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Full Version: Tiesto's Absolute Self Confidence 4G Progress Report
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(02-23-2012, 07:06 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I hear you. Smile Running your own business is NOT easy. I will probably be 8-9 years in before I am getting to the point where I don't have to worry about finances anymore.

I hope with your new and improved BAMM, it won’t take that long for you, and when you released it I’m buying it for sure! I don’t want to get left behind joining the multi-millionaire club. Lol! Big Grin

(02-23-2012, 10:09 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Have you ever driven somewhere, get there and don't remember the trip? That's a side effect of the Theta level of awareness, which is basically deep hypnosis. Same thing for daydreaming. Daydreams happen in the Theta state.

Yes I have actually, I thought my driving is just automatic and when I realized I have already arrived! So I was in theta when that happens? Cool, learn something new everyday. Smile

(02-23-2012, 07:06 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Here's something else you'll appreciate. You absolutely cannot be made to do anything that is against your will with hypnosis. If you saw someone do something that would be embarrassing, it was because to them, it wasn't really embarrassing. But hypnosis isn't about "stage hypnotism". Those guys give hypnosis a really bad name because they just want to make money at any cost, and they never explain the truth about it. They just mislead people into being needlessly afraid of something that could otherwise be helpful to them more often than not.

"Hypnosis" is just a guided form of relaxation that allows your conscious mind to step aside and allows direct access to the subconscious. It's just a natural state of awareness. You can experience the same thing using my brainwave entrainment programs all by yourself.

That is true, for someone like me who doesn’t understand anything about hypnosis, seeing those kind of things makes me think negatively about it.

Brainwave entrainment sounds interesting, I will try that out one day as well.

(02-23-2012, 07:06 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds good. Smile

Thanks for all your help Shannon, I don’t remember how I stumbled into this forum, it was purely by accident when I was googling about something else, I didn’t know anything about subliminals and I definitely never thought of something like this actually exist or even possible. Now I can honestly say this forum is one my favourite place to visit and learn a lot of new fascinating things from you and the other members in this forum.

I’ll be back with more updates here when I start making improvements.
You are quite welcome. Smile
Day 30:

It has been around about a month since I started ASC 4G, and to follow up with my latest update, I noticed since I increased the volume and the duration of exposure (12 hours/day), I become really lethargic, when I'm working on daytime and listening to the sub I feel like my brain just wants to shut down and fall asleep, feeling really drowsy.

The tiredness that I get when I wake up in the morning has returned with a vengeance, it’s even worse than what I experienced in the earlier part of the month, when I wake up it feels like a hangover, but without dizziness or headache, just feeling super drowsy like I had a big night out and was smashed. Maybe this is caused by louder volume.

With regards to increase in self confidence, I’m still unsure, I think I feel a slight increase today, but have not felt anything really significant yet, and because of this I don’t want to make any hasty claims for the time being.

Although my current assumption is that my subconscious is still resisting, but I still have another month to go, so sooner or later the sub will completely destroy the resistance.

12 hours on this sub seems to be quite pushing the limit on my mind, I become so sleepy, I have to force myself to work or else my brain will shuts off and go to sleep. If this continue on I don’t know how long I can cope with the lethargy, I hope I will either adapt, or have to drop down the duration of exposure, nevertheless I will try to hold on with current setup until the 10th of March, then I will re-assess and adjust accordingly.
(03-01-2012, 03:52 AM)Tiesto Wrote: [ -> ]Day 30:

It has been around about a month since I started ASC 4G, and to follow up with my latest update, I noticed since I increased the volume and the duration of exposure (12 hours/day), I become really lethargic, when I'm working on daytime and listening to the sub I feel like my brain just wants to shut down and fall asleep, feeling really drowsy.

The tiredness that I get when I wake up in the morning has returned with a vengeance, it’s even worse than what I experienced in the earlier part of the month, when I wake up it feels like a hangover, but without dizziness or headache, just feeling super drowsy like I had a big night out and was smashed. Maybe this is caused by louder volume.

With regards to increase in self confidence, I’m still unsure, I think I feel a slight increase today, but have not felt anything really significant yet, and because of this I don’t want to make any hasty claims for the time being.

Although my current assumption is that my subconscious is still resisting, but I still have another month to go, so sooner or later the sub will completely destroy the resistance.

12 hours on this sub seems to be quite pushing the limit on my mind, I become so sleepy, I have to force myself to work or else my brain will shuts off and go to sleep. If this continue on I don’t know how long I can cope with the lethargy, I hope I will either adapt, or have to drop down the duration of exposure, nevertheless I will try to hold on with current setup until the 10th of March, then I will re-assess and adjust accordingly.

Keep on trucking Tiesto. I think it's best to approach all type B's as if they were a set. I'm about 40 or so days into ASC and it's finally showing signs of picking up. Hang in there until you hit the 60 day mark at least and I'm quite sure that you'll be able to see the effects much more easily. Roy has done 60 days on ASC and according to him the effects were phenomenal. Maybe he can chime in if he's reading this thread.
(03-01-2012, 06:51 AM)K-Train Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-01-2012, 03:52 AM)Tiesto Wrote: [ -> ]Day 30:

It has been around about a month since I started ASC 4G, and to follow up with my latest update, I noticed since I increased the volume and the duration of exposure (12 hours/day), I become really lethargic, when I'm working on daytime and listening to the sub I feel like my brain just wants to shut down and fall asleep, feeling really drowsy.

The tiredness that I get when I wake up in the morning has returned with a vengeance, it’s even worse than what I experienced in the earlier part of the month, when I wake up it feels like a hangover, but without dizziness or headache, just feeling super drowsy like I had a big night out and was smashed. Maybe this is caused by louder volume.

With regards to increase in self confidence, I’m still unsure, I think I feel a slight increase today, but have not felt anything really significant yet, and because of this I don’t want to make any hasty claims for the time being.

Although my current assumption is that my subconscious is still resisting, but I still have another month to go, so sooner or later the sub will completely destroy the resistance.

12 hours on this sub seems to be quite pushing the limit on my mind, I become so sleepy, I have to force myself to work or else my brain will shuts off and go to sleep. If this continue on I don’t know how long I can cope with the lethargy, I hope I will either adapt, or have to drop down the duration of exposure, nevertheless I will try to hold on with current setup until the 10th of March, then I will re-assess and adjust accordingly.

Keep on trucking Tiesto. I think it's best to approach all type B's as if they were a set. I'm about 40 or so days into ASC and it's finally showing signs of picking up. Hang in there until you hit the 60 day mark at least and I'm quite sure that you'll be able to see the effects much more easily. Roy has done 60 days on ASC and according to him the effects were phenomenal. Maybe he can chime in if he's reading this thread.

Hi K-Train, thank you very much for your support!

I just realized you are currently still running ASC after reading your custom subliminal thread, I remember you once told me about it when I first came to this forum asking for advice, but I didn't know that you're actually still on it until now.

This is really cool that I have a friend accompany me on this journey with ASC together, after reading your post it really motivates me to keep on going, I can't wait to find out what it feels like on Day 40!

What you said about Roy's experience on Day 60 also got me really curious, this will be a very interesting experience, if Day 60 is phenomenal I'm already thinking I might even try to push it to Day 90 like yourself to see where it might take me, and also at the chance of making the programming permanent.

I have a good feeling that we both may end up with ASC until Day 90! LOL! Big Grin
I listened to ASC for 72 days.It worked brilliantly.From some reason I respond fast to subliminals.I also used Ultra Success with it for 37 days.

If you get the hangover feeling try to change the volume or reduce the
exposure time to 8 hours a day.The 4G is stronger one.If I listen too much
to subliminals I also get this feeling so I know I should take a break for
a few hours.

It will work in the end and the resistance will go away with enough time
and exposure.

It is possible that it also worked like it did for me because I already used AM and SM prior to that so I had lots of stuff dealt with in terms of confidence so it reinforced that.

The tiredness is a sign that's it's working.There's a point when it
goes away,I guess it's when most of the resistance was dealt with
so the brain accepts it as normal.

(03-01-2012, 07:53 AM)Roy Wrote: [ -> ]I listened to ASC for 72 days.It worked brilliantly.From some reason I respond fast to subliminals.I also used Ultra Success with it for 37 days.

If you get the hangover feeling try to change the volume or reduce the
exposure time to 8 hours a day.The 4G is stronger one.If I listen too much
to subliminals I also get this feeling so I know I should take a break for
a few hours.

It will work in the end and the resistance will go away with enough time
and exposure.

It is possible that it also worked like it did for me because I already used AM and SM prior to that so I had lots of stuff dealt with in terms of confidence so it reinforced that.

The tiredness is a sign that's it's working.There's a point when it
goes away,I guess it's when most of the resistance was dealt with
so the brain accepts it as normal.

Hi Roy, thank you for your advice!

For the time being I will try to see if the tiredness will go away after another week or so, but if it doesn't and it hinders my productivity too much, then I will drop down to 8 hours again.

What I learned from my new experience, it seems that the volume determines the intensity of my dreams, with this current setting, the dreams I'm getting are more vivid.

With an analogy of weight lifting, I think audio-volume could represents the weight load, while duration of exposure could represent the number of sets and exercises we do per bodypart, I myself favoured the High Intensity Training type of method, my body seems to respond better when I trained with high intensity, keeping the work-sets low, and allowing more rest, I don't know if I respond the same way with subliminals, but it will be interesting to find out.

If 12 hours with high intensity (loud volume) is tiring me too much, then I might be "overtraining", I will definitely need to balance it out by either keep the same amount of exposure while dropping down the audio-volume, or maintain loud audio-volume while dropping the amount of exposure to 8 hours to allow more rest, with my experience in weight-training I prefer the latter. Big Grin
Weight lifting analogies only go so far before they break down. There's a point at which you go beyond peak effectiveness, but the gains are still coming with subliminals, even if you use it too much. They just slow down. It's like a boat trying to go faster... it must push harder and harder for each unit of speed it gains because there is more and more inertia to deal with. In the case of the subliminal, overuse doesn't give the subconscious sufficient processing time, and so it's being pushed to go-go-go while it's simultaneously trying to put away and integrate what it's receiving.

I suggest you stick with the 12 hours and higher volume and see if you can train yourself to exercise that muscle enough to get used to it... but don't kill yourself over it either.
Quote:Weight lifting analogies only go so far before they break down. There's a point at which you go beyond peak effectiveness, but the gains are still coming with subliminals, even if you use it too much. They just slow down. It's like a boat trying to go faster... it must push harder and harder for each unit of speed it gains because there is more and more inertia to deal with. In the case of the subliminal, overuse doesn't give the subconscious sufficient processing time, and so it's being pushed to go-go-go while it's simultaneously trying to put away and integrate what it's receiving.

I suggest you stick with the 12 hours and higher volume and see if you can train yourself to exercise that muscle enough to get used to it... but don't kill yourself over it either.

Shannon,if someone uses subliminals long enough he will get used to
it and 12 hours and more will be easier for him to use?
(03-01-2012, 05:45 PM)Roy Wrote: [ -> ]
Quote:Weight lifting analogies only go so far before they break down. There's a point at which you go beyond peak effectiveness, but the gains are still coming with subliminals, even if you use it too much. They just slow down. It's like a boat trying to go faster... it must push harder and harder for each unit of speed it gains because there is more and more inertia to deal with. In the case of the subliminal, overuse doesn't give the subconscious sufficient processing time, and so it's being pushed to go-go-go while it's simultaneously trying to put away and integrate what it's receiving.

I suggest you stick with the 12 hours and higher volume and see if you can train yourself to exercise that muscle enough to get used to it... but don't kill yourself over it either.

Shannon,if someone uses subliminals long enough he will get used to
it and 12 hours and more will be easier for him to use?

Getting used to the exercise is possible, and it should eventually become less tiring. But you still have the limits of the brain for processing. Don't think you can just gradually step up to 24/7 input. Smile

Tiesto's got resistance, and that's what's really making him tired at this point. He's fighting the program, and as we know, 4G is very powerful.
Ah I see, interesting analogy with the boat thing.

I'm guessing once my subconcious has no more fighting spirit left in it and starting to accept, I would no longer be as tired as I'm currently now. Nice! Smile
Exactly. Shannon's subs almost always work. It's just having enough patience to allow them to overwrite the programming. I know Andrew also takes a bit of time to see effects from subliminals as well except once the program actually kicks in the effects tend to stay for a while. I believe this is also a by-product of our Mercury sign placement. As Shannon stated before, Astrological signs/personalities that are resistant to change take a longer time to see effects however I also theorize that once the program has taken hold these individuals will often have the effects stick with them much longer versus those who experience effects quickly (less than 1-2 weeks).

If this theory holds up, then after you complete 60 or 90 days of ASC then there's a good chance you'll keep the effects for at LEAST another 3 months if not longer. And since you're probably going to use AM5.0 which is going to have confidence builders throughout most (if not all) its stages then I wouldn't be suprised if your AM journey is smoother than the average journey usually is which is brutal, death-defying, tragic, full of pain and hurt, and lots of self doubt...and then complete bliss, sunshine and rainbows...Big Grin
(03-02-2012, 06:35 AM)K-Train Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly. Shannon's subs almost always work. It's just having enough patience to allow them to overwrite the programming. I know Andrew also takes a bit of time to see effects from subliminals as well except once the program actually kicks in the effects tend to stay for a while. I believe this is also a by-product of our Mercury sign placement. As Shannon stated before, Astrological signs/personalities that are resistant to change take a longer time to see effects however I also theorize that once the program has taken hold these individuals will often have the effects stick with them much longer versus those who experience effects quickly (less than 1-2 weeks).

If this theory holds up, then after you complete 60 or 90 days of ASC then there's a good chance you'll keep the effects for at LEAST another 3 months if not longer. And since you're probably going to use AM5.0 which is going to have confidence builders throughout most (if not all) its stages then I wouldn't be suprised if your AM journey is smoother than the average journey usually is which is brutal, death-defying, tragic, full of pain and hurt, and lots of self doubt...and then complete bliss, sunshine and rainbows...Big Grin

I like the sound of that! Big Grin

LOL! AM sounds like it is going to be a scary experience. I really can't wait for the chance to use AM, but my next sub in line will be BASE + US which I have already purchased, and I told Shannon I would give it a chance up to 12 months (or maybe at least until end of this year) for the manifestation to be realized, I really wish I could use all three of them, but it would not be a good idea, the past few weeks I've been thinking when I should insert AM into my 'To-do-list', especially with another temptation Shannon will bring forth, the all new and improved BAMM, I'm so confused on which one I'm going to do in the future! lol..

I think it is best for me to complete ASC, then stick to the plan of BASE + US, so that I can be more successful in my business, with good money coming in, I can easily purchase AM and BAMM. Big Grin

Although with the boat analogy, it got me thinking, it seems that momentum is crucial especially in trying to manifest something, so if I managed to get the "boat" going with BASE + US later on, I might need to either keep the "boat-engine" running with the same program, or with the new and improved Multi-Stage BAMM/BASE straightaway, until I at least cash in on the momentum and solidify my foothold in becoming a successful entrepreneur, only then I might do AM. Not sure if my thinking is correct or not, maybe Shannon willing to share some his thoughts on this? Smile

Running your own business takes determination, perseverance, willingness to get your hands dirty and a solid business concept. Once you have those, it's just a matter of time. The programs will make things go much faster for you, help you in various ways, make things better. But you can take breaks and do other things. You will do best to focus on BASE for at least 8 months, but you could do six months of that with US and then AM and then go back. Leadership is also important for a business owner.
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