01-05-2013, 10:35 AM
Quote:Thought i'd post my initial results with Ultra Motivation.
It's awesome so far..
Oh you want more than that?
I struggled initially to get going today. But eventually it just started flowing. I set up my own account on producteev for my website and posted some tasks and I have got several done today.
First was finding a better theme for my website. And reorganizing everything so it looked how I want in the theme.
I love how it looks now I also wrote an article.
I plan to write atleast something every day for my site but to release it over time, that way I will have so much content that I can release it regularly.
So i'm happy with the motivation so far! It's 9:08pm and I don't plan to stop. Got a few more things I want to do.
and four hours later...
Quote:Wow i'm pretty sure that today I got more done than I have in several months! I really like the productivity programming in Ultra Motivation!
I've got several things on producteev to do. I've achieved several of them already. And i'm tired but still wanting to do more. I'm just like "ahh I don't know what to do next" right now.
I will love this so much if it continues consistently!
Ben said this here and here.