(04-07-2021, 02:13 PM)serenitymoon Wrote: [ -> ] (04-07-2021, 01:22 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]The perception of your own natural pheromones will tend in the vast majority of cases to be a 100% mismatch, meaning they smell bad to you. However, pheromones are designed to smell good to those who are genetically compatible with you, and bad to those who have too similar an immune system to yourself. This results in attracting people with whom you can have the healthiest babies by diversifying the immune system.
The pheromone signature you give off will be maximized for attracting the people you most want to have sex with. I suggest showering every other day to every 3rd day, and using a light deodorant like a crystal to minimize the negative while maximizing the positive.
V interesting, thanks Shannon.
I've done 8 days now, so the next 4 days I have off. What's the logic behind the break - is it not to overload our systems so as to prevent resistance to the program?
Day 9: No "odd coincidences" today, but must have received well over 10 stares when I went out to get a coffee (although mostly by people almost 3x my age!)
The ASRB2 (Autio to Silence Balancer Ration #2, which is the days on to days off) is intended to do two things:
- It allows an "overburn" effect while using the subliminal and
- It allows a "bloom effect".
When I say "overburn" it can be likened to a rocket engine that is dealing with a lot of gravity to overcome. In this case, the "gravity" equates to resistance based on fear. If we take a rocket that has a sufficiently powerful engine to overcome the effects of gravity, we can simply have it burn at the optimal thrust level and take the rocket to orbit. Steady burn. But if the gravity exceeds the ability of the rocket to overcome gravity's effects and achieve escape velocity, then we need a more powerful engine, right?
But what if a sufficiently powerful engine requires so much energy being burned per unit of time that it needs time to cool off, or it will literally melt itself and fail? The solution is to do an "overburn" where you push extra hard until right before the point of failure, and then shut the engine off. The achieved momentum will carry you forward until the engine cools sufficiently, whereupon you re-ignite before losing progress and continue ascent. This allows escaping the gravity, achieving orbit, and not having the engine self destruct.
Basically, what it's there for is to allow you to overcome the resistance that subconscious fear (of the goal, of the process, of the consequences, of losing control, of somehow literally dying, etc.) causes (which would prevent you [the rocket] from achieving the goal [orbit]). We must burn the engines at escape velocity (push harder than the subconscious resistance does), which results in too much heat (exhausting your brain/mind between the force of resistance vs the force of progress), so we turn off the engine (subliminal) and allow you to coast ("bloom") while the engine cools off (you gather more mental energy). When we reach the balance point between the fading effects of the engine's last burn (days on the subliminal) and the engine being cool enough to re-ignite (you have enough mental energy to keep going), we re-ignite the engine (play more days on).
"Bloom" is what happens when you play a powerful subliminal that your subconscious is trying to resist while it's being played, which it stops trying to resist when it is turned off. This is common when a person doesn't like "being told what to do" because that makes them feel threatened because someone else has control of them, and they don't trust that other person. In some cases, people's subconscious may respond this way to subliminal input. The subliminal is working, but that part of their subconscious that is resisting is actively fighting it, thus reducing or eliminating any obvious effects. When the input stops, the "being told what to do" perception goes away, and the subconscious executes the script because it is now free to do so "because it wants to", instead of "because you told me to".
Bloom also happens because it takes a lot of energy to input, decode, execute and store the subliminal instructions. Doing all that while executing, therefore, requires more overall resources than it would to just execute. So the very act of listening somewhat degrades the results because the subliminal has to be powerful enough to override the fear that resists achieving the goal, which requires a lot more complexity to make, which requires a lot more energy, attention and division of resource to process.
I've made significant improvements in all this since DMSI 3.3.2 came out. But ASRB2 is still useful.