03-26-2022, 03:20 AM
Have tested every version of DMSI since v1
30 year old male
Came out of LTR 2 years ago, and then on and off for 2 years. Currently single
Virgin until 25, only slept with 1 woman (the LTR)
Was using subliminals from other sources for a while then ran Overcome ED 5G for approx. 25 days then shifted to DMSI 3.5
1 loop ultrasonic through iPhone per day
No strict ASBR - generally about 3 days on 1 day off
-In The Moment State Shifting: relaxation, playfulness, excitement, increased body temperature + feeling of electricity surrounding skin (providing have eaten enough calories), release body tension, deeper breathing, expansion in chest.
-Increased hunger during/post listening to a loop - body demanding fuel for aura
-Mindset shift toward wanting multiple sexual partners. Taking steps to bring this into reality (as much as fear will allow)
-Noticeable change in facial appearance - skin feels softer and also tighter around cheeks - vibrant/glowing
-More motivated to be social - currently working from home and feelings of dissatisfaction at being stuck inside - wanting to be around women
-Increased looks from women as passing them by - like they can't help themselves - but if you look at them they catch themselves and quickly look away. I used to refer these to the "alien" looks on previous versions, where the staring is prolonged and out of the ordinary. Only happens when I'm running DMSI.
-No blatant approaches or invitations for sex yet.
-Unexpected respect "hits" - servers/baristas referring to me as "sir"
-Get the general sense it's mostly my "passive" aura/pheromones that are be activating and causing attraction at this point. I haven't felt any burning cheeks / breath / which earlier versions would sometimes give and what I would imagine would take place if someone were to be sniped with the "active" aura.
-Mental function and energy are all maintainable at 1 loop per day. Other subs can cause mental fatigue for me which would impact job performance even at 1 loop but this isn't the case with DMSI at 1 loop.
-Physical energy in terms of exercise all seem normal with DMSI - no reduction in workout ability
-Although physical and mental function are fine, DMSI seems to negatively impact my "sexual" function. I often find it more difficult to achieve an erection on DMSI, and it will be less hard, sometimes not even hard enough for penetrative sex. I wonder if it's because the body is prioritizing energy be used for the aura which would otherwise be used to achieve an erection?
I have suffered with ED issues all my life so I may be an outlier here - but unfortunately DMSI does seem to make it noticeably worse for me.
-Like you suggest Shannon, fear is the largest obstacle, so I think having a version with FRM enabled with the latest tech would be great, even if it's a 12 month+ run to clear all the fears and it slows down results in the short-term but then increases them in the long-term
-I've noticed DMSI makes me appear standoffish and put my guard up. Like how a woman might have a "bitch shield". This probably does make me more attractive in an "unobtainable" way, but it's likely rooted in fear of actually being approached and interacting with strangers. FRM would probably fix this over time but it could be worth including some direct scripting on making yourself approachable to others?
-My fears around having ED are likely blocking my results, as I'm afraid I will seduce a woman, go to have sex with her and then be unable to perform. FRM may fix this, but I think it's definitely worth including scripting on:
1.) Being confident in your own sexual performance - part of being sexually irresistible would include seeing yourself as a sex god in the bedroom
2.) Prioritizing energy resources so that energy for sexual performance is #1 - what's the point of being sexually irresistible if when you go to have sex you cannot perform? No point having the aura blasting on all cylinders, taking someone to bed and then not being able to achieve an erection
3.) Increasing mind/muscle connection with sex organs - being more aware of and in tune with your genitals would help sexual performance and likely make body language more sexual
4.) Increasing blood flow to genitals - this would help with sexual performance for both genders
I'll keep running 3.5 until the next version so I might update this if anything major happens. Hope this helps Shannon, look forward to the next version.
Have tested every version of DMSI since v1
30 year old male
Came out of LTR 2 years ago, and then on and off for 2 years. Currently single
Virgin until 25, only slept with 1 woman (the LTR)
Was using subliminals from other sources for a while then ran Overcome ED 5G for approx. 25 days then shifted to DMSI 3.5
1 loop ultrasonic through iPhone per day
No strict ASBR - generally about 3 days on 1 day off
-In The Moment State Shifting: relaxation, playfulness, excitement, increased body temperature + feeling of electricity surrounding skin (providing have eaten enough calories), release body tension, deeper breathing, expansion in chest.
-Increased hunger during/post listening to a loop - body demanding fuel for aura
-Mindset shift toward wanting multiple sexual partners. Taking steps to bring this into reality (as much as fear will allow)
-Noticeable change in facial appearance - skin feels softer and also tighter around cheeks - vibrant/glowing
-More motivated to be social - currently working from home and feelings of dissatisfaction at being stuck inside - wanting to be around women
-Increased looks from women as passing them by - like they can't help themselves - but if you look at them they catch themselves and quickly look away. I used to refer these to the "alien" looks on previous versions, where the staring is prolonged and out of the ordinary. Only happens when I'm running DMSI.
-No blatant approaches or invitations for sex yet.
-Unexpected respect "hits" - servers/baristas referring to me as "sir"
-Get the general sense it's mostly my "passive" aura/pheromones that are be activating and causing attraction at this point. I haven't felt any burning cheeks / breath / which earlier versions would sometimes give and what I would imagine would take place if someone were to be sniped with the "active" aura.
-Mental function and energy are all maintainable at 1 loop per day. Other subs can cause mental fatigue for me which would impact job performance even at 1 loop but this isn't the case with DMSI at 1 loop.
-Physical energy in terms of exercise all seem normal with DMSI - no reduction in workout ability
-Although physical and mental function are fine, DMSI seems to negatively impact my "sexual" function. I often find it more difficult to achieve an erection on DMSI, and it will be less hard, sometimes not even hard enough for penetrative sex. I wonder if it's because the body is prioritizing energy be used for the aura which would otherwise be used to achieve an erection?
I have suffered with ED issues all my life so I may be an outlier here - but unfortunately DMSI does seem to make it noticeably worse for me.
-Like you suggest Shannon, fear is the largest obstacle, so I think having a version with FRM enabled with the latest tech would be great, even if it's a 12 month+ run to clear all the fears and it slows down results in the short-term but then increases them in the long-term
-I've noticed DMSI makes me appear standoffish and put my guard up. Like how a woman might have a "bitch shield". This probably does make me more attractive in an "unobtainable" way, but it's likely rooted in fear of actually being approached and interacting with strangers. FRM would probably fix this over time but it could be worth including some direct scripting on making yourself approachable to others?
-My fears around having ED are likely blocking my results, as I'm afraid I will seduce a woman, go to have sex with her and then be unable to perform. FRM may fix this, but I think it's definitely worth including scripting on:
1.) Being confident in your own sexual performance - part of being sexually irresistible would include seeing yourself as a sex god in the bedroom
2.) Prioritizing energy resources so that energy for sexual performance is #1 - what's the point of being sexually irresistible if when you go to have sex you cannot perform? No point having the aura blasting on all cylinders, taking someone to bed and then not being able to achieve an erection
3.) Increasing mind/muscle connection with sex organs - being more aware of and in tune with your genitals would help sexual performance and likely make body language more sexual
4.) Increasing blood flow to genitals - this would help with sexual performance for both genders
I'll keep running 3.5 until the next version so I might update this if anything major happens. Hope this helps Shannon, look forward to the next version.