Subliminal Talk

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Yes sorry for the wrong term, i'm referring to the download page. After placing my order in your shop I was connected to paypal and when I completed my payment transaction I was expecting a download page but there was none. paypal by the way sent me receipts for payment to indigomindlabs in my email.

I also signed in and checked on my account in your shop clicked on orders, there was no new listed orders but my previous purchases is still there with "processed status", I mean my account in subliminal shop was not updated the 3 titles should be there already with maybe "open" or "completed" status. I don't know. Anyways, patiently waiting here.. Smile .. Many Thanks Shannon!


Don't know where else to put this - but does anyone else get agitated after listening?

Before I started listening to subliminals my parents would ask me about doing stuff, always something technology related (like, "how do I find out on this phone who was the last person to call me?" etc); and they knew it pissed me off; I didn't hide my feelings that I didn't like being asked about something that I had no idea myself how to do - but after listening to the sub I've noticed that I get way more aggressive in my speaking, meaning I swear way more and they've noticed it; and this effect took me by surprise (my mother said I needed to take nerve pills; which in english would amount to something like "Geez, take a chill pill!"
I have attempted to split the posts and put Tigurinn's post in the proper forum, but somehow I seem to have managed to get a post I was not intending to get. Seabuscuit's issue has been resolved, so I will address Tigurinn.

Agitation is simply success of the program. You are in a situation in which there was suppressed frustration, and the self confidence program is simply making you feel strong enough to begin expressing it. The agitation is not from the program, but in response to the program giving you enough confidence to express agitation caused by your parents.