07-15-2012, 11:20 AM
HI,Keith here I wanted to let yawl know I have 2 wonderful healing tools,that I am selling for 250$ so that I May purchase the Alpha Male 5.0
sooner than later,I Have it listed online heres da link if you wish to check it out and get back with me. The ONLY reason I am placing this posting here and link as well as the connected websites( for informational purposes alone) is so that I can again purchase the Alpha Male 5.0 set that much sooner. The first is the Intrasound healing panel and the second is the Personal Rejuvinzier,combo fer 250$, best offer.
http://eastnc.craigslist.org/hab/3114338678.html pictures included.
The Intrasound Panel alone sells fer 250$, I want the person to experience the value and benefits of BOTH, and that over time as well. I have extra's of each but am ONLY selling if it comes down to it TWO of the Panels and/or 1 of the Rejuvinizer's MID NIGHT BLUE specifically. I Have had one of MY Rejuv's fer 22 years now I never take it off. the Panel provides a healing radiant energy bubble that goes out 2O to 25 feet, I have one for MY bed( slips easily between the box springs and the mattress,right in da middle of the bed or under a massage table)
More info on the rejuvinzier @ lighthealing.com,
More info @ intrasoundproducts.com
For the record this is for sale by OWNER(Me) not the companies. Brand New Products.
thanx lemme know Private Message Me. Respectfully,Keith.
sooner than later,I Have it listed online heres da link if you wish to check it out and get back with me. The ONLY reason I am placing this posting here and link as well as the connected websites( for informational purposes alone) is so that I can again purchase the Alpha Male 5.0 set that much sooner. The first is the Intrasound healing panel and the second is the Personal Rejuvinzier,combo fer 250$, best offer.
http://eastnc.craigslist.org/hab/3114338678.html pictures included.
The Intrasound Panel alone sells fer 250$, I want the person to experience the value and benefits of BOTH, and that over time as well. I have extra's of each but am ONLY selling if it comes down to it TWO of the Panels and/or 1 of the Rejuvinizer's MID NIGHT BLUE specifically. I Have had one of MY Rejuv's fer 22 years now I never take it off. the Panel provides a healing radiant energy bubble that goes out 2O to 25 feet, I have one for MY bed( slips easily between the box springs and the mattress,right in da middle of the bed or under a massage table)
More info on the rejuvinzier @ lighthealing.com,
More info @ intrasoundproducts.com
For the record this is for sale by OWNER(Me) not the companies. Brand New Products.
thanx lemme know Private Message Me. Respectfully,Keith.