Subliminal Talk

Full Version: Value declaration
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I thought about that you often receive questions about how your subliminals operate - and they often stem from a lack of knowledge on what parameters they are built upon. I think there would be a good idea to have a longer material on what values your subliminals are built upon - as with AM for example. I know how you define an AM - as self assertive, validating, etc - but I don't know the underlying values that are built in inside the program. Things you take for granted or maybe see as trade secrets. What did you find out about the alpha male? 

I think that you could not only atttesct new costumers by providing this more extensive information, not only about your AM program but all programs - not giving out how they are built, but more about the underlying principles that you have used in building the program - and you would also have to spend less time explaining questions regarding this in a forum. 

Se the values as the guiding principles that you are using in building subliminals in general, and also principles for the specific programs. 

Just an idea. ,
Can you be more specific?