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Full Version: Smoking sub-take 3-HST-take 1
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(01-01-2013, 12:40 PM)Andrew Wrote: [ -> ]Just PM/Email/IM, however you can get your order details to me and I'll investigate. Standard procedure is to click the download links contained in the email that is sent to you or after you are returned to the store. But if that is not happening just get ahold of me outside the forum Smile

I didn't get an email because I couldn't figure out how to register which I know I have to do in the new store, so it doesn't have my email info yet.
There is no registration - Send me via contact/pm/etc your paypal transaction ID if you made an order, any info you have.
Going by my dreams last night, the sub seems to be working on disconnecting from what I feel is the pleasurable part of smoking. I still do think about it a lot, so I really need it to do this.

It seems like I'm making more of a conscious choice to not smoke these days.

I also lack any motivation and am gaining weight.

At the end of this month, I move onto the 6th stage.
So you're saying that you're starting to regress, and after months of not smoking, have suddenly lost all motivation, and started gaining weight? That doesn't seem related to the cessation of smoking in that case.
It didn't happen suddenly.
Please explain to me how it has gone, and give me specifics.
I haven’t been posting on here too much because I’ve been finding it both self-destructive and non-productive. For all intent and purposes the program is doing exactly what it’s suppose to do, I’m not smoking. But it’s the fall out from not smoking that’s causing me so much distress. I’ve used smoking to help me deal with any given situation in my life that I needed it too. And now I have nothing. It wouldn’t have taken away the situations that are causing me so much anguish, but it would of helped numb them. I am angry most of the time anymore. My family keeps asking me if I’m all right or they make comments that I never seem happy anymore. Miserable is a word used a lot when my kids are describing me these days. I feel very serious most of the time and things that I used to think of as fun, seem like a waste of time and I’d rather just not be bothered. I’m basically just getting through each day. I have an extreme amount of resentment towards anyone who gets in my way.

I’m sure I’ve felt like this when smoking, but it’s a drug and has the ability to numb emotions. I notice every negative aspect of my life right now which bright clarity. I feel like I’m going through a total rebuild or reformat of my mind and right now I’m in limbo, not knowing what to do. I think I have a lot of repressed anger, resentment and sadness that is coming out now, which is ok I guess, except I don’t know what to do with it. And nothing can be changed to make me feel any better. Some days my anxiety is so strong I can hardly move and I seriously have no motivation to make anything better. I do wish that this program wasn’t so concentrated on me and could help my kids. It’s a little harder not smoking when they all are.

With all that said, I am basically giving myself permission to go through this. My goal at this time is to finish the program and I know I’ll do that. Then I’ll take a break and then listen to OFSG even though I’ll probably kill me but I just keep hoping that one of these programs will eventually help to feel better.
(01-23-2013, 09:00 AM)Patti Wrote: [ -> ]but I just keep hoping that one of these programs will eventually help to feel better.

I'll tell you what you already know but maybe you need to hear it from someone else.

I've been through this too, more times than I'd like to admit. But until we take responsibility for the change ourselves no pill, no vitamin, no subliminal, no fancy gadget or product, will help us. Period.

As a trainer I could get a client in the most high-tech gym in the world, have them on a perfect diet, they may have perfect genetics, give them the most perfect workout routine, have their doctor prescribe them steroids, but until they are willing to MOVE they will make no gains. Nothing.

You have to find new ways of coping, new interests, and revive old ones. Me? I play my Violin. I have other interests I fall back on when that's not an option.

It's simple, you're in an identity crisis, it's time for you to USE this pain as energy and determination to go out and become new and improved Patti.

Shannon makes the best neuro-gadgets in the world I would say, and I've watched him all this time bust his back making the most advanced smoking subliminal, and then make it all over again. I've seen one of the scripts for SSF and it is practically a book. I wanted him to stop but he was determined to make the best one humanly possible, and it was largely for you. And here it is working and he has done it. Yet I don't see gratitude, I see whining. You know what you need to do, go do it. And you can get angry with me, but I don't care, and it won't help you. I am not going to stay silent after all my business partner has gone through to make this product work. The people here on this forum that get the best results, are the ones who take responsibility. Many of the things I've done in the last 6+ years I've done would have failed without subliminals. But they would have failed guaranteed if I made myself out to be a victim. Honestly I can't understand why you aren't jumping for joy that you've quit. After being stuck on oxycodone for a couple surgeries gone wrong for a long time, after finally getting clean it was like a new lease on life. I could never live with such little gratitude.
I’m sorry Andrew, I thought this was MY thread, where I could journalize MY experiences, as they were ACTUALLY happening, not like I would WANT them to. Would you like me to write false comments or just stop posting all together?

I have thanked Shannon various times in the past for his work, but since you don’t usually frequent the forum much, I guess you missed it. It is because of the utmost respect and gratitude I have for him, that I am still listening to this program. He is the “SOLE” reason, because I would have bagged a while ago. I have not felt this sickly both physically and mentally my entire life! It may not all be from the program but it is very coincidental that it all started after I began to use the program. I have been to many doctors who have found nothing. I have tried many nutritional things to try to help which do some but not 100%.

As for you Andrew, if my posts upset you so much, please feel free to NOT read them in the future! All you comments did was add another layer of guilt to the ones I’ve already instilled on myself, knowing how much time and effort Shannon put into this program and I feel so bad because I’m in a daily funk that I can’t purge myself of. But it isn’t from the lack of trying! If there’s any part of this that you think I’m enjoying, guess again. All I can do is keep listening to the program and hope it does whatever it’s trying to do, and pray that I don’t restart smoking after the program is finished.

I don’t care if you were addicted to oxycodone, I’m sorry you had to go through that, but please don’t assume you know what I AM going through, because you don’t have a clue!
Patti... you do know that it's you who makes the decision to smoke or not, right? You gave up the physical addiction long ago. This is all psychological subconscious response at this point. This is you resisting.

Nobody else who has used the program properly - and I don't doubt that you have, by the way - has had these issues. They all forgot to smoke and didn't even realize they'd quit, usually for between 5 hours and a couple weeks after they stopped completely. None of them had stress, or anxiety, or emotional upset, or weight gain, or any need, want or desire to smoke after that point, never mind having to pray for help with it. In fact I have had reports of people doing the incredibly idiotic "Smoking Test", where they try to re-addict themselves by smoking a cigarette "just to see if I am addicted still", and both not finishing the cigarette and not wanting to, or smoking after that.

Incredibly idiotic because that's how most smokers get caught again. Please, don't try it.

Ultimately, there's a part of you being stubborn. Refusing to cooperate. Refusing to allow itself to be influenced. Resisting the program. I've given this a lot of thought over the last few days, partly because I wanted to really understand it, and partly because it so upset me that I wanted to calm down before I posted a response. Here's what I have concluded.

In spite of all my efforts to the point that you have been given access to, you're still resisting. I believe that is in large part because you feel as through you are obligated to quit. Guilt, shame, fear, whatever the reason is, you feel obligated and you resent that. And that resentment is triggering the classic smoker's "fuck you" response. Resistance.

So, Patti, understanding that, I hereby absolve you of any and all guilt, shame or fear you may feel on my behalf, and any obligation you have or perceive yourself as having. You are welcome to do as you please. Finish the program, or not. Smoke, or not. It always has been, and always will be your choice. I don't want you to smoke because you got frustrated with or started resenting me, or felt obligated to use the program, etcetera. So you are free to let go of those obligatory feelings, and any resentment you may feel toward using the program, quitting smoking, and me. (And Andrew, too, by the way, who is only frustrated on my behalf.)

I don't want you to smoke, but I also don't want you to fail at this because you feel obligated, and therefore resentful.

Ultimately, for your personality type, it has to be something you do, and choose, of your own free will. I appreciate that you posted as much as you did in an effort to provide me with feedback, but I think that has defeated a good bit of the program by leading to making you feel put in the spotlight, and given expectations and obligations. I have a close friend who started responding the same way, and gave up before getting to Stage 2. I recognized this in her, and told her to stop using it until she was ready to, and to not tell me a damned thing about it.

I'm going to say the same thing to you. Ultimately, the program you're using is everything you need to succeed, as has been shown by all the results everyone else has gotten with that program version, and the ones before and after it. What it can't be is a straight jacket, to force you. It's not supposed to force you.

So from here on out, Patti, I don't want to hear another word about it unless and until you can report success, and you choose to report that fact. I don't want you feeling obligated. I don't want you feeling pressured, or attacked, or misunderstood or frustrated or any of it. It's only going to trigger your subconscious (inner child?) to resist, and produce the effects the program is trying to negate and turn off.

So from here on out, Patti, you do what you want to do. You are your own woman. You make your own choices. I want you to stop posting here because I think it's only causing more feelings of obligation, resentment and resistance.

You're welcome to post about anything else. But until you've taken the lead and chosen to quit for yourself, and then chosen to post here about it, this thread is only doing damage for you instead of helping. That's not what I want.

I look forward to seeing your posts in the future. Be well.
Well thanks for letting me off the proverbial hook lol and I will try to digest what you said and see if it makes a difference.

I do intend on finishing the program because I’ve come this far and it would be stupid to stop now. Plus it was the one goal I wanted to accomplish, so I want to at least do that.

I don’t think it’s been defeating for me in any way to post and in fact probably just the opposite, because it helps some to get it out. Plus, so many people on here have been so helpful with some of their idea's. However, I do recognize that most of my posts of late have been negative and I never in any way wanted to hurt your business. This is why I haven’t really posted much. The only reason I wrote that post the other day was because of the dreams I had of smoking, and that just felt crazy to me to be have dreams still about smoking. Actually, I think it’s really the first dream I did have about smoking at all. But anyway, I hear what you’re saying. I will have to find somewhere else to vent lol.

I do believe that I am in about 5% of the smoking population that will struggle to quit even with this program (although I don’t know completely why Sad). But I hope that the kids on this forum or any adult for that matter, who smokes, are watching my efforts and struggles and use the program now so it may be easier for them. I believe that the length of time that I’ve smoked combined with stopping and restarting so many times is attributing to the huge confliction going on.

I hope you do know that I appreciate everything you have done for me and I truly feel I was led to this forum for a reason…whether it be to quit smoking for good or not, we will see.

Take care.
On September 19th it was my birthday and it also was my one year anniversary of quitting smoking. I did it on my birthday for various reasons. The quit smoking experts always suggest you do it on a date you'll remember and I'm one of those people that really like my birthday because I've made it to another year and I also see it as a new beginning. So I felt this was a perfect time, however I'm not sure I would have done it that way if I were to do it again. It was very forced and I think I would of maybe had less problems if I'd let it happen naturally with the sub. But I also always knew this was going to be an extremely hard process for me. I don't necessarily believe it would be as hard for others as it was for me. I believe myself to be about 10% of the population that it would be this hard for. I don't think anyone here got how hard it was even though I kept talking about it. It very much felt like my soul was being ripped out of my body.

Even though I knew it was going to be hard, I also knew in my heart of hearts that this would probably be the last shot for me at quitting. I had pretty much exhausted all avenues of quit help products (some twice), and my feeling was that I have very high regards about Shannon and his work, and if I couldn't quit with his product, it wasn't happening for me at all. For this reason, even though I felt as bad as I did, I pushed the sub process to the limits and probably beyond. I forced the quit date. I listened pretty much 24/7 the entire time. I listened to it very loud most of the time with ultrasonic and I used earphones as much as possible (but not loud). This program fully discombobulated me physically and emotionally.

I had two bumps along the way and smoked twice. Both times I was drinking and because I don't drink much anymore I was pretty bamboozled with not so much alcohol lol, and I guess smoking just went with those times. But I didn't want anymore after each of them and no more the following days. This would have never happened before the sub. I would have went right back to it.

I think it's one of things, at least for me, that more time and experiences that I got through without using the smoking coping skill I was so used to, the better I would feel about not smoking. And life has been so wonderful, in that it would throw the craziest stressful situations my way to deal with, so I had to learn how to deal with them without smoking. In the beginning I was very resentful and basically felt torn between knowing I was doing the right thing for myself and denying myself what I really wanted. It was hard.

But I'm now coming through the other side. I feel about 75 to 90% percent better emotional, physically I'm still working on it. I very recently starting having an issue with my lungs. They're sore and it's hard to explain but I can feel them. The funny thing about me is that I never had that feeling that my lungs were clearing out, never got a cold or felt congested. I was so nervous about this feeling that I did get a chest X-ray that came back thankfully normal. What I do think that's going on is that all the toxins are now finally breaking up. I think I had conditioned myself so much, when I'd quit for 3 months and go back or 6 months and go back or even a year and go back. My body is waiting for me to restart and now that I'm not, it's possible it's gonna start to break up now. Idk, all I do know is that this is the longest I've ever quit and I really don't foresee me going back to it.

I know this is the only product that would of helped me to quit and I'd do it all over again, even if it wasn't a pleasant experience. Thanks Shannon for all your hard work, I know I was a pain in the butt, but I do appreciate you sticking with me and updating the program to help me and hopefully others.
I don't know where else to post this as I am not allowed to post a new topic for some funny reason beyond my understanding.

I have recently bought the new Stop Smoking Forever which comes with the OFGA script subliminal program but I can't seem to find the instructions on how to use it anywhere on the website?

The only instructions I could find are about how to use the old Stop Smoking Forever program.

Please direct me to the instructions on how to use this new program and how many hours a day I am supposed to be use it for.

Thank you very much for your help.
Hi Freak4life! I don't really know much about the newest stop smoking sub and I don't want to give you wrong advice. I'm not sure how many people read my thread, so you might want to re-post this in either FAQ or Troubleshooting and I'm more than sure someone will be able to help you. Good luck and start a journal. I'd be very interested in reading your results!
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