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Why not? with the right positive vibrations and appreciation for what you already have flowing through you.. manifesting winnings in the scratch offs is easy. They other day I was so indifferent yet feeling great I bought 2 tickets and won 20 bucks off of one. I mean.. the odds for this truly working for everyone is much better than doing a sub to win the state lottery.

Yea, I'm being greedy but this would be super fun to play around with.
Now this is really interesting.
I might get it if Shannon created one.
Didn’t we talk to Shannon a while ago about a sub for the lottery and he said he didn’t think it would work? I remember something vaguely about it. Maybe just a sub to bring good luck with some intuition would be good. I can give ya a few tips though because I’ve been following the lottery for years and years lol. As far as scratch offs go, go to your state’s lottery website and check out which scratch offs have already been won (the biggest amounts) and don’t play them. And if you play a couple of tickets, don’t play a variety, just play a couple of the same one. Also, buy them from off beat places, not like 7-11 for instance. I won $1000 in Virginia at a gas station and just won another 5 at another gas station. Maybe gas stations are the key haha.


Isn't it in one of the multi-stage products that you are the one that is being approached by women?? ...I've never tried them so I cannot say for myself, but I know that being approached by girls (especially cold approaches) are very, very rare (even though you are very good looking) - and they are exclusively in-direct, at least for me.

So if my above understanding is correct, then I don't see anything standing in the way of having a win-the-lottery subliminal product.
This is what Shannon had said before:

There's a reason I haven't made this programn in the past, and why I don't have the one to dream the winning lotto numbers up anymore: it doesn't work for most people. Things like winning the lottery are major events that would either require you to be pre-destined to win, or at best, years of effort/working towards the goal.

If you're pre-destined, you'll win, but only when you're supposed to for whatever reason it's pre-destined. Otherwise, winning is a serious challenge, and you should expect to spend years using such a subliminal.

I can make one that would require 6 years of use, but there would still be no guarantee of success. Color me skeptical.

If you guys still want such a thing, I'll consider making it. But don't expect it to be quick or miraculous.
The odds of scratch offs are more in the person's favor participating in scratch offs than on the lottery