Subliminal Talk

Full Version: X4A-1511 (the new one) Adventures and Random Musings
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Hey there,
So, I switched to DMSI from Money Magnet because I wanted to have some fun and all that, and now that the updated X4A has been released I purchased it and am going to run it.
On DMSI I started getting some compliments and stuff from women, that I'm looking good and whatevs, but nothing too spectacular. Also it was making me feel frustrated/depressed a bit. Although, frankly, I much prefer the Short-Range Sniper setup of DMSI, compared to the field-of-vision setup of X4A, but we'll see how it works in practice.
So now I'll be running X4A (although, to be frank, I'm a little miffed because I purchased the previous version and did not even have the chance to run it properly before this update, lol, and at this price point it's not an insignificant amount of potato) and we'll see how it goes. I'm intending to have some fun with it, perhaps even channel my internal stalker on some ladies who have shown interest in me on DMSIs and such but did not go all the way, and try to snipe them a bit through pictures. I'll start that next week.
In the interim, I had to undergo surgery, so now I'm chilling at my parents' place until Saturday. It's a literal PITA but it's healing up nicely. Doing translation jobs, yadda yadda yadda, have a potential fun translation job shaping up because this old flame of mine keeps recommending me to people as a linguist (which is very nice of her), so we'll see. I auditioned twice for chorus work, did not get the job in one (ultimately it turns out they were looking for more of a baritone voice, so they've wasted my time, lol), waiting for news from the other one (although it's been some time so it's probably a no-go, but oh well). Gotta start preparing for gigs in December and January.
Since I'm feeling better I'll be going out more. There's some hot Lacanian action starting this Saturday, so I'll be attending, and also this "recovery assistant" for crazies course is finally on, so I'll be attending that as well.
Currently, what I like about X4A, is that it's making me feel good. It's definitely improving my mood, even through pretty significant physical pain. It's also making me a little bit sleepy, but I actually don't mind because I've had trouble with regular sleep lately. So now I just close my eyes and get to snoozing rather quickly.

Oh, and BTW, I'm running the hybrid track on my phone.
It would be helpful if you specified which version of X4A in the thread title... and if you were to start off with Ultrasonic only first, instead of jumping in at the deep end.

I dunno, hybrid feels pretty good for me so I think I'll stick with it for the time being. TBH I don't trust my phone with pure ultrasonic, even though in theory it should handle it well as it's got pretty good speakers - I would sometimes hear something like distortion/slight farting when I was running Money Magnet in ultrasonic on it. This way I am certain I'm getting the full script anyway.
The slight distortion at the beginning of the program is an artifact of the newest build process resulting from the density of the audio magnifying a specific quirk in the audio as it begins being recorded. It's harmless, and unless you're getting a lot of speaker distortion or static, there's nothing to worry about. You're basically being paranoid. You'll get the whole script. A lot. They're designed to work even through minor issues like those.

What you're getting now is the whole script, a lot, times 2. Which is frequently overkill for the current generation of subliminals. It's only for use if and when nothing else is working, as a result. That is why I advise to use ultrasonic first, and then try masked, and only then try hybrid.
Frankly I do see some reactions, which are actually a lot more subtle than on DMSI (because when that gets going it gets really friggin' obvious) but they're there. Nothing too radical though. People, women especially, keep complementing my voice, which is tittilating for sure and a good indicator I managed to fix it to some extent, but also a little bit annoying because everyone's like "OMG you should be on the radio or something", and I'm like, "I'm, like, an opera singer", and they're like "OMG sing something" and I'm like, ":rolls eyes:, Confusedighs heavily:". It's also annoying because it's a reminder I should go and practice and I've been slacking off on that front, haha.

That recovery assistant course turned out to be pretty fun, actually. Next session is in like a couple of weeks.

I do have a lead on a full-time, salaried editing job, though, going to be performing a test task on Thursday and then we'll see.