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I've been using X4A since about a week after it came out in US format, 10/15 clicks on Android, at the recommended number of loops and days on/off. 

A few observations from the program: 

- When I first started, I felt the tingling of the aura firing in a more pronounced way. Over time, I don't feel it as strongly while using the program, except in the last week when I dramatically dropped the volume as described later below. Usually when the aura fires for me, I feel a pronounced tingling at the crown of the head, although less of the warmth that other people have described on DMSI for example. 
- Much like others have reported, I've experienced something akin to a "celebrity effect" and "respect hits" while using the program. People randomly talk to me in public settings whereas they never did before (I had more of a guarded vibe), other men I've met for the first time are notably more respectful, and the instructors in various classes I'm taking seem to be paying more direct attention to me. 
- Assuming I'm otherwise in a good place (well rested, well fed), my own behavior seems to also have become more extraverted on the program and I'm more inclined to engage other people.
- Where I'm not seeing any obvious results is in the core goal of the program, increasing interest from women. The most obvious place where I've tested the program has been dance class, and even when dancing with women I find very attractive, I have not seen any obvious sign of increased attraction (more smiling, more verbal engagement, more touching, etc) over what I usually get or what is socially normal. I also can't say I've ever felt the aura "firing" per say, or targeting a specific individual the way another poster has described.

I also struggled to make DMSI work, and do appreciate that I have some internal resistance regarding sex specifically. I'm coming off 4+ months of running OF 4, so hoping that made some difference. In the past, I have organically experienced women I really like being intensely attracted to me in, pursuing me aggressively, and trying to make things happen, so I have a reference point for what that experience feels like, and I've struggled to recreate it while on the attraction programs. 

Reading Shannon's reply to another user, it seems the normal number of loops might not be ideally suited for me, so I will be gradually increasing the number of loops to see if my results change (probably giving it 2-3 cycles per increase to allow the changes to settle).  

Note on usage:

Historically, I used masked cause it seemed to give me the best results, but I can't do 4 hours straight during the day and if used at night, it disrupts my sleep. As a result, I've been using US at the recommended volume. I must be sensitive to US sounds, because 10/15 clicks absolutely destroys my ears and leaves them aching afterwards. I've recently gone down as low as 4/15 clicks on Android, and I still feel a gentle tingling sensation in my ears when I start the program so I know I can still hear it, and weirdly enough, I actually feel the aura firing again.
Hey Vasil, any news or did you stop using the sub?