Do you remember back when only 3G and 4g subs were available and they worked so great? Their goals were simple and focused and that’s why they were so effective. These new subs like DMSI and and UMSl all have a common theme and that’s that they are… ABSTRACT. The subconscious, as we’ve been told before, is literal. We all want maximum this or ultimate that, but maybe that’s just not how life works. The subs that work consistently almost without issue are the ones that have a focused target - at least for me.
Want ultimate monetary success? Run find your perfect job.
Want to be the center of attention? Run extreme self esteem.
Want sex or romance? Run an attract your perfect …
Instead of making things complicated… and wasting time. Just make things simple.
Anyways, that’s my take. I’d love to hear what you guys think about it, and of course it would be good to hear what Shannon says as he may have some deeper insights.
Or maybe Shannon’s the ultimate sub dealer and is just banking off our dreams and aspirations.
I think the "issue" is that the newer subs are way more ambitious in their goal. And for them to work as designed (and they most likely do) everyone need to reach a certain "base level" - I.e. Letting FRM work trough what's holding your back. For some people this is done more swiftly and for some this is a burdening process that takes a lot of time. Those that report lack of effects, etc are what I believe going trough this process of "cleansing" and reaching their "base level" which the sub need you to reach before it can work properly.
The problem is comparing yourself to others and being anxious about the lack of results. FRM works but it takes time, at least at this level of technology, and maybe always will. It will only be those that are willing to put in the time, effort and patience that will be able to reap the fruits of what the subs are working trough, and this will be changes taking place on a well more profound and deep level than what the previous generations were able to produce.
most of guys, just switching subs like tshirt, the key is to stick with it for a long time. I dont care how much is will be advanced or what, repetition is necessary to change a paradgim that fixed in subconscious mind. and it takes time.
For example for DMSI, it makes you irresistible attractive to beautiful women, change your aura that most of the women will see you as very high value meat and that %100 correct and it is WORKING as intended. Most of the subs are just working fine.
But, as I said earlier it is not enough to get laid, you also must participate in progress of getting laid, you must be confidence about yourself that your are REALLY attractive and valuable to get laid like this (first date, instantly),
and believe me if you dont have self-confidence, self-esteem ... it will take time to got them.
I dont know for sure maybe that the cause of new gen subs are taking eight of months.
(10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Do you remember back when only 3G and 4g subs were available and they worked so great? Their goals were simple and focused and that’s why they were so effective. These new subs like DMSI and and UMSl all have a common theme and that’s that they are… ABSTRACT.
On the contrary, they are more like a parabolic mirror focusing the light from many stars into one point. The "many stars" would be the sub-modules designed to act as a base and assist to achieving the primary goal of the program. It is not abstract, but there are a lot of different things being addressed so that the main goal can be achieved. As I find something that works against the goal, I create a module for addressing it. The whole of the script is designed to achieve the program's goal.
Quote:The subconscious, as we’ve been told before, is literal.
Sadly, that is not universally true, only parts of the subconscious are literal. If the whole thing was literal, I wouldn't still be working on Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology, because at least some of the parts of your awareness that resist find ways around executing the script, which means they are not acting in a literal sense to execute the script or executing it literally. It would make subliminals much easier to script and more effective if the whole of the subconscious was literal, but it isn't. So just remember, being told something doesn't make it accurate, which is why I stopped relying on other people's "studies" and such and started doing my own research, experimentation and development to find what was true and what wasn't for how the subconscious works and how to communicate effectively with it.
Quote:We all want maximum this or ultimate that, but maybe that’s just not how life works. The subs that work consistently almost without issue are the ones that have a focused target - at least for me.
So the subs that work consistently without issue for you are the ones that don't really make deep, long lasting, serious changes because they're not powerful enough to make those changes at the deep levels that must be affected, and your response to those subs that have such potential is fear and resistance. Which would be why I keep developing the methods.
Quote:Want ultimate monetary success? Run find your perfect job.
That subliminal has produced such poor results for the majority in my opinion that it's only available because of customer requests. I would have removed it otherwise.
Quote:Want to be the center of attention? Run extreme self esteem.
I don't remember reading a lot of cases where ESE resulted in being the center of attention.
Quote:Want sex or romance? Run an attract your perfect …
Except like FYPJ, this program series has a high failure rate because it does not address the fear that triggers resistance and self sabotage. Those who set it and forget it get the results, sure. the other 80 or 90% don't.
Quote:Instead of making things complicated… and wasting time. Just make things simple.
Every change I have made has been data driven. I don't spend more and more time doing script development, build method development, technology development, etc. just because I am bored. Trust me, I'd much rather build out a solid, consistent library and go sip pina coladas on the beach in Hawaii or something.
Instead, every time I find an issue, I track down the cause and find a solution. And every time, the solution is to do something that adds complexity to the scripting, build process and technology, which is necessary to advance it and make it deal with that issue. This is the result of experimenting, listening to my customers and doing what the data shows needs to be dealt with, and how. It has not a single thing to do with how I would prefer to make and build these programs.
I would love to go back to 4G subs. It took me 30-40 minutes to build one, from an idea, using a laptop from 2005. Now, I could probably build one in 10 minutes or less. I could have thousands of titles built into the ultimate library of every possible thing you could want or need a subliminal for! Except there's just one problem. 4G wasn't powerful enough to achieve the goal beyond superficially in many cases. Which is why 5G got developed. And 5.5G. and 5.75.xG. and now 5.8G. and eventually 6G.
In a lot of cases, it takes me so long to develop just one of these generations, or one of the modules that goes into it (FRM) that it means I have no time to do work that would make me more money in the short run. Why would I do that if I didn't know it will pay off big time in the long run? Why bang my head against the wall for years on end, when I could just do what most other "subliminals" producers do and create simple, easy titles that people think they get results from, and then before they can realize they didn't actually get any benefit, distract them with something newer and shiner? Why make more and more and more work for myself?
It's because I know for sure that what I am doing is the right path, and I know for sure that in the end it's going to be worth the DECADES of work that it took to achieve the end result. Both for you, my customers, and for me.
Quote:Anyways, that’s my take. I’d love to hear what you guys think about it, and of course it would be good to hear what Shannon says as he may have some deeper insights.
Or maybe Shannon’s the ultimate sub dealer and is just banking off our dreams and aspirations. 
No, but you can find that proliferating on YouTube and other places online easily enough though.
I have actually financially hobbled my business taking this path and lost a lot of customers to other producers because of the direction I have chosen. In some cases because I wasn't producing subliminals fast enough, in some cases because I didn't produce the right titles, and in some cases for other reasons. The way I do things, and the end goal, is based on two things. First, what does the data say? I don't care what anyone tells me, except my customers. What they are experiencing tells me what is and isn't working, and guides me to what will work, one step at a time. And second, the end goal is to create a level of subliminal that can achieve the goal, regardless of what it is, for almost all of my customers, almost all the time. (I know that a perfect solution is hopeless, and eventually we would have me spending decades chasing small improvements not worth the time anymore.)
Furthermore, nobody is forcing you to buy my subs. There are cheaper subs. There are subs that don't require six or more months to use. There are subs that promise much more grandiose and magical outcomes. There are subs that claim to need only minutes a day or week to do amazing things. Far be it from me to decide for you what you should run amongst this sea of options! But the path I choose is to try to develop subliminals that actually achieve their goals and give you what you pay for.
(10-24-2021, 10:05 AM)tolgaocal80 Wrote: [ -> ]most of guys, just switching subs like tshirt, the key is to stick with it for a long time. I dont care how much is will be advanced or what, repetition is necessary to change a paradgim that fixed in subconscious mind. and it takes time.
For example for DMSI, it makes you irresistible attractive to beautiful women, change your aura that most of the women will see you as very high value meat and that %100 correct and it is WORKING as intended. Most of the subs are just working fine.
But, as I said earlier it is not enough to get laid, you also must participate in progress of getting laid, you must be confidence about yourself that your are REALLY attractive and valuable to get laid like this (first date, instantly),
and believe me if you dont have self-confidence, self-esteem ... it will take time to got them.
I dont know for sure maybe that the cause of new gen subs are taking eight of months.
The latest subs that have long term usage requirements have those requirements because the goals they have, and in some cases sub-goals, require deep changes that are very difficult to make, and become harder and harder to make when you try to make them happen faster. The fact that they can be achieved at all in some of these cases is nearly miraculous.
HOpefully I will find ways to do things in the future that speed up these developmental, growth and change processes significantly, but in the end the time required depends on
you and what you can do
safely. Just as trying to grow too fast and heal too fast causes other issues instead of fixing things, we cannot change too fast without causing issues instead of fixing them. Maybe there are ways to go faster. I'm working on finding them. But for now, those are the requirements if you want to achieve the goal of the program.
Believe me, I;d be making more money if it was faster. That is for your benefit, not mine.
I know Shannon. You are responding most of the questions here, they are not even related to subs, most of the answers requires vast wisdom and hours of studying . I didn't see anything like that in other subliminal shop sites. thank you for that
(10-24-2021, 10:51 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Do you remember back when only 3G and 4g subs were available and they worked so great? Their goals were simple and focused and that’s why they were so effective. These new subs like DMSI and and UMSl all have a common theme and that’s that they are… ABSTRACT.
On the contrary, they are more like a parabolic mirror focusing the light from many stars into one point. The "many stars" would be the sub-modules designed to act as a base and assist to achieving the primary goal of the program. It is not abstract, but there are a lot of different things being addressed so that the main goal can be achieved. As I find something that works against the goal, I create a module for addressing it. The whole of the script is designed to achieve the program's goal.
Quote:The subconscious, as we’ve been told before, is literal.
Sadly, that is not universally true, only parts of the subconscious are literal. If the whole thing was literal, I wouldn't still be working on Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology, because at least some of the parts of your awareness that resist find ways around executing the script, which means they are not acting in a literal sense to execute the script or executing it literally. It would make subliminals much easier to script and more effective if the whole of the subconscious was literal, but it isn't. So just remember, being told something doesn't make it accurate, which is why I stopped relying on other people's "studies" and such and started doing my own research, experimentation and development to find what was true and what wasn't for how the subconscious works and how to communicate effectively with it.
Quote:We all want maximum this or ultimate that, but maybe that’s just not how life works. The subs that work consistently almost without issue are the ones that have a focused target - at least for me.
So the subs that work consistently without issue for you are the ones that don't really make deep, long lasting, serious changes because they're not powerful enough to make those changes at the deep levels that must be affected, and your response to those subs that have such potential is fear and resistance. Which would be why I keep developing the methods.
Quote:Want ultimate monetary success? Run find your perfect job.
That subliminal has produced such poor results for the majority in my opinion that it's only available because of customer requests. I would have removed it otherwise.
Quote:Want to be the center of attention? Run extreme self esteem.
I don't remember reading a lot of cases where ESE resulted in being the center of attention.
Quote:Want sex or romance? Run an attract your perfect …
Except like FYPJ, this program series has a high failure rate because it does not address the fear that triggers resistance and self sabotage. Those who set it and forget it get the results, sure. the other 80 or 90% don't.
Quote:Instead of making things complicated… and wasting time. Just make things simple.
Every change I have made has been data driven. I don't spend more and more time doing script development, build method development, technology development, etc. just because I am bored. Trust me, I'd much rather build out a solid, consistent library and go sip pina coladas on the beach in Hawaii or something.
Instead, every time I find an issue, I track down the cause and find a solution. And every time, the solution is to do something that adds complexity to the scripting, build process and technology, which is necessary to advance it and make it deal with that issue. This is the result of experimenting, listening to my customers and doing what the data shows needs to be dealt with, and how. It has not a single thing to do with how I would prefer to make and build these programs.
I would love to go back to 4G subs. It took me 30-40 minutes to build one, from an idea, using a laptop from 2005. Now, I could probably build one in 10 minutes or less. I could have thousands of titles built into the ultimate library of every possible thing you could want or need a subliminal for! Except there's just one problem. 4G wasn't powerful enough to achieve the goal beyond superficially in many cases. Which is why 5G got developed. And 5.5G. and 5.75.xG. and now 5.8G. and eventually 6G.
In a lot of cases, it takes me so long to develop just one of these generations, or one of the modules that goes into it (FRM) that it means I have no time to do work that would make me more money in the short run. Why would I do that if I didn't know it will pay off big time in the long run? Why bang my head against the wall for years on end, when I could just do what most other "subliminals" producers do and create simple, easy titles that people think they get results from, and then before they can realize they didn't actually get any benefit, distract them with something newer and shiner? Why make more and more and more work for myself?
It's because I know for sure that what I am doing is the right path, and I know for sure that in the end it's going to be worth the DECADES of work that it took to achieve the end result. Both for you, my customers, and for me.
Quote:Anyways, that’s my take. I’d love to hear what you guys think about it, and of course it would be good to hear what Shannon says as he may have some deeper insights.
Or maybe Shannon’s the ultimate sub dealer and is just banking off our dreams and aspirations. 
No, but you can find that proliferating on YouTube and other places online easily enough though.
I have actually financially hobbled my business taking this path and lost a lot of customers to other producers because of the direction I have chosen. In some cases because I wasn't producing subliminals fast enough, in some cases because I didn't produce the right titles, and in some cases for other reasons. The way I do things, and the end goal, is based on two things. First, what does the data say? I don't care what anyone tells me, except my customers. What they are experiencing tells me what is and isn't working, and guides me to what will work, one step at a time. And second, the end goal is to create a level of subliminal that can achieve the goal, regardless of what it is, for almost all of my customers, almost all the time. (I know that a perfect solution is hopeless, and eventually we would have me spending decades chasing small improvements not worth the time anymore.)
Furthermore, nobody is forcing you to buy my subs. There are cheaper subs. There are subs that don't require six or more months to use. There are subs that promise much more grandiose and magical outcomes. There are subs that claim to need only minutes a day or week to do amazing things. Far be it from me to decide for you what you should run amongst this sea of options! But the path I choose is to try to develop subliminals that actually achieve their goals and give you what you pay for.
I guess it just depends on how long you’re willing to wait. I see some users spending years of their lives trying to achieve ‘sexual irresistibility to beautiful women’ lol like that’s even possible. Every one has their preferences attitudes or level of craziness whether they’re beautiful or not.
The more beautiful a girl is the more likely she will think she doesn’t need you anyway unless you do something for her personally as opposed to being a mascot.
Some of the goals just seem unrealistic to me. There has to be a sense of realism if you want to live in the real world and not a fairy tale.
I wouldn’t trash the manifestation subs. Of course I can only speak from personal experience but the AYP and FYPJ (although I didn’t finish) gave some great results.
If there were more focus on these I think there would be much more satisfaction. But of course this is just my opinion, I’m totally open to being wrong.
(10-24-2021, 11:00 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 10:05 AM)tolgaocal80 Wrote: [ -> ]most of guys, just switching subs like tshirt, the key is to stick with it for a long time. I dont care how much is will be advanced or what, repetition is necessary to change a paradgim that fixed in subconscious mind. and it takes time.
For example for DMSI, it makes you irresistible attractive to beautiful women, change your aura that most of the women will see you as very high value meat and that %100 correct and it is WORKING as intended. Most of the subs are just working fine.
But, as I said earlier it is not enough to get laid, you also must participate in progress of getting laid, you must be confidence about yourself that your are REALLY attractive and valuable to get laid like this (first date, instantly),
and believe me if you dont have self-confidence, self-esteem ... it will take time to got them.
I dont know for sure maybe that the cause of new gen subs are taking eight of months.
The latest subs that have long term usage requirements have those requirements because the goals they have, and in some cases sub-goals, require deep changes that are very difficult to make, and become harder and harder to make when you try to make them happen faster. The fact that they can be achieved at all in some of these cases is nearly miraculous.
HOpefully I will find ways to do things in the future that speed up these developmental, growth and change processes significantly, but in the end the time required depends on you and what you can do safely. Just as trying to grow too fast and heal too fast causes other issues instead of fixing things, we cannot change too fast without causing issues instead of fixing them. Maybe there are ways to go faster. I'm working on finding them. But for now, those are the requirements if you want to achieve the goal of the program.
Believe me, I;d be making more money if it was faster. That is for your benefit, not mine.
Something interesting on transformation and change is a doctor called Joe Dispenza.
I've studied his work for some months and applied some. Fascinating stuff really.
He mentions in one of his works that the barriers to change can be put down to 3 things:
A) Mind and Body
B) Environment
C) Time
When you are in a state of no a, b and c.. and you stay long enough in that state, you become very moldable.
People have healed all sorts of physical and mental disorders. He himself started this journey and teachings after he healed his own fractured spine after a bicycle injury.
His work might give you some ideas, perspectives, etc. on developing your Subliminal's!
(10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]The more beautiful a girl is the more likely she will think she doesn’t need you anyway unless you do something for her personally as opposed to being a mascot.
Needing is a different thing, being attracted is different, what do you mean by "something for her personally"? the more you do something for her more she will disgust you, especially personally. lol.
(10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the goals just seem unrealistic to me. There has to be a sense of realism if you want to live in the real world and not a fairy tale.
hey bro, I wouldn't be sure if the goals of DMSI (or another sub) are unrealistic. Because there are some men I know who are having sex with almost every women they know (they aren't trying hard). Of course in real world, never every beatiful women will be attracted to any man on the earth, but what would be happen if just %20-30 of women you socially encounter find you really sexy and a good match for sex (sexually irrestible?) and initiate things for sex happen?
I never used DMSI but I bet FYP subs are way more hard to happen than being sexually irrestable
(10-24-2021, 02:01 PM)tolgaocal80 Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]The more beautiful a girl is the more likely she will think she doesn’t need you anyway unless you do something for her personally as opposed to being a mascot.
Needing is a different thing, being attracted is different, what do you mean by "something for her personally"? the more you do something for her more she will disgust you, especially personally. lol.
Meaning most beautiful girls aren’t going to have a one night stand with you. Most beautiful girls will require you to care or not think of them as ‘just another’. Hence being ‘irresistible’ is unrealistic.
“tolgaocal80” Wrote: (10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the goals just seem unrealistic to me. There has to be a sense of realism if you want to live in the real world and not a fairy tale.
hey bro, I wouldn't be sure if the goals of DMSI (or another sub) are unrealistic. Because there are some men I know who are having sex with almost every women they know (they aren't trying hard). Of course in real world, never every beatiful women will be attracted to any man on the earth, but what would be happen if just %20-30 of women you socially encounter find you really sexy and a good match for sex (sexually irrestible?) and initiate things for sex happen?
I never used DMSI but I bet FYP subs are way more hard to happen than being sexually irrestable
There’s nothing wrong with that. But if you’re spending YEARS trying to achieve this when you can just run an AYP and probably be more satisfied it’s kind of like the definition of insanity.
I guarantee you if you just go to the gym regularly after a month or two you’ll get the same results or better. Better to spend two months not being lazy then years of your precious life going through emotional hell because you can’t be realistic. But like I said, you’re totally free to disagree with me, it’s just my opinion.
(10-24-2021, 12:49 PM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 10:51 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Do you remember back when only 3G and 4g subs were available and they worked so great? Their goals were simple and focused and that’s why they were so effective. These new subs like DMSI and and UMSl all have a common theme and that’s that they are… ABSTRACT.
On the contrary, they are more like a parabolic mirror focusing the light from many stars into one point. The "many stars" would be the sub-modules designed to act as a base and assist to achieving the primary goal of the program. It is not abstract, but there are a lot of different things being addressed so that the main goal can be achieved. As I find something that works against the goal, I create a module for addressing it. The whole of the script is designed to achieve the program's goal.
Quote:The subconscious, as we’ve been told before, is literal.
Sadly, that is not universally true, only parts of the subconscious are literal. If the whole thing was literal, I wouldn't still be working on Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology, because at least some of the parts of your awareness that resist find ways around executing the script, which means they are not acting in a literal sense to execute the script or executing it literally. It would make subliminals much easier to script and more effective if the whole of the subconscious was literal, but it isn't. So just remember, being told something doesn't make it accurate, which is why I stopped relying on other people's "studies" and such and started doing my own research, experimentation and development to find what was true and what wasn't for how the subconscious works and how to communicate effectively with it.
Quote:We all want maximum this or ultimate that, but maybe that’s just not how life works. The subs that work consistently almost without issue are the ones that have a focused target - at least for me.
So the subs that work consistently without issue for you are the ones that don't really make deep, long lasting, serious changes because they're not powerful enough to make those changes at the deep levels that must be affected, and your response to those subs that have such potential is fear and resistance. Which would be why I keep developing the methods.
Quote:Want ultimate monetary success? Run find your perfect job.
That subliminal has produced such poor results for the majority in my opinion that it's only available because of customer requests. I would have removed it otherwise.
Quote:Want to be the center of attention? Run extreme self esteem.
I don't remember reading a lot of cases where ESE resulted in being the center of attention.
Quote:Want sex or romance? Run an attract your perfect …
Except like FYPJ, this program series has a high failure rate because it does not address the fear that triggers resistance and self sabotage. Those who set it and forget it get the results, sure. the other 80 or 90% don't.
Quote:Instead of making things complicated… and wasting time. Just make things simple.
Every change I have made has been data driven. I don't spend more and more time doing script development, build method development, technology development, etc. just because I am bored. Trust me, I'd much rather build out a solid, consistent library and go sip pina coladas on the beach in Hawaii or something.
Instead, every time I find an issue, I track down the cause and find a solution. And every time, the solution is to do something that adds complexity to the scripting, build process and technology, which is necessary to advance it and make it deal with that issue. This is the result of experimenting, listening to my customers and doing what the data shows needs to be dealt with, and how. It has not a single thing to do with how I would prefer to make and build these programs.
I would love to go back to 4G subs. It took me 30-40 minutes to build one, from an idea, using a laptop from 2005. Now, I could probably build one in 10 minutes or less. I could have thousands of titles built into the ultimate library of every possible thing you could want or need a subliminal for! Except there's just one problem. 4G wasn't powerful enough to achieve the goal beyond superficially in many cases. Which is why 5G got developed. And 5.5G. and 5.75.xG. and now 5.8G. and eventually 6G.
In a lot of cases, it takes me so long to develop just one of these generations, or one of the modules that goes into it (FRM) that it means I have no time to do work that would make me more money in the short run. Why would I do that if I didn't know it will pay off big time in the long run? Why bang my head against the wall for years on end, when I could just do what most other "subliminals" producers do and create simple, easy titles that people think they get results from, and then before they can realize they didn't actually get any benefit, distract them with something newer and shiner? Why make more and more and more work for myself?
It's because I know for sure that what I am doing is the right path, and I know for sure that in the end it's going to be worth the DECADES of work that it took to achieve the end result. Both for you, my customers, and for me.
Quote:Anyways, that’s my take. I’d love to hear what you guys think about it, and of course it would be good to hear what Shannon says as he may have some deeper insights.
Or maybe Shannon’s the ultimate sub dealer and is just banking off our dreams and aspirations. 
No, but you can find that proliferating on YouTube and other places online easily enough though.
I have actually financially hobbled my business taking this path and lost a lot of customers to other producers because of the direction I have chosen. In some cases because I wasn't producing subliminals fast enough, in some cases because I didn't produce the right titles, and in some cases for other reasons. The way I do things, and the end goal, is based on two things. First, what does the data say? I don't care what anyone tells me, except my customers. What they are experiencing tells me what is and isn't working, and guides me to what will work, one step at a time. And second, the end goal is to create a level of subliminal that can achieve the goal, regardless of what it is, for almost all of my customers, almost all the time. (I know that a perfect solution is hopeless, and eventually we would have me spending decades chasing small improvements not worth the time anymore.)
Furthermore, nobody is forcing you to buy my subs. There are cheaper subs. There are subs that don't require six or more months to use. There are subs that promise much more grandiose and magical outcomes. There are subs that claim to need only minutes a day or week to do amazing things. Far be it from me to decide for you what you should run amongst this sea of options! But the path I choose is to try to develop subliminals that actually achieve their goals and give you what you pay for.
I guess it just depends on how long you’re willing to wait. I see some users spending years of their lives trying to achieve ‘sexual irresistibility to beautiful women’ lol like that’s even possible. Every one has their preferences attitudes or level of craziness whether they’re beautiful or not.
It is not just possible, it's already been accomplished multiple times by myself and at least two other people I can remember, using DMSI.
Quote:The more beautiful a girl is the more likely she will think she doesn’t need you anyway unless you do something for her personally as opposed to being a mascot.
That is not correct. Typically, the more beautiful a girl is, the more she will tend to still be human under all the skin and makeup. And like any other human, press the right buttons and she will respond accordingly. By the way, don't forget that DMSI is designed to be usable by anyone, and will work to influence men and women according to the user's personal preferences.
Quote:Some of the goals just seem unrealistic to me. There has to be a sense of realism if you want to live in the real world and not a fairy tale.
"Realistic" as defined by you, I presume. Which I am also presuming is based on your personal experience, which I further presume that you think represents all possible outcomes. Or you're just trolling me.
You must think I'm a delusional moron to have started working on DMSI, and kept working on it by the sounds of it. But I would never have started the job, and certainly wouldn't have kept working on it, if I didn't know from the start that it was both possible and "realistic" to achieve the goal. It's just a matter of finding the reasons people don't succeed and eliminating them until they do. For a long time, the only issues were fear from the user of achieving the goals, fear from the affected of being judged for responding and self limiting beliefs like what you're expressing here.
If you don't want to achieve this goal so much, why do you even care if it's "realistic"? Why not just ignore the program?
Quote:I wouldn’t trash the manifestation subs. Of course I can only speak from personal experience but the AYP and FYPJ (although I didn’t finish) gave some great results.
Any program I make will give a person great results, if they use it properly and allow it to execute. I find them useful also, but the fact remains that the majority of people self sabotage when using them and get no results. Of course getting no results is why they self sabotage, and the fact that it would achieve those results is why they have to self sabotage to prevent them.
Quote:If there were more focus on these I think there would be much more satisfaction. But of course this is just my opinion, I’m totally open to being wrong.
The manifestation subs will get their day, but I'm not going to build an entire series of subs again and again every time I advance the tech. They will be rebuilt when I hit 6G.
(10-24-2021, 09:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 12:49 PM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 10:51 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ] (10-24-2021, 07:49 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]Do you remember back when only 3G and 4g subs were available and they worked so great? Their goals were simple and focused and that’s why they were so effective. These new subs like DMSI and and UMSl all have a common theme and that’s that they are… ABSTRACT.
On the contrary, they are more like a parabolic mirror focusing the light from many stars into one point. The "many stars" would be the sub-modules designed to act as a base and assist to achieving the primary goal of the program. It is not abstract, but there are a lot of different things being addressed so that the main goal can be achieved. As I find something that works against the goal, I create a module for addressing it. The whole of the script is designed to achieve the program's goal.
Quote:The subconscious, as we’ve been told before, is literal.
Sadly, that is not universally true, only parts of the subconscious are literal. If the whole thing was literal, I wouldn't still be working on Anti-Self Sabotage/Anti-Resistance Technology, because at least some of the parts of your awareness that resist find ways around executing the script, which means they are not acting in a literal sense to execute the script or executing it literally. It would make subliminals much easier to script and more effective if the whole of the subconscious was literal, but it isn't. So just remember, being told something doesn't make it accurate, which is why I stopped relying on other people's "studies" and such and started doing my own research, experimentation and development to find what was true and what wasn't for how the subconscious works and how to communicate effectively with it.
Quote:We all want maximum this or ultimate that, but maybe that’s just not how life works. The subs that work consistently almost without issue are the ones that have a focused target - at least for me.
So the subs that work consistently without issue for you are the ones that don't really make deep, long lasting, serious changes because they're not powerful enough to make those changes at the deep levels that must be affected, and your response to those subs that have such potential is fear and resistance. Which would be why I keep developing the methods.
Quote:Want ultimate monetary success? Run find your perfect job.
That subliminal has produced such poor results for the majority in my opinion that it's only available because of customer requests. I would have removed it otherwise.
Quote:Want to be the center of attention? Run extreme self esteem.
I don't remember reading a lot of cases where ESE resulted in being the center of attention.
Quote:Want sex or romance? Run an attract your perfect …
Except like FYPJ, this program series has a high failure rate because it does not address the fear that triggers resistance and self sabotage. Those who set it and forget it get the results, sure. the other 80 or 90% don't.
Quote:Instead of making things complicated… and wasting time. Just make things simple.
Every change I have made has been data driven. I don't spend more and more time doing script development, build method development, technology development, etc. just because I am bored. Trust me, I'd much rather build out a solid, consistent library and go sip pina coladas on the beach in Hawaii or something.
Instead, every time I find an issue, I track down the cause and find a solution. And every time, the solution is to do something that adds complexity to the scripting, build process and technology, which is necessary to advance it and make it deal with that issue. This is the result of experimenting, listening to my customers and doing what the data shows needs to be dealt with, and how. It has not a single thing to do with how I would prefer to make and build these programs.
I would love to go back to 4G subs. It took me 30-40 minutes to build one, from an idea, using a laptop from 2005. Now, I could probably build one in 10 minutes or less. I could have thousands of titles built into the ultimate library of every possible thing you could want or need a subliminal for! Except there's just one problem. 4G wasn't powerful enough to achieve the goal beyond superficially in many cases. Which is why 5G got developed. And 5.5G. and 5.75.xG. and now 5.8G. and eventually 6G.
In a lot of cases, it takes me so long to develop just one of these generations, or one of the modules that goes into it (FRM) that it means I have no time to do work that would make me more money in the short run. Why would I do that if I didn't know it will pay off big time in the long run? Why bang my head against the wall for years on end, when I could just do what most other "subliminals" producers do and create simple, easy titles that people think they get results from, and then before they can realize they didn't actually get any benefit, distract them with something newer and shiner? Why make more and more and more work for myself?
It's because I know for sure that what I am doing is the right path, and I know for sure that in the end it's going to be worth the DECADES of work that it took to achieve the end result. Both for you, my customers, and for me.
Quote:Anyways, that’s my take. I’d love to hear what you guys think about it, and of course it would be good to hear what Shannon says as he may have some deeper insights.
Or maybe Shannon’s the ultimate sub dealer and is just banking off our dreams and aspirations. 
No, but you can find that proliferating on YouTube and other places online easily enough though.
I have actually financially hobbled my business taking this path and lost a lot of customers to other producers because of the direction I have chosen. In some cases because I wasn't producing subliminals fast enough, in some cases because I didn't produce the right titles, and in some cases for other reasons. The way I do things, and the end goal, is based on two things. First, what does the data say? I don't care what anyone tells me, except my customers. What they are experiencing tells me what is and isn't working, and guides me to what will work, one step at a time. And second, the end goal is to create a level of subliminal that can achieve the goal, regardless of what it is, for almost all of my customers, almost all the time. (I know that a perfect solution is hopeless, and eventually we would have me spending decades chasing small improvements not worth the time anymore.)
Furthermore, nobody is forcing you to buy my subs. There are cheaper subs. There are subs that don't require six or more months to use. There are subs that promise much more grandiose and magical outcomes. There are subs that claim to need only minutes a day or week to do amazing things. Far be it from me to decide for you what you should run amongst this sea of options! But the path I choose is to try to develop subliminals that actually achieve their goals and give you what you pay for.
I guess it just depends on how long you’re willing to wait. I see some users spending years of their lives trying to achieve ‘sexual irresistibility to beautiful women’ lol like that’s even possible. Every one has their preferences attitudes or level of craziness whether they’re beautiful or not.
It is not just possible, it's already been accomplished multiple times by myself and at least two other people I can remember, using DMSI.
Quote:The more beautiful a girl is the more likely she will think she doesn’t need you anyway unless you do something for her personally as opposed to being a mascot.
That is not correct. Typically, the more beautiful a girl is, the more she will tend to still be human under all the skin and makeup. And like any other human, press the right buttons and she will respond accordingly. By the way, don't forget that DMSI is designed to be usable by anyone, and will work to influence men and women according to the user's personal preferences.
Quote:Some of the goals just seem unrealistic to me. There has to be a sense of realism if you want to live in the real world and not a fairy tale.
"Realistic" as defined by you, I presume. Which I am also presuming is based on your personal experience, which I further presume that you think represents all possible outcomes. Or you're just trolling me.
You must think I'm a delusional moron to have started working on DMSI, and kept working on it by the sounds of it. But I would never have started the job, and certainly wouldn't have kept working on it, if I didn't know from the start that it was both possible and "realistic" to achieve the goal. It's just a matter of finding the reasons people don't succeed and eliminating them until they do. For a long time, the only issues were fear from the user of achieving the goals, fear from the affected of being judged for responding and self limiting beliefs like what you're expressing here.
If you don't want to achieve this goal so much, why do you even care if it's "realistic"? Why not just ignore the program?
Quote:I wouldn’t trash the manifestation subs. Of course I can only speak from personal experience but the AYP and FYPJ (although I didn’t finish) gave some great results.
Any program I make will give a person great results, if they use it properly and allow it to execute. I find them useful also, but the fact remains that the majority of people self sabotage when using them and get no results. Of course getting no results is why they self sabotage, and the fact that it would achieve those results is why they have to self sabotage to prevent them.
Quote:If there were more focus on these I think there would be much more satisfaction. But of course this is just my opinion, I’m totally open to being wrong.
The manifestation subs will get their day, but I'm not going to build an entire series of subs again and again every time I advance the tech. They will be rebuilt when I hit 6G.
On the contrary I think your talents are being wasted on DMSI.
There’s a great set of books by an author called Esther Vilar called ‘the manipulated man’ and ‘the polygamous sex’ that basically outline how girls will deliberately suppress their desires (unlike men) from an early age in order to force men into a one-sided sexual dependency and maintain control and power over them, and they’ve been doing this since the beginning of history. Yes there’s a sex drive in everyone, but there’s also a survival drive that’s much stronger, and guys have had way easier for too long.
My point is that you’re trying to not only overcome this guys resistance but also the resistance of any other beautiful girl who’s already decided she’d rather keep a guy on a leash than have one night stands irresponsibly, which is also reinforced by centuries of conditioned societal accepted norms.
Maybe it’s possible but at what cost, full on mind control?
Back when DMSI was just about an aura it made sense, but now it seems like, with all due respect, you’re fighting against fundamental laws of nature.
(10-25-2021, 08:08 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]On the contrary I think your talents are being wasted on DMSI.
There’s a great set of books by an author called Esther Vilar called ‘the manipulated man’ and ‘the polygamous sex’ that basically outline how girls will deliberately suppress their desires (unlike men) from an early age in order to force men into a one-sided sexual dependency and maintain control and power over them, and they’ve been doing this since the beginning of history. Yes there’s a sex drive in everyone, but there’s also a survival drive that’s much stronger, and guys have had way easier for too long.
My point is that you’re trying to not only overcome this guys resistance but also the resistance of any other beautiful girl who’s already decided she’d rather keep a guy on a leash than have one night stands irresponsibly, which is also reinforced by centuries of conditioned societal accepted norms.
Maybe it’s possible but at what cost, full on mind control?
Back when DMSI was just about an aura it made sense, but now it seems like, with all due respect, you’re fighting against fundamental laws of nature.
That argument rests on a large simplification, namely that all men are involuntarily bound to be controlled by their sexual desires. Shannon has long time ago when developing AM realized that this is a huge factor on becoming a self-sufficient man, to no longer be ruled by the primal instincts, but instead achieve mastery over yourself. This in turn is what makes women crazy over the Alpha Male, as he can't be controlled by them.
You have a point that this is generally how people work, and it's kind of depressing that the relationship is so much coloured by manipulation and the fight for control and power, but it's not insurmountable. And if a man can overcome and master his sexual desires, I believe a man can develop the sexual presence that make women trow all their ideas of "keeping their power" as it's just simply a to good deal to pass on, sleeping with this man. Just as the character Don Corleone said - "I'm going to give him (her) an offer that he (she) can't refuse" - maybe not by the threat of violence, but that potential emotional experience (and we know women are not reluctant to go for those) that being with a irresistible (hence the name) man can give them.
(10-25-2021, 10:36 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: [ -> ] (10-25-2021, 08:08 AM)Cozy Wrote: [ -> ]On the contrary I think your talents are being wasted on DMSI.
There’s a great set of books by an author called Esther Vilar called ‘the manipulated man’ and ‘the polygamous sex’ that basically outline how girls will deliberately suppress their desires (unlike men) from an early age in order to force men into a one-sided sexual dependency and maintain control and power over them, and they’ve been doing this since the beginning of history. Yes there’s a sex drive in everyone, but there’s also a survival drive that’s much stronger, and guys have had way easier for too long.
My point is that you’re trying to not only overcome this guys resistance but also the resistance of any other beautiful girl who’s already decided she’d rather keep a guy on a leash than have one night stands irresponsibly, which is also reinforced by centuries of conditioned societal accepted norms.
Maybe it’s possible but at what cost, full on mind control?
Back when DMSI was just about an aura it made sense, but now it seems like, with all due respect, you’re fighting against fundamental laws of nature.
That argument rests on a large simplification, namely that all men are involuntarily bound to be controlled by their sexual desires. Shannon has long time ago when developing AM realized that this is a huge factor on becoming a self-sufficient man, to no longer be ruled by the primal instincts, but instead achieve mastery over yourself. This in turn is what makes women crazy over the Alpha Male, as he can't be controlled by them.
You have a point that this is generally how people work, and it's kind of depressing that the relationship is so much coloured by manipulation and the fight for control and power, but it's not insurmountable. And if a man can overcome and master his sexual desires, I believe a man can develop the sexual presence that make women trow all their ideas of "keeping their power" as it's just simply a to good deal to pass on, sleeping with this man. Just as the character Don Corleone said - "I'm going to give him (her) an offer that he (she) can't refuse" - maybe not by the threat of violence, but that potential emotional experience (and we know women are not reluctant to go for those) that being with a irresistible (hence the name) man can give them.
I believe if a man don't need but desire sex, women, power, relationships, friend.. that is what turns them on, not only women but every people around them. this is what alpha males do.
No needing to say, manipulation is not even on the table, who uses AM and obtain results, will know exactly when and how is happening a manipulation, it is really obvious when you realize once.