(02-13-2021, 08:12 AM)JustAnotherLeader Wrote: [ -> ] (02-11-2021, 03:55 PM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]Legendary 3G programs? "Legendary" didn't start until 5G.
3G was a thing between 2006 and 2008. That's at least, what, 13 years ago now? I don't even really remember them. You say 4G makes you tired. Have you tried anything in higher gens?
Thanks @Shannon. No, I haven't tried anything higher than 4g, and I am hesitant because English is my second language and I hear the scripts are quite complicated.
Each generation of scripts is more complicated than it's predecessors. That is the nature of advancing techniques and technology. But if you can use a 3 or 4G sub and get results, then you can use any of them and get results. The subconscious works in very different ways than the conscious mind, and what you worry about is based on your conscious ability to remember and understand English. But your subconscious never forgets anything. You still have memories of your own birth stored in your subconscious, for example. Anything you have been exposed to, any English you ever understood, your subconscious mind still understands.
In addition, we have had a couple of reports over the years that suggest that the subconscious may actually understand languages the conscious mind can neither speak nor comprehend at all. I'm not sure how to explain that, but we have had those reports twice.
Quote:I am currently considering buying UMS 5.75G, so it makes a way to more expensive ones in the future, given that I can still benefit from it as a non-native speaker? I am currently running US 4g and LM 4g, the first one in the morning 4-6hr and the later one in the evening, sometimes overnight in one run.
First, getting tired because you're using s subliminal doesn't mean it's too powerful for you. It means it's using more energy than you have available for it to use. This is a big part of why I went from a limit of 3 programs at once in 3G to 2 in 4G to 1 in 5G+. Simple exhaustion. Sometimes, this exhaustion resulted from using too many programs at once; sometimes it was because the programs in use contradicted eachother's goals; and sometimes, it was because the subconscious would fight to un-do what was being done out of fear that the process of achieving the program's goal, or the goal itself, would have undesirable consequences. The subconscious is not logical, and sometimes these fears are based on experiences that people had so young they don't even remember them, where the "logic" in use was so primitive it makes no sense at all. That is part of why I kept advancing generations: to overcome those fears and resistances.
Higher and higher generations have become more and more powerful, effective, successful and efficient, so they can do more and more with the same amount of energy.
I suggest that if you'd like to try out a higher generation subliminal, go for Overcoming Fear v2. It will act as a clearing out of the fears you have at subconscious and conscious levels, and with those fears dealt with, any sub you run will be much more effective. It will have a huge positive impact on your life in a variety of directions. While you run that for the instructed amount of time (8 months, if I recall correctly), save up for the next program. Your path will be much better this way than just jumping into UMS.
Quote:Would I lose any effects if I upgraded after the 32nd day? should I take a break before starting a 5g program although it's pretty much the same one?
You said above you were considering using UMS 5.75G. That's far beyond what you're using right now. It's also not a 5G. What 5G are you referring to?
Anytime you start using a different subliminal, the new program will start influencing you and the old programming will execute according to the power difference and how deeply it has penetrated and become core programming. So running a 3G after a 5.75.5G isn't going to do much at all to the programming of the 5.75.5G program, but doing the reverse will immediately obliterate the effects of the 3G program simply because one is literally hindreds of times more powerful than the other.
Again, though, I strongly recommend that if you upgrade to a modern generation of programming, you should run Overcoming Fear v2 first. Its effects will distract from what you've been doing before, but it will not prevent you from executing them. Once you have run OF v2 properly, any program we offer will be much more effective because you won't have your subconscious sometimes trying to resist out of fear, and sometimes not.
Quote:PS: I'm at the end of the 2nd week, and I'm already benefitting from them. I'd highly appreciate keeping the momentum.
In the case that you want to keep the momentum, then you should keep using those programs. But there are much better and more powerful, effective, useful and encompassing programs available that are going to be better choices in various ways.
Quote: (02-12-2021, 12:07 PM)Frosted Wrote: [ -> ]For 3/4g I know that Ultra success and Luck maginfier were extremely popular. For 5g I recommend the Alpha Male training set. You can buy it one stage at a time if you're having trouble with money.
Thanks, US/LM is what I'm currently running as stated above, and AM is definitely on my list, but I was planning to swim in the low waters in the beginning. Now it seems like a dumb decision, but I also remember Shannon mentioning a type of resistance that causes you to disobey the instructions in some other topic.
Also, I wonder how come we can't run more than two 4g programs although some of the 5g programs include 5+ different topics like those?
Is it the number of topics or the amount of script that matters? How much would I possibly ruin it if I were to experiment with another 4g program that is actually my goal of US, and I am also running the LM 4g. Just like 3-5 days to see what's up. I get results in about 2 days from 4g programs.
The key is how they are scripted. The way I achieve the goal is to focus all of your available resources on achieving it. If you are using 2 different programs, in most cases they will degrade each other's performance just because the goals are not compatible, and then you're trying to split the resources on top of that.
I can script multiple goals into a single script because I can make them act in synergistic ways. One feeds the next, which feeds the next, which eventually feeds back to the first. This decreases the competition for resources while enhancing the achievement of the goal. You will still have some degradation because of the different goals, but usually the difference can be more than made up for with the power of the generation itself. Trying to make AM6 in 4G would not work, because 4G wasn't powerful enough to support the complexity. AM6 in 5G is much more complex than AM5 was in 4G, and yet it still works better than AM5 did because the 5G technology format is so much more powerful than 4G was.
By the way, if you like the combination of US and LM, we do have USLM as a single program in 5.75G. But again... much better to run OF v2 and clear away the fears that will slow you down otherwise.