I have a subliminal/affirmation flasher on my computer. One where you write your own affirmations that flash on the computer screen. I was wondering if I was using auditory subs for money and visual subs for something else...such as sex, to prime the pump when I can get around to that. Would that counteract the auditory subs I'm already working on?
Or...what if I used both for money? Would the results be faster?
There's one other thing I keep forgetting to bring up. I notice that when you give examples of the affirmations you use in the subs, that the affirmations are way longer than books on the subject say you should have them. I suppose that's because a person really doesn't have to remember them and repeat them. Does that mean an affirmation can be any length?
Btw, what do you think about affirmations made out of asking questions instead of as statements, such as "Why am I rich" instead of "I am rich"?
To the best of my knowledge at the current time, the subconscious mind has a finite amount of attention and energy with which to accomplish the goals you set for it, as well as time for being programmed through exposure. That is one concern: overload.
Another concern is... I don't know how well phrased the other suggestions are. So realistically, I can't answer your question.
Both for money would almost certainly work better, but again, the suggestions must be consistent between the two types for phraseology and goal.
According to my experiments, my personal experience, and the experience of everyone who uses my subliminals, suggestions used in subliminals can be as long as they need to be, as long as they still follow certain specific rules of proper subliminal scripting phraseology.
As for question based suggestions, I have not attempted to use them, nor have I doe any research into them. The theory behind them is interesting, but I cannot realistically comment without knowing what I am talking about yet.
I'm just asking because every time I try to manifest a subject using affirmations, it seems that I have to make an affirmation that is much longer than the (roughly) 10 word max most affirmation masters say an affirmation needs to be around.
I know how to make affirmations. So, I think my affirmations would be good.
Everybody thinks they know how to make affirmations these days. I'd have to say that my experience with that begs to differ. Perhaps you do. But if you're planning to use suggestions you wrote, and suggestions I wrote, you're breaking one of the cardinal rules of safe subliminal usage:
Never mix subliminals from different producers.
This is important because different scripting styles produce different results, and different styles of scripting can also clash. Clashing means they can disrupt eachothers' effects, neutralize eachother, or even have unpredictable results.
The minute you start writing our own scripts, you become a producer. You also lose the assurance that you are using something that I have been through the script of with a fine tooth comb making it safe and effective. And if you mix your scripts with mine, you might end up with unexpected results, or your script might produce results that you think were produced by mine (or vice versa).
It's an extremely complex and subtle subject. For all these reasons and more, I advise never writing your own scripts. But if you decide to, please don't use my programs at the same time. Or anyone else's programs, for that matter. Whichever producer you choose, use only their programs while you use their programs. Otherwise, you're just asking for trouble.
As for making affirmations of a specific length, ten words is pretty limiting without a lot of skill in scripting... and even then.
I was wanting to know, because there are somethings that I want that I'm sure are not in your scripts. If I refrain from anything having to do with money, while I'm using the other subs, will that work?
Do you have tips for making safe and proper affirmations?
Yeah, maybe I'm jumping the gun. I want to make this year the most productive I've ever had when it comes to self-change. I don't even want to recognize my "now" self even a year from now. Or, better yet, I don't want even the people closest to me to recognize my "now" self even a year from now.
I'm in the process of writing out what I want in the next five years, and a lot of it is pretty darn personal and exact.
Ask, and ye shall receive... the answer.
Again, the reason I say never mix subliminals from different producers is because you cannot know how two different styles of scripting will be acted upon by the subconscious mind until you try it... and then if it's a negative reaction, it's too late.
Do I have tips for making safe and proper affirmations? Well... here's the dilemma. If I give you tips on how to do it, I'm only giving you tips... as in the tips of the iceberg. There is a
lot to consider, and teaching you how to do it means that all my competitors know my secrets. Secrets I have spent many years, many tears, many dollars and many experiments discovering. It's also encouraging you to try to make your own subs... which I can't say I think is wise until you have gone through a one on one apprenticeship for a long time. Which I am not going to offer...
So, if you're determined to create your own subliminals, there are things you can learn about how to do it right from me, but you'll have to figure out yourself what they are. I consider it a very dangerous thing to do, making scripts without training, and I don't want to be responsible for helping anyone potentially hurt themselves. It's a lot more serious than people realize.
Writing out your goals and breaking them down into discrete steps, and figuring out how to achieve all those steps concretely is an excellent idea though.