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I seen the doctor. But all they ever do is chuck pills at the problem and give you repeat prescription. The pills only seem to mask the problem not fix it. Hens why I wont to try subs to relieve it.

The depression stems from my past drug abuse. Ever sins I gave up drugs I am depressed. All ways having the feeling that some thing is missing but I don't know what. Life seems to be a drag all the bloody time. That leaves me thinking about drugs a lot. I'll never give in to them again tho but that is a contest battle.

I all so some what not happy with my job. It kind of landed at my feet so I went with it just so that I was working. Cant seem to work out what I wont to do work wise. Its all so a tough time to change job with unemployment rate sky high here in the UK.

Moving out is not a problem. I'm looking ford to owning my own place.

Think I'll start with RNW. Cant do DRA as I'm doing a multi level BWE at the moment that I'm half way in on.
I also dislike the "just throw pills at it" attitude that modern medicine seems to have surrendered to.

If your depression stems from past drug abuse, that could be a chemical imbalance in the brain. If that's the case, PTPA might be helpful too, when you have the chance to try it.
Taylord, I can relate to that missing something feeling that you’re having, I struggle with it every time I stop smoking. It is horrible and can beat you down, and has always been a constant battle with me also, so I understand what you feel. The great part, is that you don’t do the drugs anymore, good for you! But this missing something, nagging feeling that never seems to go away can cause depression. I know you said you went to the doctors but did you go to a psychologist? They can’t prescribe any meds, so you don’t have to worry about that and maybe just being able to talk about things will help you.

I’ve never used release the negativity from within, (although I'm starting to think maybe I should) but it makes sense that using that along with a positive sub would help you release some old stuck beliefs of why you started doing the drugs in the first place. And then of course help you move on to better beliefs.
(04-01-2012, 04:01 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I also dislike the "just throw pills at it" attitude that modern medicine seems to have surrendered to.

If your depression stems from past drug abuse, that could be a chemical imbalance in the brain. If that's the case, PTPA might be helpful too, when you have the chance to try it.
Yeah It's kind of sad. sOk will do that one after unless you think I'll be better of starting with PTPA
(04-02-2012, 05:54 AM)Patti Wrote: [ -> ]Taylord, I can relate to that missing something feeling that you’re having, I struggle with it every time I stop smoking. It is horrible and can beat you down, and has always been a constant battle with me also, so I understand what you feel. The great part, is that you don’t do the drugs anymore, good for you! But this missing something, nagging feeling that never seems to go away can cause depression. I know you said you went to the doctors but did you go to a psychologist? They can’t prescribe any meds, so you don’t have to worry about that and maybe just being able to talk about things will help you.

I’ve never used release the negativity from within, (although I'm starting to think maybe I should) but it makes sense that using that along with a positive sub would help you release some old stuck beliefs of why you started doing the drugs in the first place. And then of course help you move on to better beliefs.
Smoking is hard to do also. Problem with smoking it is every where. Mind you Its getting fazed out in the UK now tho. No smoking in a indoor public place and the tobacco counters at shops are covered up so not to advertise them Smile I gave up some years back after the drugs. It feels good not top be a smoker but the extra weight I put on is not nice Undecided

I did hypnotherapy and the lady I was seeing was a psychologist as well. We talked a lot but didn't help things at all. Reason being I find it hard to connect with a stranger face to face. So that made both the hypnotherapy and talking useless.

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