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Full Version: Vote on What subs you want to see Next!
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Ok, so i went through the last couple of pages of the discussion journal to see what ideas there were and will just do a manual poll where I count people's votes in their threads and edit this post as needed. I also did this because I wasn't sure a poll allows you to vote for multiples. So I will just do the poll Manually. I decided also split it between subs that could probably be done now and ones you would eventually like to see, say in the next few months. I did this also because Shannon said to some of these suggestions he can't actually make them yet as they require a few more steps. 

Anyway, here is the list of things he can do in the short term:
Lucide Dreaming Sub/ dream your solution (3)
Trading Sub/Ultimate Trading success (4)
Psychic Sub (10)
GPR Sub (2)
Find Enjoyment in anything you do (Nomad's suggestion be able to use along primary sub)(1)
DRS (3)
Master your Talents
Balance Your Brain hemispheres (1)
MLS (6)
UMOP (2)
USLM (2)
Help figure out your passion and pursue it (1)
Believe it is possible and use the law of attraction to obtain it (1)
Manifest your perfect girlfriend (1)
Self Esteem/Self Worth (6)
Develop photographic memory (4)
Natural HGH Booster (2)
Metabolism Booster (2)
Aura of Dominance (2)
Law of Attraction master (Psychic Abilities/Dream your best solution/Powerful visualization abilities)(1)
Ultimate Productivity (2)
Writing (1)
Maximize your physical Attractiveness (2)
Gratitude and appreciation/Happiness and Joy (1)
Disconnect from Negative stress (2)
Overcome Victim Mentality (1)
Absolute Self Confidence (2)
Daos (1)
Overcome Tinnitus (1)
Grow Taller (3)
Enlarge Penis size (1)
Body Building (3)
Ultimate Peak Performance (3)
Transformational Absorption Shield (TAS - Transformed into Loving/Kindness/Wisdom) (2)
Transformational Reflection Shield (Transformed to Loving Kindness and reflected back) (2)
50/50 Shield (Combo of TAS and TRS) (2)
Improve your hearing (1)
Improve your hearing and sight combo (2)
Teeth Straightening (1)
Regeneration Sub (1)
Ultimate Sales Success (1)
Manifest Your Ideal Job (1)
Manifest Your Ideal Business-Partner (1)
Ultimate Presentation Success (1)
Get A Raise 5.75G (1)
Get Out Of Debt 5.75G (1)
Find Your Purpose (job related)(1)
Become a Successful Wedding Photographer (1)
Find Your Perfect Side-Hustle (1)
Become A Master Coder (1)
Ultimate Peak Performance (1)
Ultimate Social Media Success (1)
Ultimate Productivity (1)

Sub to come out eventually:
UMS v2 (I put this here since it will be time consuming and Shannon needs to make money at the moment)(7)
DMSI (possibly now with current upgrades according to one vote)(4)

Cast your vote in a post below and I will start adding up the Tallies for each as I edit the post throughout the next couple of days when I have time. If anyone has any other suggestion titles do let me know in a post below and I will put them in this post. Obviously you can vote for more than one title. Just vote for whatever interests you. 

P.S. Already added my votes just waiting on everyone else.
Lucid dreaming sub +1
DRS and pain relief, both usable as ‘pills’ in the moment alongside another major sub (which is the main point here: most of us embarked on a 7 to 8 months journey already, we are more likely to buy a product that can be used alongside our major program.)
What is GPR?
1) FIRST and foremost UMS v2 Definitely still stands in my Book.

2) Psychic Abilities Sub- Enhance Psychic Abilites - I"d love to see a psychic sub,just period. one that I've suggested before as many have,but again its a time thing. maybe it could actually come to fruition, this time, or some version there of. especially with all 5 new breakthru's and other additional improvements, add in ,for more than good measure. That would include some of USLM v4.2 ,DRS and FRM 4.9 'er Higher.

3) Lucid Dreaming WITH Dream Solutions - built in,too!! DMT effects while lucidly dreaming might be the coolest effect too. I wanna see the blue lady guide "over there" again!! DMT is naturally made in the Brain anyway,just perhaps some sub' programming to up the doses or something? Then a real lucid happen just might occur!!

PS: For the record,I am NOT promoting any kind of drugs,legal usage or so called illegal either, #2) I Have never taken DMT or the like. I've seen some vid's on people who have, have known some folks who've had near death full blown expereinces( I have had similar,as well) and have done some alternative 'herbal all natural stuff" as well.

I dont drink smoke,no drug, am not addicted to gambling, porn,ect. I Have however had, some awesome out of body, and some very altered states,stuff happen, over the last 50 yrs as such. I just know that the subsconscious can be incredibly powerful and that the technology here and that which is to come can be very powerful and effective too.
there are some subliminal stuff here that can "alter you' for a while...or theres more or less where Im coming from.
Also MY Vote is for a FULL BLOWN Lucid Dream Sub and notta focus fire.
One sub I've wanted to bring up for a while that I feel like would be an easy one to bring up to current power levels is an old sub 3G sub from IML, and that's Balance Your Brain Hemispheres. Seems like an easier sub to make and to bring it up to the current power and generation standards would make it really powerful. And Shannon mentioned going through the catalog of older titles to see what could be remade.
(01-01-2021, 07:34 PM)London1 Wrote: [ -> ]What is GPR?
General Pain Relief
+1 for UMS2
Dream Your Best Solution & Lucid Dreaming (Idk if they both done)

if you working on a trading system or some kind of problem that you encountered so, what would be better than dreaming the best or nearly best solution ?
Subconscious can connect to hive mind and find the best solution

our particular problem was encountered once in time and space. %100
UMS +1
Just so Shannon knows, I am on OF so will probably run that untill UMS comes out.
If another program comes out i will probably not buy it yet, since OF is a long term commitment.
Trading sub
DRS, Psihic Sub and DMSI.
Help you figure out your passion and pursue it. Believe it is possible and use the law of attraction to attain it.
I want the basics but I want it in 6G versions:
  1. Alpha Male
  2. Sex Magnet
  3. Women Magnet
  4. Become a Successful Entrepreneur
  5. Rennaisance Man
For the in-between of 5.75.5G and 6G would be:
  1. Maximum Learning Speed
  2. USLM 
  3. UMS v2
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