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Full Version: Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women AND Women Magnet = No More??
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just wondering seeing that i have been reading about these in the forums.

Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women
Women Magnet

are these programs still available?

seems like when i click on the link in a post, i get a 404 page.

or are these programs no longer for sale?

I believe WM was replaced with Sex Magnet.

Not sure about the other, but the title sounds close to BIATBW. So it may have been replaced too.
(01-08-2012, 06:09 PM)AeJe Wrote: [ -> ]SHANNON-

just wondering seeing that i have been reading about these in the forums.

Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women
Women Magnet

are these programs still available?

seems like when i click on the link in a post, i get a 404 page.

or are these programs no longer for sale?

Woman Magnet = Manifest Abundant Beautiful Women. This program is available, it can be found under the 'Of interest to men' section in the shop. The links on the forum are bit screwed up, just take out the section/genre/whatever (in this case; from the link to make them work properly again.

Here's a working link to WM.
Yes, they are one and the same program, and the link above leads you to it.

and appreciate the link JAY!

thank you so much guys. Wink
not to kill a sale but has AeJe done Alpha?
Probably not. You do need to have done alpha before Woman Magnet, though.
Ok cool