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I to am excited for 6G as its just in 5.10 and 5.11 that I have noticed things really starting to have an impact and especially since the grounding shield got added. I can tell this as when I'm listening I can notice my feelings and thoughts start to shift in a very positive way even if I am really struggling that day due to whatever it has the power to shift it this much of a shift is not just placebo and not just chance so they really are starting to have an impact. If 6G is a big jump up again I really think that it will push me over the edge to getting the results I'm really after and I'm sure it will for a lot of others as well. High hopes yes but given the improvements in 5.10 and 5.11 don't think they are completely unrealistic.

Just want to say having been around on and off for well over a decade its awesome being here to see this advancement come about and a massive congratulations for getting there Shannon.
(07-31-2024, 02:09 PM)Magnus Wrote: [ -> ]I to am excited for 6G as its just in 5.10 and 5.11 that I have noticed things really starting to have an impact and especially since the grounding shield got added. I can tell this as when I'm listening I can notice my feelings and thoughts start to shift in a very positive way even if I am really struggling that day due to whatever it has the power to shift it this much of a shift is not just placebo and not just chance so they really are starting to have an impact. If 6G is a big jump up again I really think that it will push me over the edge to getting the results I'm really after and I'm sure it will for a lot of others as well. High hopes yes but given the improvements in 5.10 and 5.11 don't think they are completely unrealistic.

Just want to say having been around on and off for well over a decade its awesome being here to see this advancement come about and a massive congratulations for getting there Shannon.

Thank you for the congratulations, and for sticking with me while I made this happen!

My goal with 6G is not to make it perfect - that would never get finished.  The goal is to make it all of what is possible given today's technology inside and outside the script.  And I believe I have done that.
So me and the girl I was seeing have called it quits. Things had deteriorated again after that short spell of things being good again. This I have noticed has bought up a lot of pain and fears again and there is definitely a part of me that wants to go back to EPRHA again but I must continue on with SD. Will probably be a little bit of time before I can figure out what sort of difference it's making as have the breakup to work through as well.
Remember that an unhealthy relationship requires constant effort and patching to keep afloat, and will eventually end regardless. And when it does, if you learn from it, you will have made way for a healthy relationship that can replace it. A healthy relationship will take constant work, but it will be energy and effort that isn't wasted in the end, because it acts like fertilizer, instead of duct tape.
Thanks Shannon there was definitely an unhealthy dynamic going on and both me and her had parts to play in it but on the plus side it has really shone a light into what I still need to heal and also I've learnt a lot through this experience.

There has been some tough emotions and realizations coming up lately. I'm starting to fully grasp the impact of the neglect I faced when I was growing up and the complete lack of so many fundamental aspects of raising a child. If you had talked to me a few years back I would I faced no childhood trauma but now I realize that neglect is trauma and the massive impact it has on all aspects of self.

I have been listening to a book called the emotionally absent mother and I don't know if this program lead me to it or if it's just a coincidence but I have never read a book that speaks to more than this. It's a very painful and slow read because it is brining up so much of what I lacked but these fundamental elements are essential for a large chunk of the goals on SD 5.11 so it seems very timely.

Interestingly EPRHA didn't bring a lot of this up while I was listening to it but I know I will definitely be going back to EPRHA once I've finished this as I now realize how much healing I have left to go. I also suspect after that I will want to do OGSF as I can see now the part that shame plays for me and it's a lot bigger than I thought. So far this program seems to really be shining a light into a lot of different areas
Sometimes, getting started is the hardest part. And sometimes, figuring out how to get started is the key.
Been back on EPRHA for a few months now and haven't really felt a desire to post until this morning. It's been a lot of ups and downs over the last few months and periods of struggling to sleep but there was a dream last night which woke me in the middle of the night that seemed quite significant and wanted to capture it down.

In the dream was at a party and kept searching for an ex girlfriend in every room but deep down I knew she was cheating on me and felt a deep sense of rejection. After a while in the dream this voice came into my head (it was the most masculine and reassuring voice I had ever heard in my life) and it said "you have almost resolved your attachment issues" I then felt the intensity of the feelings of rejection die down and be replaced with an inner strength. I felt a certainty of the path I am currently taking is the right path. I suspect something deep has been worked on for quite a while now and is starting to resolve itself. After I woke I felt completely safe and tears just rolled down my face and the feeling of inner strength and safety has grown throughout the day. Hard to describe it fully but it felt like a relatively significant moment
Congratulations. That's excellent progress. My programs are designed to work at your pace, so they achieve the goal instead of getting shut down out of fear or overload. Sometimes, in an effort to keep the process comfortable, you won't be able to see what progress is being made at the conscious level. But it is being made, and if you keep going, it'll eventually see the light of conscious awareness.

Great job.
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