Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Muscle mass / bodybuilding / fat burn
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I can make a subliminal 12 stage set that's designed to give you any power or capability you can think of... shapeshifting... superhuman strength or speed, even telekinesis, pyrokinesis, auto- and exo-teleportation, bilocation and time travel. The issue is that I don't yet know how to make such programs actually do what they're designed to do, and that would kill my reputation for building programs that work. Sorry guys. Smile
Our only hope for maximum Gorilla is gene splicing.
There's a script up in the Scriptorium that a couple of the guys created. Any chance that it can be used to create a 4G or 5G version of the sub? I think it would be great to have a more general purpose muscle builder on the market so that those who aren't experienced have an alternative to the Extreme Bodybuilding Set.
Why does the 3G Extreme Bodybuilding sub cost 30 dollars though? Not complaining, just curious... I'd like to see this upgraded as well. This and gratitude Smile.
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