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I have some friends who after achieving a certain level of financial wealth have this problem of snapping back from where they once started. I mean they have a problem of maintaining their wealth and I really feel bad seeing them that way.

I've read somewhere about the concept of having a financial thermostat. It is said that the subconscious mind of an individual is set to a certain level and if it its not maintained or adjusted permanently, no matter how much money a person makes he will lose it all if he doesn't have the proper mindset of maintaining it.

I'm wondering if what kind of subliminals would help this kind of problems?
First of all, the idea that you have a financial thermostat is accurate, but the idea that it cannot be changed is ridiculous. They snap back because some part of it hasn't been changed. Sometimes people will have the idea that allowing themselves to be wealthy equates to "sin"... sometimes it's the idea that wealthy people are "evil" or that money is the root of all evil (exact working is, "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil". In other words, blind greed is... not money.) Then there are those people who are afraid to allow themselves to be so massively successful because it represents an unknown for them... and so on. The way you change it is through subliminals (easiest), hypnosis (fastest), affirmations (slowest) or creative visualization (most work).

The problem people encounter is that they have a sticking point that they haven't cleared. All of my wealth subliminals have something in them to deal with things like that. Take your pick.

I'm going to be re-working the Become A Multi-Millionaire Within The Next 4 Years subliminal soon, and it's gonna deal with every possible reason.
Now it makes sense. Smile