ive read a book before that was a bit diffrent than affirmations like instead of stating something "i am becoming more attractive" stating it as a question includes a lot more power in it " Why am i becoming so much more attractive" "why do i keep having beautiful girls checking me" etc becuse then the resistance is a lot smaller and the mind starts looking for answers for those questions the same way when we are deppressed and ive noticed it we keep saying "why is my life so bad" "why people dont like me" etc do u think this would be any usefull in actuall sub scripts?
I am going to answer this aith a quote from a previous post of mine, which I was unable to find through anything short of Google. I don't know were exactly it is in the forum, so here is the quote, copied and pasted from Google.
Quote:First let me say I have not yet studied afformations in terms of trying them to see for myself how effective they are; but the concept behind them is fairly easily understood.
The conscious mind is the critical thinking gatekeeper. It constantly analyzes everything and it's job is to reject things that don't make sense, don't work, and are not true.
Again... the job of the conscious mind is to reject things that are not true. Present tense.
The job of the conscious mind is also partly to solve mysteries and answer questions. That's why we have curiosity.
Afformations - questions - assume a truth. Nobody asks "Why are my pants full of mosquitoes" because nobody has pants that are full of mosquitoes. It has become so ingrained in our programming that questions are always based on a truth that it is actually used in debates to mislead audiences a lot. The audience will automatically assume that any question is based on truth, and that puts the other guy on the defensive. So what an afformation does, in theory at least, is bypass the critical faculty of asking "Are my pants full of mosquitoes?" (which is the automatic response to an affirmation like "My pants are full of mosquitoes") and simply assumes the truth of the subject of the question, because otherwise, why would you be asking it?
In doing so, this is bypassing the gatekeeper, and the subconscious is now working on the assumption of truth, and seeking the answer.
Interesting thing about the subconscious: it's literal. So when it encounters a statement that it has accepted, but which is not observable outwardly, it will make the outward reality match the inner reality. In other words, it actually generates the reality it has accepted as being true, if it is not already.
Affirmations take advantage of this same phenomenon. By repetition of either, you will cause the subconscious to accept that XYZ is true. But if it is accepted, and not outwardly manifest, the subconscious will rectify that by adjusting the outer reality to match the inner reality. It does this because it cannot tell the difference between the two, and in fact, the only real difference between them is the speed at which they change.
One gets stopped by the gatekeeper when it fails the "Is this currently true?" test (affirmations), and one confuses the gatekeeper and gets through on assumption of truth (afformations).
The only thing I can see being a potential problem is asking a question and having the phrasing mis-set the intended variable. "Why am I so rich?" might set the value of "Rich" to "my current value", for instance.