I was wondering if any physical changes take place with the attraction subs? The reason I ask is because I have ugly stretch marks on my arm pits from getting fat too fast. (That last sentence makes me laugh, even though it's true. Actually it's a combination of getting fat too fast and wearing too tight shirts). Anyway, it's embarrassing and I was looking at the scar and stretch mark remover sub you have. Does that work very well?
Anyway, I was wondering if using Woman Magnet with Become Irresistibly Attractive to Beautiful Women Version 6.0 and Develop an Aura of Sexiness could possibly cause physical side effects?
I have gotten zero feedback on the scar and stretch mark remover/reducer, so I can't say whether or not it works well. I know it's designed according to principles that I know work, but strictly speaking, no feedback yet.
And yes, they can cause physical side effects. There is a great deal of truth to the statement that "as a man thinketh, so is he".
I have had a lot of physical results on Aura of Sexiness, complete comfort, lower eye lids close and I have slight bags under my eyes (in a sexy way), I walk sexy, my voice changes, my eyes are more sparkly, my confidence is great, feel really cool and bada** and completely clear minded. The only bad side-effects I've had (not sure if it relates to this subliminal or not) is acne break-outs on my face and I've never had them before. Nothing a little acne cream can't cure though :-) Oh and during the internalization process when negativity comes up I get really shaky (especially in my hands, hard to eat food), experience bad tremors, become self-conscious, and confidence goes down the drain. But that only lasted about a week (the worst being about a day or two) during the internalization process.
Ryan, the acne, if it is related to the subliminal, might be explainable by the stress you were experiencing during the transition phase. If you have had shaking from nervousness - and I know what that's like, I have been there - it indicates a very deep stress/fear response from the subconscious. That can cause the release of stress hormones, which might cause a chain reaction leading to more acne. Not everyone will have that result, naturally.