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I'm posting questions that are being asked about the program from another forum.

Why can't you be under 18?

Besides the obvious of course... and it says it will only work for females. What about transgender? If you believe in your mind that you are a female could it possibly still work even if you were born male?
(09-16-2012, 06:44 AM)Y!kes Wrote: [ -> ]I'm posting questions that are being asked about the program from another forum.

Why can't you be under 18?

Besides the obvious of course... and it says it will only work for females. What about transgender? If you believe in your mind that you are a female could it possibly still work even if you were born male?

Under the age of 18, your body is still developing on it's own. I prefer not to interfere with that for various reasons.

I can make it work for transgendered people by simply changing the script to specify that it will only work if you are transgendered. It can only work if your subconscious mind agrees 100% that you are actually female. I don't know how well it would work if you tried it; much better to use one designed for transgenders specifically. If there is interest I can put it in que to build when I build Version 7.0. But Version 7.0 is going to be built in 5G format, and be $500 a copy, regardless of whom it's designed to affect. Which is actually a good thing, because it will produce 10-15% more breast size increase and be significantly faster acting than the 4G version, meaning that it will work much better for transgenders. For whomever it is used by, that 10-15% could easily mean the difference between one cup size and another.
I'm the transsexual who the OP refers to... Blush

I don't know how much stock you put in the whole spirit journey concept from the Native American tribes, but I've done something very like and am fully convinced I have a 100% female spirit.

What about the alpha female one? I'd be interested in giving it a try anyways, but I'm presently proving to myself any of your programs even work at all first - trying the self confidence set starting tonight...

Personally, I think if it works, the present price on the sets is reasonable. I don't think hiking it to $500 would still seem as reasonable. At least, to me. No, even with the new versions. I could see a hike to $300 at most.

I actually think that a "transgendered" version would only work on betweenies... Full transsexuals DO believe themselves women. Women with a birth defect that they later get corrected. It's the birth defect that's the problem. Or the opposite, but we're not talking about men here. Blush I sincerely doubt the birth defect has any substantial impact on our subconscious mind. Heck. I'm of the personal opinion that I'd hid myself IN my subconscious mind for the majority of my young life... Dodgy

Anyways. I do think this could be interesting to at least try. And heck, as a side benefit, it working would help solidify with our conscious mind that what we are doing really is what's right for us.

And yes, I've been reading some of your posts here, and I find myself agreeing quite strongly with your belief that our conscious mind holds a veto power over our subconscious at times, but it slowly weakens. It's my belief that's what happened to me when I came out to myself, my conscious mind was no longer able to so completely resist the truths of my subconscious mind...

So yeah... I'm kinda rambling here aren't I? I hope you'll at least consider my opinion...

"Only works on insert-group-here" MIGHT deter some transsexual women from even trying it, but I think it's more likely to put us into defensive mode, like me. Which has almost the same effect on many of us. I'm naturally a skeptic anyways, but that wording made my skepticometer go into hyperdrive. Me, when my skepticometer goes off like that, I find myself almost having to try it just to prove it wrong. But others might not react the same way. Dodgy
I don't claim a lot of knowledge about transgender/transsexual issues or people, so you'll have to forgive my inexperience. If you'd like me to build something for this group, or a particular subgroup, I'll be glad to, and in 4G would make me much happier because it's so much easier to build.

On further consideration, because I am unfamiliar with the specifics of transgender/transsexual people, I realize that I don't well know how the program would affect such a person, so it would be wiser to have you use it and report your results and then decide whether or not to sell it later after I had some evidence that it works for such a case, and how well. This sounds like it would make a fascinating experiment. I would probably need your help on specifics, though.

However, you are currently using a 5G program, and you cannot use anything else with it. As I said in the other thread, I suggest you use that for 90 days.
I am well aware of the limitation. It was my intention to prove it true or false with a fair 90 day attempt with the ASC program before purchasing the alpha female set IF the ASC program works.

My understanding is that I wouldn't be able to use alpha female and breast enlargement at the same time either... Blush

I believe they're both 4g, presently, but one is a mixed B/C and the other is a C type, which you do not suggest mixing.
I would suggest we build a specialty breast enlargement set for you, instead of having you use the one already in play. That gives the ability to customize it for your circumstances better, because since the subconscious is literal it is possible that it may respond to the fact that you were born male and are genetically male, instead of your other experiences and beliefs. If it works, I'm sure there are plenty of other people in your shoes who would be interested in such a program. Or, you could use the one for women, and see what it does, and then use a specialized one.
Well, I'm pretty sure I'd want to try the alpha female set first anyways. Or a custom build based on that, maybe. But I'm really interested in testing my, I suppose more rightly theory, though I truly do believe it, that our subconscious already thinks itself completely female. Or at least mine, anyways. I suppose I can't REALLY speak for others, but it wouldn't at all surprise me if it were a truth for any full transsexual.

Many of us literally were unable to fully function while we were trying to hide. In-betweenies are generally much more able to function in hiding. They can be HAPPIER being able to express themselves in cross-gendered ways, but they FUNCTION even without. I wasn't even functional.

I think the difference lies in how strongly our subconscious and conscious minds are at odds with each other. In my case my subconscious was completely and firmly assured of it's identity as female, while my conscious mind refused to deny the evidence so to speak. Eventually my conscious denial could no longer hold up to the barrage from my subconscious and broke. And what a glorious break that was... It still hurts to remember when that happened towards the end of my soul search last year... It was... a powerful moment...