 AM)WildFlower Wrote: [ -> ]I think you've made the right choice. The confidence sub is bound to make more of an impact that Ultra Success will along side the Alpha sub .

Quote:although this is a new thing for me and feels quite weird and unnatural at the moment. I'm currently about a week into stage 2 so I'm sure it will start feeling more natural as I progress through the training set.

It was around the beginning of Stage 4 I had the epiphany of "hey, I'm an Alpha now!", up until that point, and carrying on afterwards there where lot's of little 'clicks' and 'ahh everything's falling into place' moments where the unnatural suddenly feel natural. Whether that be walking with swagger, approaching people, confidence to do what I want, etc, they all went from being unnatural (or totally unimaginable in some cases - "what me? Approach random women?") to feeling natural, to not even registering as something different any more. It's a very fun process to have happen to you.

It certainly sounds like fun Wildflower... I can't wait until I get onto stage 3 and 4. At the moment I still have just under two weeks left of stage 2. I haven't noticed any major changes since I last updated this thread... I'm still becoming more confident in myself and still refusing to take sh*t from people and be treated poorly. I actually almost got into a fight the other night because of this change in mindset. My friend came over and was pretty much irritating me as he usually does. This is a guy who I've been meaning to cut out of my life for a while now but somehow he always manages to sneak back in.

This is my fault for not putting my foot down and I have given this guy way too many chances... but anyway, without going into too much detail he was disrespecting me in my own house and tried to manipulate me into changing my mind about something. He then proceeded to try to put me down when he didn't get his own way. I then asked him to leave and he refused, so I tried to punch him. He then had the nerve to text me the next day saying he was waiting for an apology. I told him he would be waiting a long time. I won't be speaking to him anytime soon as I do not need people like that in my life.

This is definately to do with the Alpha set and my change in mindset. I now notice even the most subtle ways in which people try to manipulate me or put me down and I won't have it anymore. The only way I can describe it is now I literally cringe anytime someone tries to control me in any way and I get very irritated very quickly. What the Alpha stage 2 has given me so far is the self respect to put my foot down and say no to people. This is quite a big thing for me but funnily enough I have already forgotten what I used to be like when I started the training 2 months ago.
Hey next time don't even try to punch him. Just look him in the eye until he leaves. If he doesn't proceed to leave warn him and then start threatening him before getting too physical if it's taking more than just a stern look.
I know, it probably wasn't the best way to handle the situation but this guy has had it coming to him for ages. Next time I will try to have more self control Smile
Quote:This is definately to do with the Alpha set and my change in mindset. I now notice even the most subtle ways in which people try to manipulate me or put me down and I won't have it anymore. The only way I can describe it is now I literally cringe anytime someone tries to control me in any way and I get very irritated very quickly. What the Alpha stage 2 has given me so far is the self respect to put my foot down and say no to people. This is quite a big thing for me but funnily enough I have already forgotten what I used to be like when I started the training 2 months ago.

My god, you described it perfectly. I know exactly what you mean. It's as if you become acutely aware of even the slightest form of manipulation or disrespect. It's as if your mind is sat there eagle eyed waiting and watching for it. It's not even right to call it manipulation or disrespect really as it is so incredibly minor, it would usually go totally unnoticed. It's almost as if your mind is seeking these little, tiny disrespect's so it can feel that 'tension' feeling inside you. During stage 1 and 2 It's as if you're being trained to resent any form of manipulation what so ever. This definitely calms down during latter stages. It's like you become incredibly sensitive to any one trying to dominate you as a means to 'grow a backbone', once that's done the program soothes it and you'll feel much more well adjusted than you do now and have done in the past. There is no way whatsoever anyone could take advantage of me any more, but at the same time I've become a lot less aware of the little tiny day to day naturally occurring annoyances that I was so tuned into seeing during the first 2 stages.
Quote:My god, you described it perfectly. I know exactly what you mean. It's as if you become acutely aware of even the slightest form of manipulation or disrespect. It's as if your mind is sat there eagle eyed waiting and watching for it. It's not even right to call it manipulation or disrespect really as it is so incredibly minor, it would usually go totally unnoticed. It's almost as if your mind is seeking these little, tiny disrespect's so it can feel that 'tension' feeling inside you. During stage 1 and 2 It's as if you're being trained to resent any form of manipulation what so ever. This definitely calms down during latter stages. It's like you become incredibly sensitive to any one trying to dominate you as a means to 'grow a backbone', once that's done the program soothes it and you'll feel much more well adjusted than you do now and have done in the past. There is no way whatsoever anyone could take advantage of me any more, but at the same time I've become a lot less aware of the little tiny day to day naturally occurring annoyances that I was so tuned into seeing during the first 2 stages.

Yeah, that's exactly what it feels like, you feel very on guard. I feel quite aggressive at the moment which is unusual for me. I also feel tense and fed up with a lot of people. I know this will pass and I'm quite looking forward to the later, happier stages of the set where I can just relax a lot more, meet people and have fun. At the moment I don't really feel like meeting up with people and have been spending a lot of time by myself doing my own thing. I liked your cocoon/butterfly analogy and think that sums up perfectly what I'm going through. I feel like I am changing and growing into a stronger, better person. I think it was Shannon who said that the MUWAS sub feels like your destiny is being rewritten, it's funny because that's exactly how I feel at the moment.
(07-18-2010, 02:00 PM)John.E Wrote: [ -> ]At the moment I don't really feel like meeting up with people and have been spending a lot of time by myself doing my own thing. I liked your cocoon/butterfly analogy and think that sums up perfectly what I'm going through. I feel like I am changing and growing into a stronger, better person. I think it was Shannon who said that the MUWAS sub feels like your destiny is being rewritten, it's funny because that's exactly how I feel at the moment.

I feel the exact same way in stage 2 of Woman Magnet.
Glad someone feels the same way Ryan. It's necessary to go through this though. It's for the best.
Lol yea kinda playing the waiting game. i'm going through this as well.. I guess I will for the next several weeks when I get through stage 2 of WM as well.
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