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the negatives things about program are getting more and more apparent. The biggest one being that the whole semester seems to going to waste. I feel completely lost. All I can conclude with so far, is that the program is ruining me.

I'm taking a day off to see how I feel about continuing with the program. But if I do decide get of this program, will there be any cons to stop in middle of program?

(03-18-2012, 08:26 PM)The GK Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon,
the negatives things about program are getting more and more apparent. The biggest one being that the whole semester seems to going to waste. I feel completely lost. All I can conclude with so far, is that the program is ruining me.

I'm taking a day off to see how I feel about continuing with the program. But if I do decide get of this program, will there be any cons to stop in middle of program?

I don't understand what you mean by "ruining you" and "the whole semester seems to be going to waste".

If you stop in the middle, and it's a six stage set, why would you think there would not be cons? It's not finished doing what it's designed to do yet. Is your resistance that bad?

I am personally finding that my whole problem was not getting out and socializing. It was pushing me to socialize and seek, and I was resisting that. Once I got myself out into public, the effects are apparent, and I am really liking them. Is it possible that this is your problem, too?

If you decide to stop using the program, you can expect that there will be a "washover" response. It's again like a powerboat, and if you kill the engine, the waves you have been creating behind you will eventually wash over you. This should show you the positive effects the program has been having on you, and of course it would not help matters much if you mistook this for a good thing, because it basically means you've interrupted the momentum you gathered and you'll have to spend extra time or start over again if you want to keep going after that.

There have been times I was sorely tempted to quit, but I realize that was resistance, and I refused to. Now I am starting to see some serious benefits. All kinds of interesting things popping up in my life.

I'd like to help you if I can, can you give me some more specifics about how you use it, when, how long, speaker setup, and how frequently you socialize? And, what were you like before this in this direction?

Finally, some guys will use this and not have sex. Some of them, in fact, will decide not to have sex as a result of this program, specifically because it causes you to refuse to have sex with unhealthy females or females who would use you, trick you, take advantage of you, etc. If that's all there is around you... no sex. And it is better that way. Virgins might also not have sex because they are afraid of something, and they resist it.

Based on your responses, I believe this is being resisted at a deep level based on your beliefs about sex and/or women. Something in here is telling you to do something that conflicts with that programming. What's your background on this?
For me at first I was resisting going out alone but I forced myself to do that. Just let the resistance do it's thing man. occupy yourself with something you like doing! Like Shannon said you will see the benefits in the long run man. I never had sex while doing sex magnet but that's because I wasn't socializing enough. Don't feel bad if you aren't socializing enough or at all. There are small steps you can take to change that. and you seem to be having alot of resistance so it's probably a fear of sex. I sort of had that.. but at the end of the program I no longer do. And the anxiety attached to it is no longer there. Your brain wants you to quit. But... men don't quit. You started the program for a reason. If it isn't causing severe anxiety and depression there's no reason not to finish it. Since you feel lost.. take this time to find peace in that lost feeling. when you can find peace in that you are no longer lost.
(03-18-2012, 11:19 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-18-2012, 08:26 PM)The GK Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon,
the negatives things about program are getting more and more apparent. The biggest one being that the whole semester seems to going to waste. I feel completely lost. All I can conclude with so far, is that the program is ruining me.

I'm taking a day off to see how I feel about continuing with the program. But if I do decide get of this program, will there be any cons to stop in middle of program?

I don't understand what you mean by "ruining you" and "the whole semester seems to be going to waste".

If you stop in the middle, and it's a six stage set, why would you think there would not be cons? It's not finished doing what it's designed to do yet. Is your resistance that bad?

I am personally finding that my whole problem was not getting out and socializing. It was pushing me to socialize and seek, and I was resisting that. Once I got myself out into public, the effects are apparent, and I am really liking them. Is it possible that this is your problem, too?

I'd like to help you if I can, can you give me some more specifics about how you use it, when, how long, speaker setup, and how frequently you socialize? And, what were you like before this in this direction?

It's ruining me in the sense that all of my motivation is gone. I'm a student and the motivation to study or to do anything else is gone. I've missed some major deadlines because of that. Same thing happened during AM, but the motivation returned when I took a break from subs for about 2 months.

I don't know if quiting would have any cons or not, all I know right now is that there seems to only be cons if I choose to continue with the program. That's the problem.

Yes, I've been socializing very little during the program. Again, because of the reasons stated in earlier posts.
(03-19-2012, 07:41 PM)The GK Wrote: [ -> ]It's ruining me in the sense that all of my motivation is gone. I'm a student and the motivation to study or to do anything else is gone. I've missed some major deadlines because of that. Same thing happened during AM, but the motivation returned when I took a break from subs for about 2 months.

I don't know if quiting would have any cons or not, all I know right now is that there seems to only be cons if I choose to continue with the program. That's the problem.

Yes, I've been socializing very little during the program. Again, because of the reasons stated in earlier posts.

From what I remembered SM must be used by itself, but maybe you could try to use the 'Ultra Motivation' sub along just to balance things out. Although you would have to check with Shannon first if it is a good idea or not.
GK, have you used any other programs besides AM or SM? Did you get this lack of motivation from them too? The lack of motivation can only be a passive form of resistance from a subconscious that does not have any other way to resist. You say you got this from both AM and SM, what are you resisting? This is very perplexing.

If you are sure this is the cause of the problem, I suggest you stop using it and focus on school instead. Now I am very curious, though, why you are resisting these programs like this. Do you have any ideas?
(03-20-2012, 03:54 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]GK, have you used any other programs besides AM or SM? Did you get this lack of motivation from them too? The lack of motivation can only be a passive form of resistance from a subconscious that does not have any other way to resist. You say you got this from both AM and SM, what are you resisting? This is very perplexing.

If you are sure this is the cause of the problem, I suggest you stop using it and focus on school instead. Now I am very curious, though, why you are resisting these programs like this. Do you have any ideas?

Yes, I am sure. BIATW and ASC, but they didn't seem to have that negative effect on me. With AM, I had the problem mostly with stage 3 and later.

The only thing that comes to mind is that I hate taking orders. That was actually something I developed during AM, and is somewhat fading away. Or I think it will always be there, but more in the background.

Anyway, I plan to take at least a few days more off the program. What is the maximum numbers of days that I can be of the program, while still be able to continue from where I left?
(03-26-2012, 12:22 PM)The GK Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-20-2012, 03:54 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]GK, have you used any other programs besides AM or SM? Did you get this lack of motivation from them too? The lack of motivation can only be a passive form of resistance from a subconscious that does not have any other way to resist. You say you got this from both AM and SM, what are you resisting? This is very perplexing.

If you are sure this is the cause of the problem, I suggest you stop using it and focus on school instead. Now I am very curious, though, why you are resisting these programs like this. Do you have any ideas?

Yes, I am sure. BIATW and ASC, but they didn't seem to have that negative effect on me. With AM, I had the problem mostly with stage 3 and later.

The only thing that comes to mind is that I hate taking orders. That was actually something I developed during AM, and is somewhat fading away. Or I think it will always be there, but more in the background.

Anyway, I plan to take at least a few days more off the program. What is the maximum numbers of days that I can be of the program, while still be able to continue from where I left?

Four or five. But you'll need to add 1.5 times the number you miss to the end to make up for them if it's more than two days.
(03-26-2012, 01:34 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-26-2012, 12:22 PM)The GK Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-20-2012, 03:54 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]GK, have you used any other programs besides AM or SM? Did you get this lack of motivation from them too? The lack of motivation can only be a passive form of resistance from a subconscious that does not have any other way to resist. You say you got this from both AM and SM, what are you resisting? This is very perplexing.

If you are sure this is the cause of the problem, I suggest you stop using it and focus on school instead. Now I am very curious, though, why you are resisting these programs like this. Do you have any ideas?

Yes, I am sure. BIATW and ASC, but they didn't seem to have that negative effect on me. With AM, I had the problem mostly with stage 3 and later.

The only thing that comes to mind is that I hate taking orders. That was actually something I developed during AM, and is somewhat fading away. Or I think it will always be there, but more in the background.

Anyway, I plan to take at least a few days more off the program. What is the maximum numbers of days that I can be of the program, while still be able to continue from where I left?

Four or five. But you'll need to add 1.5 times the number you miss to the end to make up for them if it's more than two days.

It has been 5 days since I've been of SM. I have a lot more energy. Also, I feel smarter in day to day life. I am more relaxed in all situations and socially I've been interacting better, a sence of flow.

So all in all, I feel better. BUT, some of the "soul-less" feeling is still there and that's very defeating. So my question is, is that a side effect of quiting half way through? Will it help if I complete the whole program?
Dude-sounds like that sense of flow is not just having quit the program-but the results of the program showing once you had some brain rest time and time to assimilate. I feel that sense of soul-less-ness on the program quite often-but every time I take a day off-its gone. Also the more I get into my day the more I forget about it.
I am beginning to suspect that the feeling you are describing as "soul-less-ness" is actually a result of the "weight" of the script. This is a positively huge script. I agree with Rainbow about that probably being the results of having had some assimilation time.
(04-02-2012, 05:27 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I am beginning to suspect that the feeling you are describing as "soul-less-ness" is actually a result of the "weight" of the script. This is a positively huge script. I agree with Rainbow about that probably being the results of having had some assimilation time.
Okay, so do you think that the feeling (and all the other negative effects from SM) will go away after a while, if I quit the program. It has now been 10 days since I stopped using the program.

When I completed AM, I felt very bad and I then had to built myself up again. I'm trying to do something similar now (the days I've been of SM), but it seems a lot harder. I don't know if it is because of the fact that I had to stop in the middle of the program this time. Any suggestions?
I have a few suggestions that have helped in my experience
1. The sub is not responsible for your feeling the way you do in life. Something else is.
Anything from diet, sleep habit, not facing something you need to get around to etc. Maybe you just need some sun and a some exercise.
2. Switch to a sub with a light script that will make you feel really good fairly quickly, ultra motivation, ultra success, Self Esteem, Positive Thinking, luck magnifier...something along those lines
3. Realize you are bigger then your immediate negative feelings and that your power to live and act in life is not necessarily dependent on how you feel and once you accept that and live on you'll find in no time your inner state becomes uplifted. That takes a lot of initial willpower though so good luck.
4. Do some brain wave entertainment-I find that always wipes my negative state clean.
Run alpha male again before you do SM. that's my suggestion. and what Rainbow said is a great idea. Do one of those for a month or two and do the new Alpha male.

it seems that you just have a lot of resistance to the SM 2.0 script and there are deeper issues that you need to take care of if the soullessness and negative feelings forced you to quit. And also like Rainbow said.. it's about that will power to just let it be and keep going but you obviously aren't strong enough yet for what SM 2.0 has to offer. ...My thoughts.
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