(08-20-2012, 04:58 PM)Spiral Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure if someone else has mentioned this but this would benefit any of us doing everything in our power to change our lives for the better in terms of manifesting health and healing, love, or material items. Visualization is one of those keys and so many including me have difficulty visualizing things to the point where they can visuzlize a whole situation through and through transitioning into new situations without obstruction in thought. It's about staying present but being able to paint a meticulous picture in one's mind takes practice. I'm getting better but I think and aid would be very valuable for many.
Spiral - you have hit the nail on the head for heaps of people about difficulties in visualizing - A painting teacher told me my drawings and paintings were no better than what a child could do, yet I have set out a garden with such beauty that hundreds of people stop and take photographs.
Some blind people can "see" and "feel" and "sense" even without eyes. A few "blind from birth" people can paint something they have never seen, and a hundred times better than me.
Which part of the "elephant" you are touching can determine what things are like - and you can only paint what information you are holding in your head.
Michael Angelo said he can see the object he wants to make before it chips away the unwanted material around it. Most of us do it back to front to his way. He was not a genius, but he could SEE, so it was easy for him to make beautiful things.
In theory, everyone should be able to paint anything they have seen in detail (and accurately), because our eyes have already photographed and stored the images in our memory banks.
To visualize anything, we just have to contact our memory bank and pull the image out of a folder. Our emotions, beliefs and experiences of life determine how easily we can recall things. Emotions can make it hard for children to pass exams they are worrying about.
When I get lost in a forest, I sit down and meditate. When I am in a trance state of total relaxation and not caring about the outer world, I admit to myself that I don't know how to get out of the forest - then ask my Subconscious mind to access the photographic records of me walking into the forest and reverse me out of the forest.........and it does.
When humans can shut off the emotional interference COMPLETELY, and believe the subconscious mind knows trillions of ways to sort out the difficulty you are facing - then you are allowing a force greater than you to manifest the solution.
If we do things the "human way", we rely on our education and experiences and beliefs to LIMIT US.
In fact, if we think something is impossible, then a mechanism in our brain puts up a road block to make ABSOLUTELY sure we can't achieve it.
We can't do something that we believe is impossible.
I think that Shannon is dismantling these roadblocks, so we can achieve new things. He is defraging our human hard-drive, because all humans are born a genius, and the only limits are our fears/habits.
If we can remember what we ate for breakfast, there is nothing wrong with our visualization.
I have been having vivid lucid technicolor dreams that can go on for more than 24 hours if I don't have a reason to wake up - and it feels like it is happening for real, even though I can't paint when I am awake.
My subconscious mind is in top shape, but my emotional status and beliefs is affecting my "day world".
Children learn the equivalent of a university degree before going to school, then we install thousands of rules in their head of what they are allowed to do or not do. We stifle their creativity and shut down their visualization.
An experiment was done with a baby sitting in a pram. 2,000 romney sheep walked past a baby in single file out of a pen . A week later it happened again, but one sheep was changed. The baby smiled when it saw the new sheep. 2,000 romney sheep all look the same, yet the baby spotted the difference immediately.
A baby is born with a brillant mind, but loses its ability rapidly as the people around it shape it's permitted behavour. A child runs across the road into danger, because it does not know what danger means.
If humans believed that everything was possible, then those with the best imagination would have the best life.
Our hidden fears run our lives - the solution to every problem is in our heads already. We just need to switch off the beta day brain, so our life magically changes instantly.
When the sub mind and conscious minds agree to work amicably together, we become superhuman.
Hypnosis is a trance state - you escape from the world around you - and all there is is just this moment. This is your point of power, and if you choose to be happy for 5 seconds, you can choose to be happy all day with some practice.
Hold the focus on what you want to achieve in the next 30 mins, switch off all interruptions including your cell phone.
Those who are high achievers, focus on completing tasks and don't allow any distractions. They have a laser mind (from practice). They know what they want and therefore will do whatever it takes.
If you chip away the dead wood in your life, all that is left is a truly amazing world of incredible beauty. If your life is a mess, then you just need to identify what you would rather have and go after it.
Only silly people keep thinking about all the things they don't like, because they will just get more and more of them.
Two prisoners looked out of a cell window. One saw the stars, the other the mud from the rain. Guess which one will benefit from incarceration, and which one will come back into society looking for revenge?