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So more on my journey

It is quite an interesting journey. My background: I had a fall out with an ex, who was a FWB. Let’s just say that I made some bad decisions with some other girls I was seeing and when I noticed that she decided to move on, I started getting jealous and building feelings for her. This caused me to start acting weak, needy and texting her too much until we both had a conversation where she informed me that she wanted to be with the other guy and we decided to amicably take time off one another so that she can focus on her new relationship.

When starting alpha male I would have dreams about my ex and waking up feeling a pain on my chest (This was during the first couple of days). I realized that I was going through withdrawal of having her around.

After the first week things went well but every 5 days I would have a dream of either my ex or the guy she is seeing and again I would wake up with pain in my chest.

I am now on my third week of alpha male and I am finally starting to get over my ex. I have noticed other benefits of the set such as: Taking strides to improve my life and focus on my studies (I am at college at the moment). The consistence that is required for alpha male is helping me stay consistent with other areas of my life (I have always had a hard time staying consistent with things and the fact that I am able to pull it off with the alpha set is programming my mind to believe that it is something easy to do). I find it extremely easy to approach guys and have gained twice the amount of guy friends than I have in the past 2 years (Guys are showing me more respect now and are proactively seeking to spend time with me). I am now aware that my feelings are triggered by my thoughts and every time I have a negative feeling, I analyse the thought that is triggering the feeling and question it which in turn change the mood I am in.

I have to say that the biggest change that I have noticed this far is the control that I have over my feelings or should I say the awareness that I have over my feelings and how the take place. I have become present with whatever nervous emotion that arises when I approach a woman that I find attractive. In the past I would allow the nervous emotion to take over me when approaching and talking to a woman but now I just feel it as if it’s just a part of me while I stay present when talking.

Since this is just the third week, I know that there is better to come and I can’t wait to see what is in store.

Will give more updates as I go along.
Week 4 day 3

I have come to realize that a huge chunk of my life has been spent on trying to get attention/validation/acceptance from women which of course ties into my need to get attention/validation/acceptance from other people. It seems that even the reason to go into the alpha male set has been to get attention from women.

Today is the first day that I have started to focus on doing things for myself so that only I can benefit from the action. I pay attention of the reasons why I do things and it is extremely amazing how much different it is making me feel inside.

I feel so calm and so focused inside with a deep gratitude for my self. This feeling also brings the realization that I am the only one in control of my path in life.

I am going to give up looking for attention all together from women. No more looking around to see if I am getting eye contact. No more trying to approach women. I will simply focus on myself and my life from now on. I will meditate to stay centered and use the alpha male set to help me become a fully grounded man.

I am sure this is the alpha male set kicking in. All I know I that I woke up today and I had this realization in mind.

Will keep yall updated.
Congratulations. You have found the path. Smile
Shannon yer outta site!
He went over the hill!

Congrats Dejay
Thanks guy

I am deff gonna stick to this.

(03-07-2012, 05:34 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon yer outta site!

Why am I outta site when he's the one getting somewhere? lol
I thought I would take the time to update what has been going on with me. I started alpha male session 2 on Saturday and have been getting some good results. So far all the changes that I have noticed are about my inner state. I am more calm and more centered now than I was about a month ago.

I have noticed that I am making friends with guys easily wherever I go. I even have guys buy me drinks when out of town after I approach them and get in a conversation in them. I can literally approach any guy and start a descent conversation about anything.

I am actually finding it easier to start conversation with males than females and they seem to be giving me a lot of respect.

At school I am getting a lot of respect from the other male students as well as the teachers and I seem to bring every one together.

I know there is still a long way to go but I look at myself a month ago and I can not believe the person I use to be. I am also having a hard time believing the amount of validation and worship that I gave women, that we men give to women, when in reality they are human being just like us who should not be treated any different.

I thought I write a little something just to update as to what is going on. I think stage 2 for me so far is bringing me a sense of being grounded.
I have just ended my Stage 2 and decided to update as to what is going on.

I have to say that a lot have been going on in my life. I have become extremely social. I am going out alone at least once a week and I have an easy time making acquaintances and new friends. One example is last week when I ended up making friends with a couple of bouncers from a bar I usually visit and after talking to one of them after the end of the bar, he recommended that if ever I decide to want to be a bouncer to let him know and he will introduce me to the owner.

This is a huge change from me 2 months ago. The amount of comfort that I feel around people and groups of people is surreal. I am actually wandering why I have never felt like this before. I have always had social anxiety since I can remember and it is starting to subside.

Alpha is not only giving me the ability to strengthen my reality but it is also helping me see things for what they really are. I guess the more detached you become from your experience the more you notice reality for what it really is.

Through this set I have realized the need for a man to find activities to do on his own, so that he can build and maintain his individuality. I feel sad now when I look at so many of my friends who need to be with someone in order to go out or constantly need to be with their girlfriends for company, it reminds me of my old me.

I have also started to do self esteem hypnosis. I know Shannon warns about it but it is a hypnosis that incorporates heavy meditation and it really helps me relax and maintain a conscious goal. I feel like I need something consciously to work on, in order for me to stay centered.

Well that is it for now. I will keep yall posted.
Shannon says it's ok to use Hypnosis as long as it is related to the subliminal you are working on. Self-esteem is fine Smile

And I know how you feel. I feel like I'm finally, 100% getting over my social issues. I lost a lot of my social anxiety from my first run-through of AM and loosing even more today. Though it turned me more into a quiet, comfortable, calm and relaxed dude. As opposed to a quiet, uncomfortable, nervous wreck. But now, I'm working on "knowing how to converse" which has been a problem with me all along. Now I just speak whatever I want, a lot of times some funny, crazy, uncomfortable shit, but I just enjoy having fun.

Yea dude... alot of times I was speaking my mind on SM and even more so now on AM. No matter how silly, funny or unintelligent it sounds.
Just when I was starting to doubt the effect of the subliminal, I get an indication that this stuff does have a huge effect.

I started the set 3 of alpha this weekend and the first morning of it I woke up extremely tired. It’s as if I had not slept at all the whole night. My eyes were bloodshot and I had to stay another 4 hours in bed to recover.

The only reason for this had to be the subs because I had not done anything unusual from other nights. I figure that it must be my subconscious trying to accept the new affirmations.

The next night though everything returned back to normal. I am now back to my normal sleep and awaiting to see what new changes this subliminal bring.
(05-01-2012, 02:47 PM)dejay Wrote: [ -> ]Just when I was starting to doubt the effect of the subliminal, I get an indication that this stuff does have a huge effect.

I started the set 3 of alpha this weekend and the first morning of it I woke up extremely tired. It’s as if I had not slept at all the whole night. My eyes were bloodshot and I had to stay another 4 hours in bed to recover.

The only reason for this had to be the subs because I had not done anything unusual from other nights. I figure that it must be my subconscious trying to accept the new affirmations.

The next night though everything returned back to normal. I am now back to my normal sleep and awaiting to see what new changes this subliminal bring.

I got similiar effects some times. Not as hard as bloody eyes but waking up at night, feeling some resistance, but keep going on your journey. It will pay off tremendously!
Hi Shannon

I am having some interesting and other disturbing dreams.

One thing that I have come to accept is to take responsibility for every aspect of my life. Including what people I associate with, what I listen to and what I watch on Tv and when it comes to subliminal that should be no different.

I think for me it would be extremely beneficial to know what affirmations are embedded into the subliminal, firstly because it is irresponsible for me to allow any programming to go on in me without knowing what message are sent to my brain and second just to inspect the connection between the dreams that I am having with the affirmations.

Thanks for your time. Will be waiting to hear.
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