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(09-28-2023, 07:33 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I'm noticing much the same thing. I'm seeing opportunities pop up for unexpected income, and they're slowly becoming larger and more frequent, but what I'm seeing mostly is that MM is doing a deep, large scale adjustment to me that will result in something BIG. Maybe it's dissolving the "dam" that my previous limiting beliefs have built to keep the wealth out, and when that task is completed, the wealth will just naturally pour in because it's so backed up? Is that the sort of thing you're feeling?
#1) I get a sense,Shannon, that MM is definitely doing some major house cleaning & clearing up, rearranging things, again Like the Frame of the New House to dwell is being Build ,to of course sustain the New level of awareness to handle to new levels of Prospeity and abundance. I Get these 'astounding waves" of Bigness that do come thru ,Yes, periodically. Its like this Big bubble of a zone Im in for a while and it feels absolutely wonderful. Its not harvest time yet and that will be a while yet,however the fields have crops and they are loaded.
When the time comes I can definitely see some "BIGNESS' coming My way in time.
Some deeper inner fears being dealt with.... young early fears = resistance... yeah some really EARLY almost primal fears.
Sunday night OCTOBER 1st.
8 PM
Last night on my day off of running MM, - was wathing a documentary, and this message came thru as clear as a bell.
Wasn't focusing on MM or thinking about it at all at the time, least not consciously....when this message came through LOUD & CLEAR...
"YOU dont know how BIG yur life is gonna Be"
I've added "Yet" to that sentence!!
YOU dont know how BIG your life is gonna be......YET.
I'm fascinated watching how MM is affecting my life.
(10-04-2023, 10:46 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Nice. 
I'm fascinated watching how MM is affecting my life.
Though MM isnt the Only thing going into the major "MIX" of things, this program, Money Magnet is one deep mutherfk'er !! Period.
I could write a book, suffice to say Im not gonna torture you with a long diatribe or such. Experience it for yourselves. The deeper journey definitely continues. Keith,. grateful + appreciative.
I am personally astonished at how well MM deals with my inner child's resistance o doing certain things, achieving certain things, etc. I've never found anything this effective for dealing with that particular roadblock. Do you have a similar situation you're dealing with?
(10-07-2023, 07:40 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I am personally astonished at how well MM deals with my inner child's resistance o doing certain things, achieving certain things, etc. I've never found anything this effective for dealing with that particular roadblock. Do you have a similar situation you're dealing with?
Yes ! In a word, Yes! Thats it, Shannon.
I can definitely say that MM is working with My inner "Boy" and helping me, to help him out. So Yes! Purdy special program.
THe Inner "Boy" is afriad and whatever else is resistant to the changes MMM is making, pushing for... so yestrday was my day "On" with Money Magnet...a few hours later this soft voice says " stay poor ,stay safe, having lots of money is dangerous" " Look at how many people have been
removed because of money /having Money" blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit ! I get it I understand it I have compassion for it but I know
what dial is is on the Cosmic Clock of "Cosmic Time"..... I AM gently moving away from this 'stay safe, stay alive, stay poor" mentality duality.
Eventually this puppy while dissolve or MERGE INTO ONE, and I know, it, Im not stressed out about it, still some fears of wanting to get to the goals of much more monre sooner than later,but I AM not paniky about it AT ALL.... tomorrow is a new run thru with MM and I AM really looking forward to it...I almost ran a loop today just to get 'further past the 'stuff' and fuirther on up the road with this journey. I will wait until tomorrow to do so.
The journey deepens and definitely continues...
10/10/23 8:55PM
Last 3 days, super depressed and apathetic. not like me at all. Oh the being depressed from being around toxic people ( relatives) yeah mild to medium grade downers, yeah but this was 'seemingly' outta no where and much more 'way laying;,plus "5D energies and more!
I stayed up ALL night so that I could be up until the early afternoon,to help get my regular sleep schedule back TODAY/Tonight, so to speak.. I,'d also planned and WENT for a 2 1/2 mile walk ,to the country store, on a very cloudy OCTOBER morn. LOVE IT !! Understatement. Had not done so in months, I feel sooo much much better, my body hurts but My Spirit is soaring!!
The goals starting next week is to put in at least one mile in every other day,until I workin it in,every day. Todays was a 5 mile'er co I'd not done so in many months on foot, Summer here was a word BRUTAL! Love love Autumn.
The road to a thousand miles begins with ONE STEP !!
The journey deepens and definitely continues... C'mon "Poor House " Mentality Take a Hike !! IM Ready for the Royal !! Have been ready, biot now more than ever !!
(10-12-2023, 08:23 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: [ -> ]Last 3 days, super depressed and apathetic. not like me at all. Oh the being depressed from being around toxic people ( relatives) yeah mild to medium grade downers, yeah but this was 'seemingly' outta no where and much more 'way laying;,plus "5D energies and more!
I stayed up ALL night so that I could be up until the early afternoon,to help get my regular sleep schedule back TODAY/Tonight, so to speak.. I,'d also planned and WENT for a 2 1/2 mile walk ,to the country store, on a very cloudy OCTOBER morn. LOVE IT !! Understatement. Had not done so in months, I feel sooo much much better, my body hurts but My Spirit is soaring!!
The goals starting next week is to put in at least one mile in every other day,until I workin it in,every day. Todays was a 5 mile'er co I'd not done so in many months on foot, Summer here was a word BRUTAL! Love love Autumn.
The road to a thousand miles begins with ONE STEP !!
The journey deepens and definitely continues... C'mon "Poor House " Mentality Take a Hike !! IM Ready for the Royal !! Have been ready, biot now more than ever !!
I know what you me Brother Keith. I have toxic in my complex that I live at. I had toxic at work. Toxic just fired me and I will only miss the paycheck. I just want to make a lot of money. It would be nice if the Universe would provide the money. I don't believe we came here to get jobs. I believe we came here to be happy and align with our manifestations. I feel that all of us are suppose to be joyful. Contrast just drives me crazy.
(10-12-2023, 08:23 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: [ -> ]Last 3 days, super depressed and apathetic. not like me at all. Oh the being depressed from being around toxic people ( relatives) yeah mild to medium grade downers, yeah but this was 'seemingly' outta no where and much more 'way laying;,plus "5D energies and more!
I stayed up ALL night so that I could be up until the early afternoon,to help get my regular sleep schedule back TODAY/Tonight, so to speak.. I,'d also planned and WENT for a 2 1/2 mile walk ,to the country store, on a very cloudy OCTOBER morn. LOVE IT !! Understatement. Had not done so in months, I feel sooo much much better, my body hurts but My Spirit is soaring!!
The goals starting next week is to put in at least one mile in every other day,until I workin it in,every day. Todays was a 5 mile'er co I'd not done so in many months on foot, Summer here was a word BRUTAL! Love love Autumn.
The road to a thousand miles begins with ONE STEP !!
The journey deepens and definitely continues... C'mon "Poor House " Mentality Take a Hike !! IM Ready for the Royal !! Have been ready, biot now more than ever !!
So is this depression just toxic relatives, or are you working through something deep with MM too? I've felt mildly depressed a couple of times on MM in the beginning because I was basically working through something my subconscious self didn't want to face, but it knew it couldn't stop MM from achieving its goals. Lately, my inner child is really fighting me on MM because I guess we must be close to a breakthrough of some sort that's going to go places, but it's not depression, it's more mild anxiety that I feel whenever the resistant parts have the upper hand.
(10-13-2023, 10:30 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-12-2023, 08:23 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: [ -> ]Last 3 days, super depressed and apathetic. not like me at all. Oh the being depressed from being around toxic people ( relatives) yeah mild to medium grade downers, yeah but this was 'seemingly' outta no where and much more 'way laying;,plus "5D energies and more!
I stayed up ALL night so that I could be up until the early afternoon,to help get my regular sleep schedule back TODAY/Tonight, so to speak.. I,'d also planned and WENT for a 2 1/2 mile walk ,to the country store, on a very cloudy OCTOBER morn. LOVE IT !! Understatement. Had not done so in months, I feel sooo much much better, my body hurts but My Spirit is soaring!!
The goals starting next week is to put in at least one mile in every other day,until I workin it in,every day. Todays was a 5 mile'er co I'd not done so in many months on foot, Summer here was a word BRUTAL! Love love Autumn.
The road to a thousand miles begins with ONE STEP !!
The journey deepens and definitely continues... C'mon "Poor House " Mentality Take a Hike !! IM Ready for the Royal !! Have been ready, biot now more than ever !!
So is this depression just toxic relatives, or are you working through something deep with MM too? I've felt mildly depressed a couple of times on MM in the beginning because I was basically working through something my subconscious self didn't want to face, but it knew it couldn't stop MM from achieving its goals. Lately, my inner child is really fighting me on MM because I guess we must be close to a breakthrough of some sort that's going to go places, but it's not depression, it's more mild anxiety that I feel whenever the resistant parts have the upper hand.
Thanks Z- Man and Shannon !!
Its both Shannon, toxic relatives and working thru stuff with MM and other things. Drinking LOTS of water and movement help.
IM really out of shape and have been for too long, so walking a total of 5 miles yesterday, really woke up a lot muscles and boy am I feeling it today. it hurts but its benefciall in the long run,I AM slowly working with that = as in exercise.
However such movement in the body be it specific and over all, 'shakes loose and awaken's" some suppressed and/or blocked energy and emotions....
I do believe that YES I AM working thru some major stuff connected with Money Magnet and the fears there of. IM a decent place today, purdy good. MY Next day on with MM us Sunday. MY 3 day week with MM is done for the week as of this afternoon. it was a mONDAY - Wednesday - Friday, run loops for MM this week. Next week, will be a 4 day week starting SUNDAY.
The Journey continues...
MY assessment of Money Magnet thus far is that this program WILL DO what needs to be done in order for you to become just THAT ! A MONEY MAGNET, in time over ,over time.
And for me and Shannon, as he's made it clear in his journaling, that includs healing the 'inner child. My Inner truly innocent boy! Some remarkable things have moved Me to tears several times, recently, and its apparent that both the inner healing is occurring, and the resistance is being addressed, seemingly simultaneously WTH!? Huh?......Yeppers!! 5.11G is somethin' else!!
Its subtle at times, its overt at other times. Its calmly remarkable over all, and all over. Some times it takes me day to see a bigger part of the Puzzle being pieced together but it is coming together
The 'stew' thickens and the Journey definitely continues
P:S. I can't say that for everyone, it will be your inner child that gets addressed in the process of becoming a MM ,but it seems logical that many will, as this things goes way back to heal/clear/adjust Old worn out beliefs,and experiences, around money and being a money Magneto!! to set you FREE-er ,is what it feels like to me!!
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