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Full Version: Paypal purchase only
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So I have had issues purchasing anything for a long while now, since you can only purchase with Paypal. I don't have a working Paypal account, I had password issues that somehow ended in my account being locked. I have no interest in going through the painstaking process of trying and failing to contact them to fix it, I don't like Paypal, and I dont need it for literally anything else. 

Now the purchase page says there is card payments, but again, that is through Paypal. Which would be fine, IF guest checkout was enabled on the seller end. This is something that can be done, so that people can use a card without having a paypal account. This is what I remember doing in the past, and is what i have done with other merchants. There's quite a bit of money that I might have spent over the time that this has been an issue, and unfortunately until this is resolved, that money will remain unspent. I contacted Ben a while back and he didn't really resolve the issue, he said it should work. I have come back a few times since then to see if something had changed but no dice. Having researched it a bit now, I see that the issue is guest checkout is not enabled.

If this could be resolved, that would be great.