Subliminal Talk

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With the rise of 6G I think it’s time we started talking about how we’re going to exploit our brains. Subliminals afford us the same opportunity to exploit as a game like Skyrim! An important mechanic for subliminals is “friction” caused by blockages and more optimal execution from healing. Another important thing could be using a subliminal like “brain optimizer” or “optimal learning” or something similar. This is “internal scaling”.

“External scaling” would be something like “Ultimate Monetary Success” which scales the external stuff that feeds back into the internal. I also think Woman Magnet will be an amazing scaler, since being social affects every aspect of life (money, happiness, women, all relationships). Think about it, these two programs scale incredibly well by increasing your reassures and levels of happiness synergistically by internal and external factors, which, in theory should improve execution and your life in general. These two are incredible “life scalers”.

Things that increase your internal power and capability are incredible scalers too and should be looked at. Alpha male will be an incredible scaler, focusing on many important basics. Other factors are time and subliminal order. How to squeeze the most juice out of this within the constraints.

What are some ways you plan to “exploit” subliminals and your own mind to create crazy synergies (inside and outside)?

P.S if you know anything about systems and exponential scaling, then you would know that every run you do affects every future run you do. This is what we call a setup for exponential.
Right now my plan for scaling is to use AM7 early game as a base since it does so many important basic things at once. Then I’ll focus on UMS6G and WM6G to get some external scaling going. After that I’m less sure, as I’ll need more information on where I’ll be after all that. But I’m looking at programs like Life tune up (like AM7, so many good basics), Brain Optimizer, Optimal Learning, OGSF/EPHRA (maybe). Anything to improve various “scaling” and get me setup for the long haul. I think the subliminals you pick early on in 6G are important so you can set your self up for better and better runs for years to come.
It's fun to plot out sequences of subs to listen to but it hasn't been valuable for me. In some sense you are not the same person when you finish a sub as you were when you started. When I started I thought my life was already great and I just wanted to run ME and DMSI/X4A and have fun. Then I ran AM6 and realised how self-limited I had been. That motivated me to start OF to push things further, and with that experience behind me I realise I want more of what you very neatly dub "external scaling".
(Yesterday, 02:32 PM)Frosted Wrote: [ -> ]What are some ways you plan to “exploit” subliminals and your own mind to create crazy synergies (inside and outside)?

Great thread topic. I've been thinking about this, myself.

For me:

1. AM7... foundation + refinement + deepened masculinity
2. UMS(6G)...wealth + additional internal growth
3. LTU(6G)... enjoy the fruits of my labor
4. TBD... probably something really fun ( likely social/sexual in nature)

Also,  I'll probably throw OSC in the mix between sub changes to make sure I fully extract the benefits of the previous sub. In other words,  I'll probably run OSC after AM7 to fully capitalize on the groundwork AM7 laid before moving to UMS(6G). Then, I'll likely do the same  before running LTU(6G).